Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 | |
Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya | |
ArticleName: «AKSHARUMOV VARIATIONS» IN RUSSIAN LITERATURE: LAZARUS, COME OUT Authors: A. E. Kozlov Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University In the section
Abstract: The article continues investigation of «implicit communication» between motifs, plots and characters of Nikolay Aksharumov fiction and Russian classical literature of 2nd half of XIX century (see also: Kozlov A. E. «Akhsharumov Variations» in Russian Literature: History of the War of 1812. Suzhetologia and Suzhetografia, 2017, no. 1). The next case considers «implicit communication», combining philosophical plot of Dostoevsky’ «Crime and Punishment» to the allegorical didactic novel Aksharumov’s «The Citizens of Forest». Nikolay Aksharumov was member of aesthetic criticism of the second half of the XIX century. Beginning his career from epigones novel «Double», he continued to imitate Dostoevsky style, motifs and plots in his fiction. Moreover, he wrote his critic article about «Crime and Punishment » in new magazine «World Labour» (Vsemirny Trud). So, there are few arguments, that «The Citizens of Forest» (that have been published in «World Labour» in 1867) are polemical connected with the novel of Dostoevsky, particularly, epilogue of his masterpiece. Firstly, Chronotope of «The Citizens of Forest» is Siberia (final place of action in the «Crime and Punishment»). Secondly, protagonist Lazarus is exile man (as Raskolnikov’s final status). Moreover, Lazarus creates new world order in beast society – that’s correlated with Raskolnikov’s thoughts after his dream. Most attention is concentrated on name of hero Lazarus as etymon. That’s actualized 2 New Testament stories: 1. about poor Lazarus (Luke 16: 19–31); 2. about Resurrection of Lazarus from Bethany (John 11: 1, 2, 5), to which, in particular, Dostoevsky repeatedly addressed. Analyzing the functions of hero, we can stay that this figure in «The Citizens of Forest» realizes the semantic potential of the three patriarchs of the Old Testament. So, Lazarus creates a new language (like Adam), Lazarus gathers a group of beast (like Noah), Lazarus writes a Testament (like Moses) Thus, the maxims of the Old Testament act in the axiology of the novel. Instead of Feuerbach's thesis «Human to man is God» (Homo homini deus est), a time-proven maxim comes embodying the logic of the development of civilization: «Human to man wolf» (Homo homini lupus est). The final of «The Citizens of Forest» represents a degradation of democratic society. The exile Lazarus, expelled from the big world, is expelled from the Forest. In our opinion, it’s mean alternative social and ontological perspective in relation of Dostoevsky hero. That can be mean that all attempts to recreate society or create new world order have no sense. New Jerusalem is utopia, that is unattainable. In addition to this case the article considers to ties and bonds between criticism and fiction of Nikolay Aksharumov. 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