Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: National linguistic world-image in mental-speech activity of Mongolian and Russian native speakers (comparative study) Authors: M. G. Shkuropatskaya, U. Davaa Altay State Humanities and Education University, Biysk Russian Federation, Khovd State University, Khovd, Mongolia In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of the fragments of the Mongolian and Russian national linguistic worldviews. Linguistic world-image is considered as a component of the national mental linguistic consciousness that mediates the text processes. Thus, our research interest is focused on the problem of text generation and perception of the text, but not on the internal organization of the text. This study presents the following parameters of the organization of mental-speech activity of linguistic identity: referential relatedness, meta-referential relatedness and the relatedness of the modal linguistic picture of the world. A survey of native speakers of Russian and Mongolian languages is used as a research method. The linguistic material is described through associative fields of words of the thematic group «domestic animals». Factorial analysis (two-way ANOVA) by selected parameters reveals significant differences in the national language pictures of the world. A conclusion is made that verbal reactions to words-stimuli reflect their natural disposition to a certain mental-speech process. A significant predominance of event propositions over the logical ones in the associative fields of the Russian words is indicative of the orientation of Russian linguistic personality in the memories of typical situations using the object denoted by this word. The same number of eventive and logical propositions is observed in the Mongolian national linguistic worldview, suggesting that these linguistic persons are guided both by the non-linguistic reality and the situation of mental operations associated with these denotations. There is an excess of the number of situational meta-referents over systemic meta-referents in the Russian language, indicating that the Russian linguistic personality is oriented more toward the knowledge about the world in conditions of spontaneous text generation. There is a statistically significant excess of system meta-referents over situational metareferents in associative fields with the same words in Mongolian. This fact means that the Mongolian linguistic personality more often refers to the knowledge about the connections of words in language and speech. Imaginary modal referents quantify in the Russian language picture of the world in comparison with the Mongolian language picture of the world. All the conclusions of the authors are supported by statistical analysis. Keywords: Linguistic world-image, language person, Russian language, Mongolian language, associative fields of the words, pets Bibliography: Apresyan Yu. D. Izbrannye trudy. 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