Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: Discursive synthesis of the Apeiron concept in the novel «Socrates of the Siberian Athens» by Kolupyaev: the Athenian layer

Authors: Nikiyenko Irina Vladimirovna

Tomsk State Pedagogical University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2014Pages 229-237
UDK: 811.161.1'38 + 821.1DOI:

Abstract: The discourse of Kolupayev\’s later prose works is a synthetic phenomenon originating from the interaction of different discourses: scientific and artistic, institutional and personal, and parodic and original. The synthetic discourse of Kolupayev\’s novel «Socrates of the Siberian Athens» reflects the complexity of the individual world view of the Siberian science fiction writer. At the macro level, the key concepts of his world view have two aspects, the so-called Athenian and Siberian layers. A central place in the conceptual system of the novel is occupied by the concept of Apeiron as an integral part of the hyperconcept of the first principle (arche). The Athenian layer of Apeiron is synthesized in the text of «Socrates of the Siberian Athens» with reliance on the very nonuniform ancient tradition in interpreting this concept, revealing an initial level in the personalization of institutional relationships. It appears that the asymmetric opposition betwen the indefinite and the infinite, which is revealed within the Athenian layer of the Apeiron idioconcept, is also relevant for the Siberian layer.

Keywords: synthetic discourse, individual world view, artistic adaptation of a non-artistic concept, apeiron concept


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