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Name: Zhukovsky in the XXth century (Anisimova E. E. V. A. Zhukovsky’s creation in receptive consciousness of Russian literature of the first part of the XXth century. Krasnoyarsk: SFU, 2016. 468 p.)

Authors: E. V. Kapinos

In the section Review

Issue 4, 2016Pages 272-280
UDK: 82.09:821.161.1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/57/25

Abstract: The article is devoted to detailed analysis of the monograph «V. A. Zhukovsky’s creation in the receptive consciousness of Russian literature of the first part of the XXth century» by E. E. Anisimova that appeared in 2015. The author of the monograph finds Zhukovsky’s receptive trace in the works of other writers of the end of XIXth century and the beginning of XXth century, which are unrelated in poetics and stylistics. These are D. S. Merezhkovsky, I. F. Annensky, Yu. I. Eichenwald, I. A. Bunin, Ellis, B. K. Zaytsev, V. Nabokov, V. Mayakovsky, D. Harms, I. Ilf and E. Petrov, K. M. Fofanov, N. A. Zabolotsky. The monograph gives the visual representation of mobility of the receptive fields which, on the one hand, intensively changes, answering the questions of modernity and the reader audience and, on the other hand, accumulates the power of art formulas and forms that were found by Zhukovsky. A valuable monograph material referring to literary texts of the XXth century reflecting Zhukovsky’s creation and biography is also an overview of anniversaries connected with biography dates – the centenary since the birth (1883) and 50 years since Zhukovsky’s death (1902). The overview was made with the help of magazine and newspaper periodicals of 1883 and 1902 («Russian archive», «Russian messenger», «Historical messenger», «Exchange News», «Russian thought», «Messenger of Europe Nevsky archive», «The news of St. Petersburg city council»). The theme of the monument is given in an unusual way: the author interprets a number of Zhukovsky’s verbal and sculptural monuments and toponyms associated with the Zhukovsky’s name.

Keywords: reception, zhukovsky, ballad, biography, art biography, citation, reminiscence, knighthood, a. n. veselovskii, l. i. polivanov (p. zagarin), k. k. seydlitz


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Kapinos E. V. Prityazhenie rasskaza i romana (I.A. Bunin 1920-kh godov) [The Mutual Attraction of a Short Story and a Novel (Ivan Bunin’s Work in the 1920s)]. Kul’tura i tekst [The culture and a text]. 2014, no. 2(17), pр. 107–138.

Nosov S. Taynaya zhizn’ peterburgskikh pamyatnikov [Secret life of the St. Petersburg monuments]. St. Petersburg, Limbus Press, 2015, 272 р.

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Toporov V. N. Tyaga k bezdne (k retseptsii poezii Zhukovskogo v nachale XX veka. Blok – Zhukovskiy: problema reministsentsiy) [Attraction to a chasm (to reception of poetry of Zhukovsky at the beginning of the XX century. The block – Zhukovsky: problem of reminiscences)]. Toporov V. N. Peterburgskiy tekst russkoy literatury. Izbrannye trudy. St. Petersburg, Iskusstvo, 2003, pр. 583–594.

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Veselovskiy A. N. V. A. Zhukovskiy. Poeziya chuvstva i “serdechnogo voobrazheniya” [V. A. Zhukovsky. Poetry of feeling and “serdechnogo voobrazheniya”]. St. Petersburg, 1904, 548 р.

Zagarin P. V. A. Zhukovskiy i ego proizvedeniya [V. A. Zhukovsky and his works]. Moscow, 1883, 650 p. (the first pagination), 100 р. (the second pagination).

Zeydlits K. K. Zhizn’ i poeziya V. A. Zhukovskogo 1783–1852. Po neizdannym istochnikam i lichnym vospominaniyam [Life and poetry of V. A. Zhukovsky 1783–1852. On unpublished sources and personal memoirs]. St. Petersburg, 1883, 257 р.

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