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Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
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DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
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Authors: Dmitrij O. Dobrovol'skij
Abstract: The present study attempts to describe the entry of a bilingual corpus-based dictionary of idioms as a special type of text. The main distinguishing feature of such a text is its high degree of formalization. The dictionary entry of any lexicographical source must strictly adhere to special rules, which involve dividing the conveyed information into separate blocks, each containing information of a specific type. These aspects transform the dictionary entry – as well as the dictionary as a whole – into a formalized text, which is constructed according to specific rules. Such rules themselves can be the subject of study and description. Perceiving the dictionary as a text organized according to its own laws allows for the identification of significant connections both between its individual parts and within specific dictionary entries. In a dictionary of idioms – especially if it is bilingual, i.e., comparing units of two different languages – the number of informational blocks (fields of the dictionary entry) increases. The principles of organizing such a dictionary are discussed using the example of the lexicographic resource “Contemporary German phraseology: A Ger-man-Russian corpus dictionary”, which is currently in the process of editing. Keywords: text structure, lexicography, dictionary entry, translation, phraseology, idioms, text corpus, Russian, German Bibliography: Abraham W. Idioms in contrastive and in universally based typological research: toward distinctions of relevance. In: Everaert M., Linden E.-J. van der (eds.). Proceedings of the first Tilburg workshop on idioms. Tilburg, ITK, 1989, pp. 1–22. Baklanov I. V. Slovar’ kak spravochnik, tekst i kommunikativnaya sistema [Dictionary as a reference book, text and communicative system]. Filologicheskie nauki. 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