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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 | |
Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya | |
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Authors: O. N. Turysheva Ural Federal University named after the B. N. Eltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation In the section theory and Typology of the Plot
Abstract: The expression « a springboard intertextuality» belongs to R. Barthes. It is used in the article «Textual Analysis of a Novel by E. Poe» when trying to define the concept of «code». In this case, Barthes put a different meaning in the concept of «motive». The article proves that in the absence of strictly scientific definitions, Barthes differentiated the motive in his intertextual function (calling it the code) and the motive in his narratologic function (calling it the motive). The productivity of such differentiation is upheld. On the basis of this terminological distinction, it is possible to clearly delineate the motive as an impersonal element of the narrative language, which appears spontaneously in the literature, and the motive as a consciously introduced reference to the precedent text by the author. Such a reference (code, in the terminology of R. Barthes) can cause the formation of a conceptual metaphor, repeated in the subsequent literature. In this case, the motive acts as a pledge of communication between different texts (belonging to different authors and different epochs), forms a single semantic field. The work of the motive as an intertextual code is illustrated by an appeal to the character of the functioning in literature of a repetitive image – the image of building a wall from books. This motive has developed in the literature of modernism, its authorship belongs to H. Hesse. However, in H. Hesse, he is formed under the influence of the images of the two previous artists: F. Nietzsche and F. M. Dostoyevsky. But the status of the motive and the function of the «trampoline intertextuality» this image gets exactly in the works of H. Hesse. In the novel «The Book Man» he acquires a symbolic content, turning into a metaphor of the reader's self-destructive detachment from living life. The analysis leads the author of the article to the conclusion that the objective function of the motive for building the book wall in this text is to model the author's aesthetic position, his thoughts about the dramatic relationship between art and life. In the subsequent literature, the image of the wall from the books will receive repeated actualization – and precisely in the sense that Hesse asked. Therefore, the text of the German writer is considered in the article as the nucleus of that semantic field, which forms the reflection of literature on the fate of a book person in the literature of the twentieth century. Such a reflection is found, for example, in the novels of E. Canetti «Blinding» and K.-M. Dominguez «Paper House», later developing this motive. Keywords: motif, code, intertextual code, intertextual approach, book wall motif, the image reading person, the theme of fate the reader Bibliography: Afinskaya Z. Motiv i motivatsiya v mifologii R. 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