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Name: «Reviving» portraits in A. S. Grin’s works

Authors: Plyutova Margarita Ivanovna

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 4, 2014Pages 61-65
UDK: 821.161.1(092)DOI:

Abstract: The paper considers the motif of «reviving» portraits in A.S. Grin’s works. Not only do the images on the canvases in Grin’s stories start moving, but they also seem to move into the characters’ reality, finding there their own incarnation. The portraits pass through several «dynamic» stages: at first the observer notices special signs of life in the face, then he sees the movement of the painted character, feels his presence or touch, and finally he feels as if he is meeting him in reality or the observer ”realizes” that he himself is the revived portrait. The presence of similar plots is also noted in the novel «Lady in a yellow turban» by M. Kuzmin and in the story «Prophetic portraits» by N. Hawthorne.

Keywords: a. grin, portrait, plot, «reviving» image, ideal spaсe


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