Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Name: On the structural and semantic correlation of grammatical units of the languages from typologically different systems

Authors: Ozolinya Larisa Viktorovna

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Linguistics

Issue 4, 2014Pages 196-202
UDK: 81.2.2DOI:

Abstract:  The paper considers the problems of finding out and substantiating the universal criteria of part-of-speech differentiating of units in typologically different languages. With the widely spread sincretic root feature in the Tungusic languages (grammatical homonimy) and such a syntactic norm as the fixed word order in the sentence, brought traditionally to the fore are some syntactic characteristics complemented by morphological categorical features (declension and possession, conjugation, tense etc.) and by semantic characteristics determining the general grammatical meaning. On the basis of the general grammatical meaning (Substantivity / Objectivity, Process in Time, Attributivity and Adverbiality) all autosemantic words of a language are classified words into grammatical classes. The formation of lexical units within every class makes it possible to form an inventory of models. An analysis of morphologo-semantic structure of a word form in correlated languages reveals the correspondence of a Russian lexical unit to some Tungusic morpheme, i.e. correlation of a Russian word phrase and / or a Tongues one.

Keywords: typologically different languages, synergetic roots feature, word order, morphological categories, word formation model, morphologo-semantic word structure


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