Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: Semantics of Unidirectional and Multidirectional Motion in the Lexico-Grammatical System of the Fiction Text (Based on P. Suskind’s Work “Die Geschichte von Herrn Sommer” and Its Russian Translation) Authors: Elena Yu. Bulygina, Ekaterina A. Dmitrieva, Tatiana A. Tripolskaya Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation; SkyEng Online School of English, Nicosia, Cyprus
Abstract: The article investigates the textual potential of concrete and multidirectional verbs of motion (based on the original and translated texts of P. Süskind “Die Geschichte von Herrn Sommer”). Textual specificity of verbs of motion is considered with the support of semantic-pragmatic features of the verb subsystems of two languages. For Russian verbs of motion, the concept of direction is relevant, since any movement is carried out in space by a certain trajectory (idti – hodit’, bresti – brodit’, letet’ – letat’, bezhat’ – begat’). In German, this parameter of motion is actualized only in the appropriate context with the help of adverbs of location and direction; prepositional-case constructions; direct complements and separable prefixes. In the semantic field “Movement / Verkehr” with the verb dominant there are lexical groupings, whose members, due to the lexico-grammatical and lexico-semantic valency of verbs, interpret different characteristics of the process of movement. The text's richness in units of different parts of speech with the meaning of motion (primarily verbs) organizes the narrative chronotope of the story: the semantics of space and time is actualized with the help of the lexicon of motion. Each of the main characters is included into the narrative through the description of the peculiarities of their movement. The following movement parameters are essential for the lexico-grammatical organization of the original and translated texts: direction, mode and means of movement, speed, purpose and actions associated with movement. In this textual paradigm, the key role belongs to concrete and multidirectional verbs. The main character lives his life in a constant, energetic, well-directed and aimless movement, unlike other characters, whose movements are determined by fatigue / vigor, vector (up / down, forward/backward), unidirectional and multidirectional, purpose and means of movement. In the semantics of concrete verbs there is a derivative potential seme “purpose of movement,” which, however, is extinguished in the original and translated texts. The main semantic paradox of the text is created by the intra-textual opposition of “a certain direction” and “no purpose” of the movements of the main character. Keywords: interpretive potential of the linguistic system, concrete and multidirectional verbs, textual potential of word semantics, lexical system of the text, semantic processes of actualization and neutralization of components of lexical meaning Bibliography: Apresyan Yu. D. Izbrannye trudy [Selected works]. 2nd ed. Moscow, Yazyki russkoy kul'tury Publ., 1995, vol. 1: Lexical semantics, 472 p. (in Russ.) Chokubaeva A. K. Leksiko-semanticheskiy analiz glagolov dvizheniya v angliyskom yazyke i ikh sopostavlenie s russkim i kyrgyzskimi yazykami [Lexico-semantic analysis of verbs of motion in English and their comparison with Russian and Kyrgyz languages]. Abstract of Cand. Philol. Sci. Diss. Bishkek, 2007, 23 p. (in Russ.) Diersch H. Verben der Fortbewegung in der deutschen Sprache der Gegenwart: Eine Untersuchung zu syntagmatischen und paradigmatischen Beziehungen des Wortinhalts. Berlin, Akademie Verlag, 1972, 221 S. Ignateva M. V. Glagoly dvizheniya bez pristavok [Verbs of motion without prefixes]. Russkiy yazyk za rubezhom: nauchno-prakticheskiy illyustrirovannyy zhurnal [Russian Language Abroad: Scientific and Practical Illustrated Journal], 1980, no. 80 (3), pp. 29–39. (in Russ.) Kornilov O. A. Yazykovye kartiny mira kak proizvodnye natsional'nykh mentalitetov [Linguistic pictures of the world as derivatives of national mentalities]. 2nd ed. Moscow, ChERO Publ., 2003, 349 p. (in Russ.) Novikov L. A. Semanticheskoe pole [Semantic field]. In: Karaulov Yu. N. (ed.). Russkiy yazyk [Russian language]. Encyclopedia. Moscow, Bol'shaya Rossiyskaya entsiklopediya Publ.; Drofa Publ., 1997, pp. 458–459. (in Russ.) Shamne N. L. Semantika nemetskikh glagolov dvizheniya i ikh russkikh ekvivalentov v lingvokul'turologicheskom osveshchenii [The semantics of German verbs of motion and their Russian equivalents in linguoculturological coverage]. Volgograd, VolSU Press, 2000, 392 p. (in Russ.) Shvedova N. Yu. [et al.] (eds.). Russkaya grammatika [Russian grammar]. In 2 vols. Moscow, Nauka, 1980, vol. 1: Phonetics. Phonology. Stress. Intonation. Word formation. Morphology, 709 p. (in Russ.) |
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