Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 | |
Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya | |
ArticleName: “War and Peace” as Dmitry Minaev’s and Mikhail Znamensky’s Pastiche: Cartoons and Parodies in the Satirical Weeklies Authors: Alexey E. Kozlov Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section The Plot in Literature and Folklore
Abstract: One of the variants of the “semantic life” of the plot of the novel by Leo Tolstoy's “War and Peace” is a poetic parody of Dmitry Minaev formally focused on the poem “Borodino” by Mikhail Lermontov. Simultaneously with its appearance, Tolstoy's novel aroused not only evaluations and interpretations in the criticism of the magazines, but also became the object of parody in satirical weeklies. The pragmatism of parodies and satirical attacks is explained by the desire to discredit the novel as a product of the “Russian Bulletin”, whose ideology and plot were allegedly due to the conservative views of Mikhail Katkov. The annexes to the article contain the text of a parody by Dmitry Minaev with commentary, as well as cartoons, allowing get an idea of the anecdotal potential of the novel, which later became an constant key text of the Russian literary canon. Keywords: Tolstoy, Minaev, theory of parody, classics and fiction, secondary and alternativeness, carnivalization, grotesque, travesty Bibliography: Altick R. Punch: The Lively Youth of a British Institution, 1841–1851. Ohio State Uni. Press, 1997, 776 p. Chumakov Yu. N. “Evgeny Onegin” i stikhotvornaya belletristika 1830-kh godov [“Eugene Onegin” and poetic fiction of the 1830s]. In: Chumakov Yu. N. Stikhotvornaya Poetika Pushkina [Poetics of Pushkin]. St. Petersburg, 1999, pp. 97–107. (in Russ.) Dubin B. V. Klassika, posle i ryadom. Sociologicheskie ocherki o literature i kul'ture [Sociological essays on literature and culture]. Moscow, 2010, 345 p. (in Russ.) Eikhenbaum B. M. Lev Tolstoi: Issledovaniya [Researches about Leo Tolstoy]. St. Petersburg, 2009, 952 p. (in Russ.) Gusev N. N. Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoj: Materialy k biografii s 1855 po 1869 god [Leo Tolstoy: Materials for a biography from 1855 to 1869]. Moscow, 1957, 916 p. (in Russ.) Kozlov A. E. “Libel of Literature”: “The World Labor” and “Day Spring” in the Es-timates of the Satirical Weekly Magazine “Iskra”. Vestnik NSU. Series: History and Philology, 2020, vol. 19, no. 6: Journalism, pp. 9–20. (in Russ.) DOI 10.25205/1818-7919-2020-19-6-9-20 Pecherskaya T. I. Pereskaz syuzheta kak sposob ego prisvoeniya (polemika vokrug romana I. S. Turgeneva “Ottsy i deti”) [Retelling of Story as Method of His Attribution]. Syuzhetologiya i syuzhetografiya [Studies in Theory of Literary Plot and Narratology], 2015, no. 1, pp. 83–93. (in Russ.) Rumyantseva V. N. Stikhotvornyj fel'eton serediny XIX veka: N. A. Nekrasov, V. S. Kurochkin, D. D. Minaev [Poetry Fellieton of middle of 19th century: N. A. Nekrasov, V. S. Kurochkin, D. D. Minaev]. Orenburg, 2007, 234 p. (in Russ.) Shklovsky V. B. Material i stil' “Vojny i mira” [Material and style of “War and Peace”]. Moscow, 1928, 249 p. (in Russ.) Silantev I. V. Gazeta i roman: ritorika diskursnykh smeshchenij [Newspaper and Novel: Rhetoric of Discourse Mixture]. Moscow, 2006, 222 p. (in Russ.) Sobolev L. I. Sovremenniki chitayut “Vojnu i mir” [Contemporaries read “War and Peace”]. Voprosy literatury, 2007, no. 6, pp. 179–224. (in Russ.) Sorochan A. Yu. Lev Tolstoj – chitatel' istoricheskoj belletristiki [Leo Tolstoy as a reader of historical fiction]. Vestnik Tverskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta. Serija “Filologija” [Bulletin of Tver State University. Series “Philology”], 2013, no. 6, pp. 53–59. (in Russ.) Tarasov L.V. Adrian Volkov. Moscow, 1955, 31 p. (in Russ.) Tselikova E. V. Fenomen parodiynoy lichnosti A. A. Feta v tvorchestve poetov “Iskry” [Phenomenon of the Parody Character of A. Fet in works of “Iskra” poets]. Izvestia: Herzen University Journal of Humanities & Sciences, 2007, vol. 11 (32), pp. 234–237. (in Russ.) Vasilenko A. G. Parody and Caricature in the Satirical Weeklies: Conventions of Perception and Conflict of Interpretations. In: SHS Web of Conferences (EDP Sciences, France), 2021, vol. 94. DOI 10.1051/shsconf/20219402001 Wachtel A. B. An Obsession with History: Russian Writers Confront the Past. Stanford, CA, Stanford Uni. Press, 1994, 276 p. Yampolsky I. Satiricheskaya zhurnalistika 1860-kh godov [Satirical Journalism of 1860s]. Moscow, 1964, 624 p. (in Russ.) Yampolsky I. G. “Vojna i mir” L. Tolstogo v parodiyakh i karikaturakh [“War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy in parodies and cartoons]. Zvezda, 1928, no. 9, p. 93–113. (in Russ.) Zajdenshnur E. E. “Vojna i mir” L. N. Tolstogo. Sozdanie velikoj knigi [“War and Peace” by Leo Tolstoy. Creation a great book]. Moscow, 1966, 404 p. (in Russ.) Zorin A. L. Zhizn' L'va Tolstogo. Opyt prochteniya [The life of Leo Tolstoy. Read-ing experience]. Moscow, 2019, 248 p. (in Russ.) Zubkov K. Yu. “Words-signals” of Nihilism and “The Precipice” by I. A. Goncharov. Critique and Semiotics, 2018, no. 2, pp. 25–39. (in Russ.) DOI 10.25205/2307-1737-2018-2-25-39 |
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