Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Sibirskii Filologicheskii Zhurnal (Siberian Journal of Philology)
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Name: A complex edition of the folk songs of Tatars the Kryashens (Almeeva N. Yu. The songs of Tatars the Kryashens / Ed. by I. I. Zemtsovsky; Russian Inst. of Art history. Vol. 1: Pestrechinskaya (Primёshinskaya) group. St. Petersburg; Kazan, 2007. 311 p. + CD

Authors: Soldatova Galina Yevlampyevna

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Review

Issue 3, 2015Pages 264-270
UDK: 398.8DOI:

Abstract: The subject of this review is a new serial publication on folklore. Published recently have been two volumes of folk songs of Tatars the Kryashens, who form an ethnic and religious group of the Tatars. The books have been prepared by N. Yu. Almeeva, Ph. D., Senior Research Fellow of the Folklore Department of the Russian Institute of Art History. Each volume contains musical notations and lyrics of different genres (wedding, calendar, recruiting, etc.) in Tatar and in Russian, ethnomusicological paper, comments, stories about the rites and celebrations of Kryashens told by informants. The first volume includes the songs of the Pestrechinskaya (Primёshinskaya) group of the Kryashens, the second one – those of the Molkeevskaya. Both of the volumes contain the CD-ROM with audio recordings of the published songs, in the second volume there are also videos. This edition is the first monographic complex publication of folk songs of Tatars the Kryashens.

Keywords: tatars the kryashens, folk songs, complex edition, ethnomusicology, n. yu. almeeva


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