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Institute of Philology of
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DOI: 10.25205/2410-7883 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84792 | |
Syuzhetologiya i Syuzhetografiya | |
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Authors: L. G. Panova The University of California, Los Angeles, USA In the section
Abstract: Boris Eikhenbaum began his 1920 essay on Mikhail Kuzmin’s prose with the observation that still remains true: “Kuzmin’s prose has not become a part of the tradition – all the more interesting it is to speak about it.” Following Boris Eikhenbaum’s insight from the same essay – “if it seems that Kuzmin is «portraying», do not believe him; in fact, he offers a rebus from modern life” – the paper discusses one possible way of reading Kuzmin’s highly intellectual prose, namely, by puzzle solving. The paper demonstrates Kuzmin’s witty send-ups of Russian classics (Alexander Pushkin, Nikolai Gogol’, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Nikolai Leskov and above all Leo Tolstoy) in his short stories, “Kushetka teti Soni” [Aunt Sonya’s Sofa] (1907) and “«Lektsiia Dostoevskogo»” [«Lecture by Dostoevsky»] (1913). Both engage the reader in a detective-like activity, i.e. in discovering a key figure of the nineteenth-century prose hidden in a cluster of words and motifs. The two short stories then read as playfully testing this writer’s art against the challenges of modernity. By doing that, Kuzmin arrives to the following conclusion: in order to keep pace with the epoch it is important to part with the family novel tradition represented by his predecessor and to turn to essentially twentieth-century family dramas. The monographic analysis of the twin short stories also reveals invariants of Kuzmin’s poetic world: the motif of an object interfering with the life of its owner; the puzzle design with deliberate flaws providing clues for the sophisticated reader; the conversion of a family saga into a metaliterary message; and rich intertextuality, cementing the plot as well as skillfully combining old meanings with new ones. If literary critics have missed the hidden content and exquisite design of these short stories, perhaps, creative writers did not? Be that as it may, Kuzmin clearly anticipated several characteristically innovative techniques in the evolution of the twentieth-century story-telling: Vladimir Nabokov’s metatextual cryptography; Daniil Kharms’ absurdist anecdotes about literary giants; and the little known novel Po tu storony Tuly [Beyond Tula/ Thule] by Andrei Nikolev (Egunov). Demonstrating Kuzmin's precedence in those issues was one of this paper's tasks. Keywords: mikhail kuzmin's intellectual prose, rebus-like plot, story and discourse (fabula and siuzhet), deliberate flaws as device, intertextuality, metatextuality, reflections on the new prose, monographic analysis of a literary text, fathers-and-sons topos, fam Bibliography: Akhmatova Anna. Sobranie sochineniy [Collected Works]: In 8 vols. Vol. 5. Moscow: Ellis Lak, 2000/2001. 800 p. Alekseeva T. V. 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