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Name: Zoomorphic components in Yakut phraseological units describing a human

Authors: R. N. Anisimov

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2016Pages 203-218
UDK: 811.512.157’374DOI: 10.17223/18137083/57/18

Abstract: The paper attempts for the first time to make a comparative analysis of the Yakut phraseological units with related Turkic languages. The author uses the materials of Turkic languages of South Siberia (Altaic, Khakas, Tuvinian) relating to north-eastern Turkic languages. Turkish phraseological units are also compared. Turkic phraseological units are considered as «Yakut language – Turkish language, Turkic languages of South Siberia». The author analyzes the phrase-semantic field – «qualitative-evaluative characteristic of human» with zoomorphic components, representing the appraisive description of inner qualities: moral virtues, temperament, appearance, age, experience, skills, social position, behavior etc. This field organizes basic cultural concept – the «HUMAN», reflecting the national worldview, the system of general ideas of the world of native speakers.

Keywords: phraseological unit, component, zoonyms, comparative analysis, Тurkic languages, qualitative-evaluative characteristic of a face, appraisive phraseological units


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