Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: From Podlipovka to America: two limits of reality in the prose by F. M. Reshetnikov and V. G. Korolenko

Authors: Kozlov Alexey Evgenyevich

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University

In the section Study of literature

Issue 3, 2015Pages 119-129
UDK: 821.161.1DOI:

Abstract: The paper investigates the semantic border and limits of the travelogue story in the prose of F. M. Reshetnikov and V. G. Korolenko. Also investigated is the category of anthropological authenticity. The selection of characters of peasants, whose picture of the world is significantly mythologized, determines in both cases the narrative specificity of their works. The world observed by the character is transformed into simple framework. Whatever does not find any verbal equivalent, is excluded from the consciousness of the character, and next, of the narrator. The factor uniting the two works is the effect of a «veiled» travelogue. In general, effect «hidden» travelogue connects two investigated texts. The path traversed by Podlipovians was known to the author Reshetnikov; the travel to America realized by V. Korolenko’s characters, is also based on the writer’s life experience. The break with the travelogue form in favour of fictional genre is undeniably an interesting phenomenon in the context of the research into the semantic limits of the travelogue plot.

Keywords: russian literature, travelogue, travelogue plot, v. g. korolenko, f. m. reshetnikov


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