Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
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Yazyki i fol’klor korennykh narodov Sibiri Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 
Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya
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Editorial Office Address: Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the RAS. 8 Nikolaeva St, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russian Federation; +7-(383)-330-47-72


Name: A Portrait of an Artist in Germany: Mstislav Dobuzhinsky and “Russian Berlin”. Part Two: “Aquilon” in Berlin

Authors: Andrei B. Ustinov

«Aquilon» Books & Publishing, San Francisco, USA

In the section Visual Arts: Plots and Fortunes

Issue 2, 2019Pages 178-197
UDK: 73/76DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883-2019-2-178-197

Abstract: This essay continues the publication “From Petrograd to Europe” in the series “Portrait of an Artist in Germany: Mstislav Dobuzhinsky and ‘Russian Berlin’,” published in the previous issue of “Studies in Theory of Literary Plot and Narratology.” This installment focuses on Dobuzhinsky’s publishing activities, specifically his books “Reminiscences of Italy” and “Petersburg in the Year Twenty One,” which appeared during the artist’s stay in Germany. The author discusses the émigré press’ reception of the books and albums published by the “Aquilon” publishing house in Petrograd, which was led by Fёdor Notgaft, a close friend of Dobuzhinsky and his confidant. In turn, as an art editor for “Aquilon” Dobuzhinsky developed the publishing program together with Notgaft. The author presents a variety of reviews of Dobuzhinsky’s “Reminiscences of Italy” from the newspapers of “Russian Berlin,” and demonstrates how the critics’ opinions varied depending on their chosen ideological platform. The author discusses the “grattography” technique used by Dobuzhinsky to illustrate the book. This graphic technique was invented by him and applied in “Reminiscences of Italy” for the first time. By the end of 1923, a few copies of Dobuzhinsky’s “Petersburg in the Year Twenty One” reached Berlin. This album was published by the Committee for the Promotion of Artistic Publications of the Russian Academy of the History of Material Culture with an introductory essay by Stepan Yaremich, an art scholar and Dobuzhinsky’s colleague at the “World of Art” society. Yaremich’s introduction presented Dobuzhinsky as an incomparable visionary, who mastered different art techniques, especially graphics. Ironically, Petr Shutiakov’s review of “Petersburg in the Year Twenty One,” appeared in the Berlin newspaper “Rudder” at exactly the same time as the official announcement about Petrograd to be renamed Leningrad.

Keywords: history of Russian emigration, history of Russian art of the 20th century, Russian Berlin, Russian artists in Germany, “Aquilon” Publishing, “Petersburg in the Year Twenty One,” Mstislav Dobuzhinsky, Fedor Notgaft, Stepan Yaremich, Vladislav Khodasevich


Bkh A. [Rec. na:] Zavtra. 1. Literaturno-kriticheskij sbornik pod red. Evg. Zamyatina, M. Kuzmina i M. Lozinskogo. Izd. «Petropolis». Berlin 1923. Dni [Days] (Berlin), 1923, no. 111, March 11, p. 15–16. (in Russ.)

[Anonymous] Vesti iz Peterburga. Dni [Days] (Berlin), 1923a, February 8, no. 84, p. 5.(in Russ.)

[Anonymous] Vesti iz Peterburga. Dni [Days] (Berlin), 1923b, February 22, no. 96, p. 7. (in Russ.)

Dobuzhinsky M. Vospominaniya ob Italii [Reminiscences of Italy], risunki avtora. Petersburg, Akvilon, 1923, 67 p. (in Russ.)

Dobuzhinsky M. Vospominaniya [Memoirs], izd. podg. G. I. Chugunov. Moscow, Nauka, 1987, 478 p. (Series “Literaturnye pamyatniki”). (in Russ.)

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K L. Vystavka proizv. M. V. Dobuzhinskogo. Vechernee Vremya [Evening Times] (Riga), 1924, no. 230, December 15, p. 2. (in Russ.)

Levinson A. [Rev.] O, Italia! G. Lukomsky. Ocherki Sitsilii. Izd. Gutnova. Berlin. Poslednie Novosti [Latest News] (Paris), 1925, no. 1467, February 5, p. 3. (in Russ.)

Lukomsky G. Zametki po iskusstvu. 1. Nakanune [On the Eve] (Berlin), 1923, no. 360, June 16, p. 6. (in Russ.)

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M. [Rev.] “Versal’” A. Benua. Nakanune [On the Eve], 1924, no. 90 (607), April 20, Literaturnaya nedelya, p. 9. (in Russ.)

Os. [Rev.] M. Dobuzhinskiy. Vospominaniya ob Italii. Izd. “Akvilon”. Petersburg, 1923. Dni [Days] (Berlin), 1923, no. 111, March 11, p. 15. (in Russ.)

O. [Rev.] “Zavtra”. Kniga I. K-vo “Petropolis”. 1923 g. Rul’ [Rudder] (Berlin), 1923, no. 773, June 17, p. 14. (in Russ.)

Peterburg v dvadtsat’ pervom godu [Petersburg in the Year Twenty One], risoval na kamne M. Dobuzhinsky, vst. stat’ya S. Yaremicha. Pg., Komitet populyarizatsii khudozhestvennykh izdanij pri Rossijskoj Akademii istorii material’noj kul’tury, 1923, [10] p. [12] l. Ill. (in Russ.)

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Khodasevich V. Kamer-fur’erskiy zhurnal [Diaries], vst. stat’ya, podg. teksta, ukazateli O. R. Demidovoj. Moscow, Ellis Lak 2000 Publ., 2002, 480 p. (in Russ.)

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Sh P. Peterburg v dvadtsat’ pervom godu. In: Rul’ [Rudder] (Berlin), 1924, no. 956, January 27, p. 7. (in Russ.)

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