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Name: Communicative strategies in the military discourse

Authors: Ulanov Andrey Vladimirovich

Siberian Institute of Business and Information Technologies Omsk Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2014Pages 246-254
UDK: 811.161.1DOI:

Abstract: The paper is devoted to the analysis of approaches to the concept of «communication strategy» in modern linguistics and to its application to the discursive practices of the language. The description of the implementation of speech strategies in the Russian institutional military discourse is preceded by a survey of viewpoints on the cognitive and pragmalinguistic nature of speech strategy. The material studied by the author belongs among the written discourse phenomena: the author focuses on the assessment of the communicative behavior of the XIX century servicemen, presents his own point of view on the implementation of strategies in the speech of the military. The paper cites examples of language means, participating in the formation of the communicative goals of the military discourse. Having analyzed the pragmatic content of the document, which constitutes part of the military-discursive space of the XIX century, one can conclude that the speech strategy of servicemen at that time was due to the speech situation of the communication, and in particular, to the speech events of the military situation.

Keywords: military discourse, communicative strategy, discursive practice, communicative behaviour


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