Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 | |
Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya | |
ArticleName: AVANT-GARDE FLIGHTS: AVIATION TOPICS IN THE SIBERIAN PERIODICALS OF THE 1920S AND 1930S Authors: K. V. Abramova Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section Russian Literature of Siberia: Plots, Motives, Biographies
Abstract: The article discusses the refraction in the Siberian periodicals one of the most important themes of avant-garde art – the theme of aviation. We analyze newspapers and magazines published in the Siberian in the 1920s – 1930s. We consider texts and illustrations in which aviation themes and motifs appear, as well as the means characteristic of avant-garde art that were used by authors and editors in publishing materials. The first flights in Siberia took place in 1911 but in Siberian periodicals the theme of human flight by airplane becomes widespread only in the 1920s. Andrei Kruchina’s books “Konek-Letunok”, “The Wings of Yakutia”, “The Wonderful Adventures of Ivanov Eudene” published in 1925 in the publishing house of ODVF have become one of the first works in which the theme of aviation occupies a leading place. The main distinctive feature of the aeronautics motive was the agitation orientation, what was associated with the formation of the Soviet aviation myth. The ability to fly was proclaimed not only the achievement of humanity, but also a necessary condition for the existence of the Soviet state. Separately, we dwell on the texts which were published in the journal “Tovarishch” (“Comrade”), the first Siberian pioneer magazine. They are most fully reflected the features of avant-garde art, such as the use of installation techniques, installation on the literature of fact and etc. But we also show that, as in most of the periodicals in Siberia, avant-garde tendencies did not occupy a leading place in texts containing the conquest of air motives, and the often proclaimed attitudes were not respected, also they were ignored. By 1932, aviation subjects began to appear on the pages of magazines less and less, and in the context of preparations for confrontation with the enemies of the Soviet state. In 1931–1932, artistic texts in which aviation motives would be used disappearing from magazines, airplanes are mentioned only in connection with actual events, such as the first alumnus of a flight school, which is covered in detail in the magazine “Dynamovetc” (“Dinamo player”). But in such publications, avant-garde features are almost not traced; they begin to bear mostly informational character. Aviation is already losing its original attractiveness for art and becomes only a sign of the growing military power of the Soviet Union. Keywords: siberian journalism, siberian periodicals, avant-garde, aviation, flight, parody, children’s periodicals, agitation, literature of fact Bibliography: Abramova K. V. Avant-garde magazines for children in Siberia, 1920–1930 (Omsk, Novosibirsk, Irkutsk) in Siberia. Modernization and Multiple Modernities (ISPS Convention 2017). Ural Federal University, 2018, p. 105–114. Abramova K. V. 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