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Name: Authorisation and addressing as means of popularisation of scientific content (a case study of a popular scientific article)

Authors: D. V. Ilyina

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2016Pages 217-229
UDK: 811.161.1/81’276.6DOI: 10.17223/18137083/56/22

Abstract: The paper is concerned with the description of authorization and addressing as means of explication of relations between the author, the reader and the subject matter of a popular scientific article on a linguistic theme. The method is considered within the context of the informing and attracting functions of popular scientific sphere of communication, taking into account the limitations of communication conditions placed by the genre. A particular popular linguistic article has been envisaged in this respect. A way of achievement of the goals concerned has been studied, where the figures of the author, the reader and the subject matter enter into relationships appropriate of real communicators’ interactions – researchers and language speakers. Their variety and interchange are shown in the paper.

Keywords: popular scientific sphere of communication, popular scientific article, communication, communicative situation, viewpoint, authorisation, addressing


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