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Name: Silvestrovsky sbornik of Metropoliran Daniel’s epistles and «Sobornik»: questions of codification

Authors: L. I. Zhurova

In the section Study of literature

Issue 4, 2016Pages 29-38
UDK: 821.161.1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/57/3

Abstract: There are two types of collection in the creative heritage of Metropolitan Daniel: «Sobornik» (16 Words) and the collection of epistles (Silvestrovsky sbornik, 14 epistles). An analysis of their architectonics allows one to define some regularities in organization of author’s codexes and to approach the issue of two genre genesis: epistle and sermon. The epistles of the Silvestrovsky sbornik embody a system of texts that follows the epistolographic tradition and the theme of moral purity in monastic and temporal life. The codes of the collection of epistles are presented by the headings, the single-type appeals and the complex of the Holy Writ’s motives. The code in a structure of sintagmatic relations between the Words of Daniel’s «Sobornik» was the Holy Writ and its interpretations which gave rise to author’s intension and secured a motive structure of archbishop sermons. There were also subcodes represented by a single principle of Words’ structure (three-part structure, functions of the heads) and the position «author – reader», that appeared in a variety of appellatives.

Keywords: daniel, metropolitan of moscow, manuscript heritage, «sobornik», epistle, sermon, ties between texts, publicism


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