Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 | |
Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya | |
ArticleName: «THE SON OF FAUST»: THE BIOGRAPHY OF POET CHROLLI (S. F. TARASOV) Authors: I. E. Loshchilov Institute of Philology of the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation In the section
Abstract: The article is devoted to the life and work of the poet Sergei Pavlovich Tarasov, who wrote and published in Petrograd shortly before the revolution two poetry books under the pseudonym «Chrolli». To date, numerous sources, the pseudonym of the poet transcribed incorrectly: Konstantin Favstovich Tarasov. The poet Chrolli known as reporter Alexander Blok and a member of the Circle of poets that existed in 1915-1916 at the University of Petrograd. On one of the Chrolli’s books was reviewed by Nikolai Gumilev. In recent decades, attention to the life and work of Chrolli was attracted by R. D. Timenchik and M. L. Gasparov, including poems Chrolli in the anthology of experimental poetry. The article precedes publication of a biographical article about Sergey Pavlovich Tarasov, written by a physicist, Natalia Sergeyevna Rytova (1937–2012), related to the Tarasov’s family, who lived in the XX-th century beginning in Krasnoyarsk. Set the origin of the error in the disclosure of the pseudonym. The error occurred in 1927 and due to the difficult conditions of the bibliographical work of that time. On the basis of documents of the poet’s father, a teacher of Krasnoyarsk Theological Seminary Favst Gerasimovitch Tarasov date of birth of his son, Sergei: March 23, 1892. From essay N. C. Rytova it follows that Sergey Tarasov went missing during the civil war, between 1918 and 1920. Described the characteristic features of the poetics of Chrolli and its special place in the context of the culture of the «silver age”. Selected elements of the absurd, deliberately inflated literary ambitions and the presence of subtle irony aimed at the figure of the author. Poems Chrolli distinguished by the originality and high verificationa culture, a variety of cultural areas to which it is addressed. Attention to tradition and to the form of verse brings together his poetry with the poetics of Acmeism, and the elements of outrageousness – futurism. However, poetry Chrolli remained aloof from the mainstream of Russian poetry of his time. The life and work of the poet is inherent in borderline, «liminality» which is shown in the article on several levels. Indicated a distant relationship with Chrolli arose much later, the poetics of conceptualism. The article includes brief analysis of several characteristic poems of the poet. Marked likely the proximity to the creative work of another unjustly forgotten poet and philologist-scholar (the researcher of Pushkin), George Maslov, which was also represented among the participants in the poetry group. The ways of further study of the biography of Sergei Tarasov, at first, to search documents about his studies at the University of Petrograd. 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