Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Jesus Christ in Slavonic fixed similes

Authors: Kuznetsova Irina Vladimirovna

Chuvash I. Yakovlev State Pedagogical University, Cheboksary, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 3, 2015Pages 232-240
UDK: 811.16’373.231:27-31DOI:

Abstract: The article deals with comparative analysis of the Slavonic fixed similes with component of Jesus Christ and his synonyms, their presentation in dictionaries and their usage by native speakers, including the functioning in the Internet discours. The article examines the literary and regional, direct and indirect fixed similes, describes the associative relations of the evangelism Jesus. The author relies on contexts from fiction and poetry XIX–XXI centuries, publicism, data of dialectal dictionaries and materials Internet. Contexts allow us to isolate the biblical comparison or their variants are not fixed in dictionares. She also provides functional and semantic analysis of the most common units. As a result the author reveals biblical structural semantic universals as well as set comparisons with national peculiarity. When establishing the motivation of the inner form of phraseological unit with component main character of the New Testament are taken into account lingual and extra-linguistic factors. The article contains a few examples of etymological commentaries. This analysis demonstrates not only biblical religions roots fixed similes but it reflects ancient mythological concepts of the Slavs.

Keywords: biblical phraseology, slavonic fixed similes, phraseography, dynamic processes, usage, biblical characters, jesus christ, etymology


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