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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology) | |
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Authors: S. A. Osokina In the section Linguistics
Abstract: The paper studies modern models of the thesaurus system: the system of knowledge about the world given in language signs. Most models can be described as semantic networks of different types. If we take the word as the basic thesaurus unit, it is very hard to design a system which would show not only paradigmatic relations between words but syntagmatic ones as well. Such models do not allow studying communicative functions of the thesaurus, only its role as information storage. We prove that word collocations, instead of separate words, should be considered the thesaurus units. The main argument is that set collocations suit the characteristics of knowledge listed in philosophical papers better than words. The article describes the steps of modeling the thesaurus net based on set collocations of words. The main advantage of the designed network is that its fragments can be compared with semantic networks of different types, including definitional, associative, implicational, and neural networks. Keywords: thesaurus, semantic network, collocation, knowledge, language picture of the world Bibliography: Anichkov I. E. Trudy po yazykoznaniyu [Works on linguistics]. St. Petersburg, Nauka, 1997, 512 p. Baranov O. S. Ideograficheskiy slovar' russkogo yazyka [Ideographic dictionary of the Russian language]. Moscow, ETS, 1995, 820 p. Chernavskiy D. S. Sinergetika i informatsiya (dinamicheskaya teoriya informatsii) [Synergy and information (dynamic theory of information)]. Moscow, Editorial URSS, 2004, 288 p. Filosofiya: entsiklopedicheskiy slovar' [Philosophy: encyclopedic dictionary]. Moscow, Gadariki, 2004, 1072 p. Filosofskiy entsiklopedicheskiy slovar' [Philosophy encyclopedic dictionary]. Gubskiy E. F. i dr. (ed.). Moscow, Infra-M, 2011, 570 p. Frolov I. T. (ed.) Filosofskiy slovar' [Philosophy dictionary]. Moscow: Politizdat, 2011, 570 p. Gasparov B. M. Yazyk. Pamyat'. Obraz. Lingvistika yazykovogo sushchestvovaniya [language. Memory. Image. Linguistics of language existence]. Moscow, Novoe literaturnoe obozrenie, 1996, 352 p. Karaulov Yu. N. Lingvisticheskoe konstruirovanie i tezaurus literaturnogo yazyka [Linguistic constructing and thesaurus of literary language]. Moscow, Nauka, 1981, 368 p. Karaulov Yu. N. Russkiy yazyk i yazykovaya lichnost' [The Russian language and language personality]. Moscow, Nauka, 1987, 262 p. Karaulov Yu. N., Chulkina N. L. Russkaya yazykovaya lichnost'. Integrativnyy aspekt v usloviyakh mezhkul'turnykh kommunikatsiy: uchebnoe posobie [Russian language personality. Integrative aspect under condition of cross-cultural communication]. Moscow, 2008. Available at: http://web-local.rudn.ru/web-local/uem/iop_pdf/192-Karaulov.pdf (accessed 25.08.2015). Karaulov Yu. N., Filippovich Yu. N. Lingvokul'turnoe soznanie russkoy yazykovoy lichnosti. Modelirovanie sostoyaniya i funktsionirovaniya [Linguistic-cultural consciousness of the Russian language personality]. Moscow, Azbukovnik, 2009, 336 p. Kasavin I. T. Znanie [Knowledge]. In: Entsiklopediya epistemologii i filosofii nauki [Encyclopedia of epistemology and philosophy of science]. Moscow: «Kanon+», ROOI «Reabilitatsiya», 2009. Available at: http://enc-dic.com/enc_epist/Znanie-116.html (accessed 23.08.2015). Kirkpatrick B. The Oxford Paperback Thesaurus. Oxford University Press, 1994, 909 p. Lukashevich N. V. Tezaurusy v zadachakh informatsionnogo poiska [Thesauruses in information search programs]. Moscow, Moscow State University, 2011, 512 p. Lukov Val. A., Lukov Vl. A. Metodologiya tezaurusnogo podkhoda: strategiya ponimaniya [Methodology of thesaurus approach: strategy of understanding]. In: Lukov V. A. (ed.) Znanie. Ponimanie. Umenie [Knowledge. Understanding. Skill]. 2014, no. 1, pp. 18–35. Lukov Val. A., Lukov Vl. A. Tezaurusnyy analiz mirovoy kul'tury [Thesaurus analysis of world culture]. In: Lukov V.A. (ed.) Tezaurusnyy analiz mirovoy kul'tury [Thesaurus analysis of world culture]. Moscow, Moscow University for the Humanities. 2005, vol. 1, pp. 3–15. Osokina S. A. Osnovaniya lingvisticheskoy teorii tezaurusa. Diss. dokt. filol. nauk. [Foundations for linguistic theory of thesaurus. Dr. philol. diss.]. Barnaul, 2015, 451 p. Shreyder Yu. A. Ob odnoy modeli semanticheskoy teorii informatsii [About one model of semantic theory of information]. Problemy kibernetiki [Problems of cybernetics]. Moscow, Nauka, 1963, pp. 233–240. Shreyder Yu. A. Semioticheskie osnovy informatiki (Lektsii) [Semiotic foundations of informatics (Lectures)]. Moscow, Institut povysheniya kvalifikatsii informatsionnykh rabotnikov, 1975, 80 p. Sowa J. F. Semantic Networks. Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence. Wiley, 1987, second edition 1992. Available at: http://www.jfsowa.com/pubs/semnet.htm (accessed 01.08.15). WordNet. A lexical database for English. Princeton University, 2015, March 17. Available at: http://wordnet.princeton.edu (accessed 08.08.2015). |
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