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Name: Interlingual Coordination in Modern Kazakhstan

Authors: S. Zh. Tazhibaeva, T. A. Kozyrev

L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University, Astana , Kazakhstan; International Turkic Academy, Astana, Kazakhstan

In the section Linguistics

Issue 2, 2015Pages 124-133
UDK: 81’27DOI:

Abstract: The paper reviews the real language situation in modern Kazakhstan and estimates the changes in it in the last 24 years. It raises the problems, connected with mastering the state language and its role in the society. The authors show that the language policy in modern Kazakhstan is effective and that it is aimed first of all at reviving the Kazakh language, at expanding the sphere of using it, as well as at preserving the cultural functions of the Russian language and at developing the languages of other peoples of Kazakhstan. And special emphasis is laid on the objective necessity of the steps taken by the state to introduce the Kazakh language as a really functioning state language. The authors have drawn this conclusion based on the analysis of the changes for the better that have occurred in the structure of the Kazakhtan society and, accordingly, in the social consciousness of the Kazakhstanians within the span of the years of independence from 1991 up to now.

Keywords: language policy, language situation, state language, official language


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