Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
ArticleName: Formal expression of the Russian verb aspect and tense Authors: G. I. Panova In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper deals with the peculiarities of the formal expression of the Russian verb aspect and tense categories. The author takes into account the traditions of coping with this problem, namely the works of Y. C. Maslov. The perfective and imperfective meaningful verb structures are enumerated, paying attention to the derivational models for the formation of imperfectives, perfectives, general verb forms, and gives the factors determining a verb type. Also, the conditions for the lexeme fixedness are stated. The author describes the formal representation of the verb tense category from the position of the abstract morphological forms and word forms. A new approach is used according to which asymmetry is a characteristic feature in the morphological forms and word forms. Keywords: aspect determining factors, expression of the imperfective aspect, amalgamating feature of the aspect category, direct and indirect tense category expression, asymmetry in the morphological forms and word forms Bibliography: Admoni V. G. Partiturnoe stroenie rechevoy tsepi i sistema grammaticheskikh znacheniy v predlozhenii [The score structure of the speech chain and the system of grammar meanings in the sentence]. Filologicheskie nauki [Philological sciences]. 1961, no. 3, pp. 3–15. Bondarko A. V. Printsipy funktsional'noy grammatiki i voprosy aspektologii [The principles of functional grammar and the aspectology problems]. Leningrad, Nauka, 1983, 208 p. Bondarko A. V. Teoriya morfologicheskikh kategoriy i aspektologicheskie issledovaniya [The theory of morphological categories and aspectology research]. Moscow, Yazyki slavyanskikh kul’tur, 2005, 620 p. Bondarko A. V., Bulanin L. L. Russkiy glagol. Posobie dlya studentov i uchiteley [Russian verb. 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