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Name: The correlation of degrees of expression of metalinguistic consciousness and the tendencies towards personalization and depersonalization

Authors: N. V. Melnik, T. D. Bogathanova

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2016Pages 199-207
UDK: 81’42DOI: 10.17223/18137083/56/20

Abstract: The focus of this paper is on the correlation of degrees of expression of metalinguistic consciousness and the tendencies towards personalization and depersonalization as a result of the textual activity of the nonprofessional linguistic personality. The material obtained in the linguistic experiment was subjected to the linguo-personalogical analysis using the classifications of degrees of expression of metalinguistic consciousness, metaindicators and linguistic and extralinguistic factors of a formation of the text, correlated to the trend towards personalization and depersonalization. The paper illustrates the basic principles of analysis of the secondary text at the level of creation and perception, generalizes results of research, and reveals the main reasons for the tendencies in question.

Keywords: linguistic personality, secondary text, metatext, metalinguistic consciousness, metaindicators, degrees of expression of metalinguistic consciousness, indicators of metatext, the tendencies towards personalization and depersonalization


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