Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Figurative and scenario components of the mental structure «Laughter» in the Russian language map of the world

Authors: Popova Svetlana Andreevna

Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 1, 2015Pages 232-238
UDK: 81 + 81’37DOI:

Abstract: The paper describes the main cognitive signs of the mental structure «Laughter» in the Russian language map of the world and emphasizes the complexity of its organization. It is noted that the analyzed mental structure can be considered as a concept-image and as a concept-scenario. The author presents metaphors with the semantics of laughter which demonstrate the figurative component of the mental structure where laughter is represented as а substance or а material, а liquid, а medicine, а weapon, а shield, аn illness, a death etc. In considering the scenario of laugh-ter the author describes the elements of the humorous situation: a subject, an object, a causer of laughter, the interrelations between a subject and an object, appraisal and emotional components. Special attention is paid to the interaction of the figurative and scenario components of the given mental structure. Among the metaphors there turn out complicated images that unfold into one or another scenario describing the situation of laughter. As an example the author of the paper dwells on a metaphor of a war and that of an illness.

Keywords: language map of the world, mental structure, concept, concept-image, concept-scenario, lexico-semantic field, lexeme, metaphor


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