Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 | |
Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya | |
ArticleName: METHODS OF AVANT-GARDE POETICS IN THE STORY OF V. ZAZUBRIN «PALE TRUTH» Authors: E. N. Proskurina Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, In the section Russian Literature of Siberia: Plots, Motives, Biographies
Abstract: The article explores the techniques of poetics in the story of V. Zazubrin «Pale Truth», created in 1923. This is the early period of the writer’s work, marked by the proximity to the avantgarde type of artistry. The story continues the theme of «two worlds». She dedicated to Zazubrin’s novel of the same name, as well as the story «Sliver». However, the struggle between the «two worlds», the new and the old, is translated into a narrative into the everyday sphere of the NEP era. The main core of the plot is not a military conflict, but a clash of an uncompromising hero fighter with a philistine environment. So, on a new thematic material, Zazubrin embodies the idea of deformation of the ideal image of the Revolution, declared in the «Sliver». New economic relations in the country opened up the possibility of economic crimes. The victim of such crimes is the hero appointed by the party to the post of head of a large food office and not recognizing among his subordinates crooks and thieves. However, despite the tragic fate of the hero, the Revolution, like in the story «Sliver», in the story retains a halo of holiness. The clash of the «two worlds» is expressed by the author through techniques of contrasting poetics. In the color palette of the image of the protagonist Averyanov, the fiery shades of red dominate, symbolizing his devotion to the revolutionary idea, uncompromising. The author in many ways endowed his hero with his own character traits. In the depiction of the antihero Latchin there is no color, but through the poetics of corporeality, the roundness of the movements shows his resourcefulness, contrasted with the sharp angularity of Averyanov. At the stylistic level, the features of avantgarde letters are expressed in the story through semantically loaded sound repetitions, the hyperbolization of metaphors, enumeration, the stringing of homogeneous members, the abundance of elliptical structures. These poetic characteristics allow us to see in the «Pale Truth» manifestations of Wortkunst (the term O. A. Hansen-Löve), which is characterized by concentration on the word, the sound that generates the semantic density of the text. Expression of the narrative speech serves as one of the ways of expressing the author's position. Keywords: siberian literature, v. zazubrin’s works, the story «pale truth», avant-garde poetics Bibliography: Hansen-Löve O. A. Razvertyvaniye. realizatsiya [Unfolding, Realization]. Critique & Semiotics, 2016, no. 2, p. 9–40. (in Russ.) Krylova D. P. Poetika ekspressionizma kak osnova izobrazheniya goroda v poezii russkikh avangardistov [The Poetics of Expressionism as the Basis for the Image of the City in the Poetry of Russian Avant-gardists]. Gumanitarnye nauki, 1017, January. URL: http://www.nauteh-journal.ru/index.php/ru/--gn17-01/3151-a (accessed: 26.08. 2018). (in Russ.) Literaturnoe nasledstvo Sibiri [Literary heritage of Siberia]. Novosi-birsk, Zapadno-Sibirskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1972, vol. 2, 444 p. (in Russ.) Proskurina E. N. Konflikt dvukh mirov v tvorcheskoi sud'be V. Ya. Zazubrina [The conflict between two worlds in the artistic destiny of V. Ya. Zazubrin]. Sibir'. Literatura. Kritika. Zhurnalistika. Pamjati Yu. S. Postnova [Siberia. Literature. Criticism. Journalism. In memory of Yu. S. Postnov]. Novosibirsk, SB RAS Publ., 2002, p. 159–174. (in Russ.) Proskurina E. N. Peripetii poetiki V. Zazubrina v zerkale literaturnoy sudby (na materiale romana «Dva mira» i povesti «Shchepka») [Peripetia of poetics by V. Zazubrin in the mirror of literary destiny (on the novel «Two worlds» end the story «Sliver»)]. Syuzhetologiya i syuzhetografiya, 2018, no. 1, p. 64–81. (in Russ.) Richard L. Entsiklopediya ekspressionizma: Zhivopis i grafika. Skulptura. Arkhitektura. Literatura. Dramaturgiya. Teatr. Kino. Muzyka [Encyclopedia of Expressionism: Painting and Graphics. Sculpture. Ar-chitecture. Literature. Dramaturgy. Theater. Cinema. Music]. Moscow, Respublika, 2003, 432 p. (in Russ.) Yarantsev V. Zazubrin. Chelovek, kotoryi napisal «Shchepku» [Zazubrin. The person who wrote the «Sliver»]. Novosibirsk, 2012, 752 p. (in Russ.) Zazubrin V. Dva mira [Two Worlds]. Novosibirsk, Novosibirskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1988, 335 p. (in Russ.) Zazubrin V. Obshhezhitie [Dormitory]. Novosibirsk, Novosibirskoe knizhnoe izdatel'stvo, 1990, 414 p. (in Russ.) |
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