Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Monuments of Folklore Siberian Journal of Philology Critique and Semiotics
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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of
Russian Academy of Sciences
DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883
Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 
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Authors: E. N. Kapinos

Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation

In the section Russian Literature of Siberia: Plots, Motives, Biographies

Issue 1, 2018Pages 82-104
UDK: 070, 821DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883-2018-1-82-104

Abstract: The article is devoted to the Novosibirsk periodical «Gazetchik», published by A. Kurs in 1927–1928. The publication absorbed the experience of the Moscow «Journalist», which A. Kurs edited before leaving for Novosibirsk. In the first years of its existence, the Moscow «Journalist» was focused on creating a theory of newspaper business, which was becoming a separate specialization, the importance of the journalist profession was growing, the theory of newspaper business was formed by teachers of the State Institute of Journalism, many of whom collaborated with A. Kurs and were published in «Journalist». In addition, in «Journalist», along with materials on journalism, small fragments (sometimes just quotes) from the LEFs and formalists’ works were published. All these traditions passed to the Novosibirsk «Gazetchik», whose materials told about the technology of newspaper business. The unity of the topic is united by the multi-genre articles of «Gazetchik»: this is also an analytical review of government programs relating to the press, this is a statement of successes and failures of the Siberian press, all sorts of tips on writing articles on various themes, stylistic tasks and their solutions, examples of successful and unsuccessful journalistic works, portraits of Siberian journalists (sometimes anonymous), information about the theory and practice of newspaper business in the West (England, USA) and East (China). Small fragments from S. Tretyakov’s works (one of them about the Chinese press) appear regularly in «Gazetchik», there is a «cutting» from various articles by V. Shklovsky. The author of the article links the Chinese topic in «Gazetchik» with publications of Tretyakov’s reports from China in «Soviet Siberia» (1925). The manual «Gazetchik» combines the properties of a newspaper and a magazine, it is printed in the format of a newspaper, but as a magazine, «Journalist» is very diverse in its headings. Among the permanent sections of «Gazetchik» are «Technology of Journalism » and «Letters about the love to newspaper». «Letters about the love to newspaper» is the author’s heading of A. Kurs, where he shares with his colleagues his newspaper experience, stylistic observations and conclusions about the western theory of journalism, including information theory, law issues and many others. According to the subject and form, the manual «Gazetchik» corresponds to the avant-garde stylistics, is preceded by the Novosibirsk avant-garde magazine «Present» and is a bright page of A. Kurs’s activities in Novosibirsk. The publication can be put in one row not only with «Present», but also with the «Soviet Siberia», which is edited by Kurs in the same period.

Keywords: a. kurs, avant-garde, v. shklovsky, s. tretyakov, state institute of journalism, theory of newspaper business, siberian avant-garde periodicals, magazine «present», novosibirsk handbook for journalists «gazetchik»


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