Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883
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Editorial Office Address: Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS. 8 Nikolaeva St, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation; +7-(383)-330-47-72


Name: A Siberian Pupil of “Anna Akhmatova’s Readers School”

Authors: Roman D. Timenchik

The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel

In the section On the Occasion of the Centenary of Yury Chumakov

Issue 1, 2023Pages 11-25
UDK: 821.161.1DOI: 10.25205/2713-3133-2023-1-11-25


A totally forgotten feuilleton placed in Tomsk newspaper in 1916 is reproduced with a historical commentary. It belonged to a pen of art expert Tatiana Sapozhnikova-Chernavina (1887– 1971) and was never mentioned in any of numerous bibliographic lists on Anna Akhmatova’s creative works. She is known as brave fugitive female for her heroic escapade from USSR in 1932 together with her husband, a prominent fishery biologist, and little son.

Her early works as a literary observer are worth to be included in contemporary circularization (e.g. an essay on Ilya Ehrenburg’s poetry et al.). The article “Modern Poetesses: Anna Akmatova” was an attempt to reconstruct the net of motifs spanning the poems of the book “Rosary” (1914). The foreword to the annotated republication points some relevant patterns of the literary attitude of Sapozhnikova-Chernavina as well as lists some of the main milestones of her biography including the episodes when she is represented as an eyewitness of swift-passing but meaningful tragic moments in the history of Russian poetry under Soviets. A question is raised about picking up her scattered literary heritage.

Keywords: Anna Akhmatova, Tatiana Sapozhnikova-Chernavina, schools of poet’s readers


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Abyzov Yu., Fleishman L., Ravdin B. Russkaya pechat’ v Rige. Iz istorii gazety Segodnya 1930-kh godov. Kniga IV. Mezhdu Gitlerom i Stalinym [Russian press in Riga. From the history of the newspaper Segodnya 1930s. Book IV. Between Hitler and Stalin]. Stanford, 1997, 392 p. (in Russ.) (Stanford Slavic Studies; vol. 16)

Chernavina T. [Review:] Dnevniki Marietty Shaginjan. 1917–1931. Sovremennye zapiski [Modern Notes], 1934, no. 55, pp. 422–426. (in Russ.)

Chernavina T. Ob usloviyakh literaturnoy raboty v SSSR, Sovremennye zapiski [Modern Notes], 1934, no. 56, pp. 403–413. (in Russ.)

Chernavina T. Obyknovennaya zhenshhina. Segodnya [Today] (Riga), 1937, July 26, p. 4. (in Russ.)

Chernavina T. Vera. Iz perezhitogo v SSSR. Segodnya [Today] (Riga), 1937, January 10, p. 4. (in Russ.)

Chernaviny V. & T. Zapiski “vreditelya”; Pobeg iz GULAGa [Notes of a “pest”; Escape from the Gulag]. St. Petersburg, Kanon, 1999, 328 p. (in Russ.)

Nabokov V. Pis’ma k Vere [Letters to Vera]. Moscow, Kolibri, 2010, 702 p. (in Russ.)

Olgin M. Dve knigi ob SSSR. Pravda [Truth], 1934, December 15. (in Russ.) Sapozhnikov V. V. Priroda v pojeticheskih izobrazhenijah A. S. Pushkina. In: Izvestiya Imperatorskogo Tomskogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Imperial Tomsk University]. Tomsk, Parovaya tipo-litografiya P. I. Makushina, 1901, book 18, pp. 1–9 (9-ya pag.). (in Russ.)

Sapozhnikova T. Kameron v Pavlovske. Sredi kollekcionerov [Among Collectors], 1923, no. 5, pp. 30–35. (in Russ.)

Sapozhnikova T. Stikhi I. Erenburga (Novye knigi i zhurnaly). Sibirskaya zhizn’ [Siberian Life] (Tomsk), 1914, no. 104, May 20, p. 3. (in Russ.)

Shruba M. Begletsy iz SSSR 1930-kh gg. v “Sovremennykh zapiskakh”. In: Carpi Guido, Fleishman Lazar, Sulpasso Bianca (eds.). Venok. Studia slavica Stefano Garzonio sexagenario oblata. In Honor of Stefano Garzonio. Part II. Stanford, 2012, pp. 266–281. (in Russ.) (Stanford Slavic Studies; vol. 41)

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