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Name: Generation and perception of near-synonyms in a linguistic consciousness of preschoolers and primary school children (according to the experiment)

Authors: E. S. Denisova, А. А. Shumilova

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2016Pages 193-202
UDK: 81’373.421DOI: 10.17223/18137083/57/17

Abstract: The paper puts the question of the relevance of near-synonymy research in the light of modern linguistic concepts. It provides a brief review of the basic approaches to the studying of near-synonyms in the structural, psycholinguistic and cognitive areas. Special attention is paid to the problem of generation and perception of near-synonyms in children's linguistic consciousness. The object of research is to describe the near-synonymy phenomenon at different stages of children’s linguistic consciousness and to reveal the features of perception of nearsynonyms by preschoolers and younger students through their interpretation. The other purpose of our research is to see how the children realize the synonymy of linguistic units, how they can distinguish the near-synonyms from the synonyms. The method of psycholinguistic experiments allowed us to conclude that the establishment of near-synonymy depends on how fully and accurately the meaning of the word in the consciousness of a native speaker is formed. The results obtained can be used in the development of educational methods aimed at expanding the associative space, enriching the vocabulary and developing communication skills of children.

Keywords: near-synonyms, synonyms, identity of words, semantic proximity, linguistic consciousness


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