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Name: Discussing the correlation of the notions «reflexive unit» and «regulative unit»

Authors: N. G. Petrova

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2016Pages 219-228
UDK: 811.161.1’38 + 81DOI: 10.17223/18137083/57/19

Abstract: The paper demonstrates not only the various definitions of the notions «reflexive unit» and «regulative unit» used in the recent philological studies but also deals with the above-mentioned notions’ classification worked out on the basis of the texts of different types. These notions have a number of common features but at the same time they display a lot of various definitions and possess diversities which are the result of different philological schools and peculiarities of the discursive practices which were chosen to be analyzed. Since the reflexive units and the regulative units are the ones functioning within the text system, having a well-pronounced reflexive nature and oriented at the reader or interlocutor they can be viewed as crossing notions and at the same time as compatible notions.

Keywords: reflexive unit, regulative unit, lexical regulative unit, theory of regulativity, text


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