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Name: The Russian travelogue of the beginning of the XIX century: the phenomenon of the author strategy (on the materials of V. B. Bronevskoy’s travel notes)

Authors: N. V. Konstantinova

In the section Study of literature

Issue 3, 2016Pages 79-88
UDK: 821.161.1DOI: 10.17223/18137083/56/8

Abstract: The research is devoted to the main questions of the travelogue genre evolution in Russia in the beginning of the XIX century. The subject of a description in this article is the phenomenon of the author’s strategy in the V. B. Bronevskoy’s travel notes. The analysis of author-traveler’s narrative strategies allows us to reveal the travelogue genre specifics and to define the phenomenon of the travel notes authorship. The combination of two opposite points of view, a travelereyewitness and a traveler-writer, objectivity and subjectivity, documentation and literariness, is revealed in the narrative of the specific works of the beginning of the XIX century. Also, the marked examples in V. B. Bronevskoy’s travelogue evidently show rather the settings of the writer than of objective traveler. The story about the event of a trip turns to the formation of myth in the narration. During the writing, plunging into the narrative self-reflection, an eyewitness becomes a poet, an artist, a new world’s creator. A traveler learns Another consciousness, Strange world during the travelogue creation, comprehending the author’s function.

Keywords: author strategy, narrative, travelogue, author-traveler, self-reflection


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