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Name: Variants, usual way of writing, codification and policy of orthographists

Authors: E. V. Beshenkova

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2016Pages 35-42
UDK: 81.372.462DOI: 10.17223/18137083/56/3

Abstract: We consider the written way of communication as a self-developing system. The development of such a system is due both to a number of objective factors and to the subjective factor, a codifier activity. We define what should be the policy of codificators today, their attitude towards orthographic variants. The policy depends on the type of the causes of variability. Variants can be the results of double interpretations of linguistic components, the tendency to unification and differentiation, neutralization of systems dichotomy, system’s asymmetry. Only in the case of neutralization, is it expedient to codify variants, marking their preference.

Keywords: orthography, standard usage, codification, policy of codificators


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