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Name: Polish verbal noun and the semantics of the beginning of action

Authors: E. E. Pchelintseva

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2016Pages 253-262
UDK: 81’366.587DOI: 10.17223/18137083/56/25

Abstract: The theoretical aspects of a verbal derivation of nouns in Polish language are considered in the article. The influence of aspectual semantics of the beginning of action on the productivity of verbs in the verbal nouns is studied on the materials of Polish corpus and dictionaries. Polish verbal nouns are usually considered to be regularly derived from the vast majority of verbs and to inherit almost entirely the verbal aspectual semantics. However, a continuous analysis of data from the National Corpus of Polish in comparison with the materials of a number of Polish dictionaries refutes this assertion. The aspectual semantics of several groups of Polish verbs is proved to systematically prevent their normalization. It is determined that the semantic feature of a quantitative-temporal limit of the action is hardly transposed to the noun form, i.e. the relevant units are either not available in corpus, or completely lose the feature in interest.

Keywords: verbal noun, aspectual semantics of the beginning of action, quantitative-temporal limit of the action


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