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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: E. A. Denisova, I. E. Loshchilov Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, Novosibirsk State Pedagogic In the section Study of literature
Abstract: The paper is devoted to the mythological plot of the blue flower in the Teffi’s collection «The Seven Lights», which was published in 1910 by the «Shipovnik» publishing house. The collection is divided into several small cycles dedicated to the seven gemstones. However, floral symbols are no less important. The main flower symbol is the lilac because the only collected «floral» cycle is called «White Lilac» and it contains motifs, artistic techniques that will be maintained in other poetic texts with floral symbolism. This work deals with another common floral symbol of the cycle – a blue flower appearing in three poems of the collection. These poems are not assembled into one cycle, but they can be considered as a whole according to the way how the cycle about lilacs was made on the basis of a common symbolism. Any mention of the blue flower refers to Novalis’s novel «Henry von Ofterdingen». The creativity of Novalis evoked interest in Symbolist writers, who were inspired by the ideas of Romanticism, its mystical and transcendental search. It is no accident that this novel became a source of inspiration for Teffi because she was a member of the circle of Symbolist writers. The blue flower in Teffi’s poetry is not a metaphor, but has a specific physical image – it is iris. However, the general cultural idea that a blue flower is a metaphor for an unattainable ideal remains the main semantic dominant in the collection of Teffi. Teffi unites the image of the lyrical heroine with the image of Aphrodite, thereby giving her the divine origin. For playing purposes, Teffi puts herself in the role of a character. Her poetic works can be seen through the prism of irony. One of the poems dissolves the myth about Cupid and Psyche, which is indirectly connected with the novel «Henry von Ofterdingen» because Novalis recreates the plot from the novel of Apuleius in a refracted form in one of the plugin novels. The actualization of the myth about Cupid and Psyche is also supported in two other poetic texts of the cycle by means of details. The poems of Teffi are ahead of the poetics of their time: she combines ancient myths with the myths of her modernity. Teffi uses all the borrowing primarily as a parody. Any of her works, whether it is a story, a feuilleton, a novel or a memoir, is full of irony, and the lyrics, despit The paper is devoted to the mythological plot of the blue flower in the Teffi’s collection «The Seven Lights», which was published in 1910 by the «Shipovnik» publishing house. The collection is divided into several small cycles dedicated to the seven gemstones. However, floral symbols are no less important. The main flower symbol is the lilac because the only collected «floral» cycle is called «White Lilac» and it contains motifs, artistic techniques that will be maintained in other poetic texts with floral symbolism. This work deals with another common floral symbol of the cycle – a blue flower appearing in three poems of the collection. These poems are not assembled into one cycle, but they can be considered as a whole according to the way how the cycle about lilacs was made on the basis of a common symbolism. Any mention of the blue flower refers to Novalis’s novel «Henry von Ofterdingen». The creativity of Novalis evoked interest in Symbolist writers, who were inspired by the ideas of Romanticism, its mystical and transcendental search. It is no accident that this novel became a source of inspiration for Teffi because she was a member of the circle of Symbolist writers. The blue flower in Teffi’s poetry is not a metaphor, but has a specific physical image – it is iris. However, the general cultural idea that a blue flower is a metaphor for an unattainable ideal remains the main semantic dominant in the collection of Teffi. Teffi unites the image of the lyrical heroine with the image of Aphrodite, thereby giving her the divine origin. For playing purposes, Teffi puts herself in the role of a character. Her poetic works can be seen through the prism of irony. One of the poems dissolves the myth about Cupid and Psyche, which is indirectly connected with the novel «Henry von Ofterdingen» because Novalis recreates the plot from the novel of Apuleius in a refracted form in one of the plug-in novels. The actualization of the myth about Cupid and Psyche is also supported in two other poetic texts of the cycle by means of details. The poems of Teffi are ahead of the poetics of their time: she combines ancient myths with the myths of her modernity. Teffi uses all the borrowing primarily as a parody. Any of her works, whether it is a story, a feuilleton, a novel or a memoir, is full of irony, and the lyrics, despite all its seeming intimacy, is not an exception. Keywords: Teffi, floral symbolism, myth, blue flower, borrowed plot Bibliography: Auslender S. A. Goluboy tsvetok (lektsiya Vyacheslava Ivanova 23 noyabrya) [Blue flower (lecture by Vyacheslav Ivanov on November 23)]. Apollon. 1909, no. 3, pp. 41–42. Bryusov V. Ya. Bibliograficheskiy otdel zhurnala “Russkaya Mysl’” [Bibliographic department of the journal “Russkaya Mysl”]. Russian Thought. 1910, no. 8, pp. 247–248. Fetisenko O. L. “Avantyurnyy roman” Teffi kak roman-mif [Teffi’s “Adventurous novel” as a novel-myth]. In: Tvorchestvo N. A. Teffi i russkiy literaturnyy protsess pervoy poloviny XX veka [N. A. Teffi’s creativity and the Russian literary process of the first half of the 20th century]. Moscow, Nasledie, 1999, pp. 111–148. Gorbovskaya S. G. Iz istorii “golubogo tsvetka” kak odnogo iz khudozhestvenno-literaturnykh simvolov frantsuzskoy, nemetskoy i russkoy literatur XIX v. [From the history of the “blue flower” as one of the artistic and literary symbols of the French, German and Russian literatures of the XIX century]. Vestnik Sankt-Peterburgskogo universiteta. Seria 9. Filologia, vostokovedenie, zurnalistika. 2010, iss. 1, pp. 16–25. Haber E. C. The queen of laughter and the knight of death: Nadezhda Teffi and Fedor Sologub. In: New Studies in Modern Russian Literature and Culture: Essays in Honor of Stanley J. Rabinowitz. Pt 1. Stanford, 2014, pp. 173–187. Ivanov Vyach. I. O Novalise [About Novalis]. In: Ivanov Vyach. I. Sobr. soch.: V 4 t. T. 4. [Collected works: in 4 vols. Vol. 4]. Brussels, Foyer Oriental Chretien, 1987, pp. 252–278. Novalis. Geynrikh fon Ofterdingen, per. Z. Vengerova; per. V. Gippius; vstup. st. Z. Vengerova [Heinrich von Ofterdingen. Transl. by Z. Vengerov, V. Gippius; introductory article by Z. Vengerov]. St. Petersburg, Gos. izd., 1922, 174 p. Teffi N. Sem’ ogney [Seven lights]. St. Petersburg, Shipovnik, 1910, 120 p.Vol’skiy A. L. Germenevtika simvola “goluboy tsvetok” v romane Novalisa “Genrikh fon Ofterdingen” [Hermeneutics of the symbol “blue flower” in Novalis’s novel “Henry von Ofterdingen”]. Izvestiya RGPU im. A. I. Gertsena. 2008, no. 81, pp. 168–175. |
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