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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: N. N. Podrezova, Yu. S. Kharlashkin Irkutsk State University, Irkutsk, Russian Federation In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The cemetery chronotope is considered for the first time in the space-time structure of the novel «Laurus» written by E. Vodolazkin. The cemetery chronotope represents one of the main chronotopes in the novel «Laurus». The cemetery culture constitutes the core of the socio-cultural code of any nation. Hence, the author depicts a significant part of the nation’s worldview by using the chronotope concerned. The paper analyses two forms of the cemetery chronotope presented in the novel «Laurus» – the cemetery and skudelnitsa. The description of their semantics is given: the integration of space structure, relevant characteristics and associative valency. For example, time at the cemetery is sacralized, the cemetery possesses a mnemonic function and is considered to be a space allowing living and dead people to contact with each other. In the novel, the village cemetery does not have any other description but silence. The silence characterizes the time spent at the cemetery as sacral, as one correlated to eternity and opposed to everyday’s life. This time is uneventful. There are only three episodes taking place partially in the cemetery: reading the favourite book, the old teacher’s funeral, the appearance of beloved Ustina. All three events are fateful for the main character. The mnemonic function of the cemetery in the novel differs from the modern one: the cemetery is anonymized – there is neither oral nor written speech (inscriptions on the tombstones). It is the mnemonic function that reflects the cultural code of medieval Russia, the attitude to God and the dead. The time in the novel possesses the category of perspective: some characters can see the future in their visions. The spacial structure of the cemetery correlating with the threshold chronotope and taking the mediatory semantics reflects the concept of the border. Another form of the cemetery chronotope is skudelnitsa, which is a burial place for suicides, unbaptized people and those who died a violent death. It differs from the cemetery in the following: skudelnitsa does not have any sacral function, it is not just an other-worldly space, but also a hostile one to the people alive; in addition to this it does not have any mnemonic function – this place is not meant to be visited. The novel highlights that the semantics of cemetery and skudelnitsa has not an archetypical but a contextual opposition: burial without a Christian rite is considered illegal. The main character resolves this conflict by deliberately choosing the burial method and giving skudelnitsa the status of the martyr’s burial place. The contextual opposition of the cemetery chronotope forms is found to underlie the narrative structure of the novel. Keywords: E. Vodolazkin, novel «Laurus», cemetery chronotope, the structure of the chronotope, the form of the chronotope, the semantics of the chronotope Bibliography: Arkhangel’skaya A. V. Vremya drevnerusskoye i sovremennoye v romane Evgeniya Vodolazkina “Lavr” [Old Russian and modern times in the novel “Laurus” by Evgeniy Vodolazkin]. Materialy nauch. konf. “Lomonosovskiye chteniya” 2013 g. i Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. studentov, aspirantov i molodykh uchenykh “Lomonosov-2013” [Materials of the scientific conference “Lomonosov Readings” 2013 and the International scientific conference of students, graduate students and young scientists “Lomonosov-2013”]. Sevastopol, 2013, vol. 1, pp. 113–114. URL: http://istina.msu.ru/publications/article/3634767/Vremya_drevnerusskoe_i_sovremennoe_v_romane_Evgeniya_Vodolazkina_Lavr.pdf (accessed 22.01.2017). Bakhtin M. M. 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