Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: Abo Tbileli. Arabic Perfumer – St. Protector of Tiflis Authors: Ye. G. Margaryan Russian-Armenian University (Yerevan, Armenia)
Abstract: The article provides a semiotic analysis of the modern Georgian Orthodox icon depicting the Georgian Saint, the patron Saint of the city of Abo Tbileli. A Georgian Saint of Arab origin is depicted standing on the Metekh bridge against the background of the city itself. Every detail in the icon has a symbolic meaning and is subject to semiotic analysis. This applies to the Georgian cross in the hands of St. great Martyr, the Golden halo above his head, his robe (turban, chiton and himatiy), the landscape (river, mountains and gardens) and the city itself and its buildings (churches, towers, bridge), the sky above his head. The features of the iconographic style are considered. The main source is the hagiographic work of the medieval Georgian author Ioane Sabanisdze “Martyrdom of Abo”. Keywords: Abo Tbileli, patron Saint of the city, Ioanne Sabanisdze, icon painting fresco, visual semiotic analysis Bibliography: Bulgakov S., prot. Pravoslavie. Ocherki ucheniya Pravoslavnoi Tserkvi. Kiev, Lybid’ Publ., 1991, 147 p. (in Russ.) Eliade M. Kosmos i istoriya. Izbrannyye raboty. Moscow, Progress Publ., 1987, 312 p. (in Russ.) Freydenberg O. M. Mif ob Iosife Prekrasnom. Yazyk i literatura, 1932, vol. 8, p. 137–158. (in Russ.) Freydenberg O. M. Mif i literatura drevnosti. 2 nd ed. Moscow, Vostochnaya literatura Publ., 1998, 800 p. Hall J. Dictionary of Subjects and Symbols in Art. Transl. by A. Maykapar. Moscow, Kron-press, 1996, 656 p. (in Russ.) Margaryan Ye. Most v armyanskoy i slavyanskoy mifopoetike. Germenevticheskiy analiz. Critique & Semiotics, 2011, no. 15, p. 5–24. (in Russ.) Margaryan Ye. G. Mets Hayk’ i yev Kommagenev hogevor arrnch’ut’yunneri patmut’yunits’ (ark’ayakan hangstaran՝ ho teménos). Patmut’yun yev krt’ut’yun, 2005, t’iv 3–4. (in Arm.) Margaryan Ye. G. Arshakavyanskaya ellinisticheskaya politeya i Grad Nebesny Nersesa Velikogo. Moscow, RAU Press, 2007. (in Russ.) Propp V. Ya. Istoricheskiye korni volshebnoy skazki. Leningrad, LSU Press, 1946. Sabinin M. (transl.) Polnoye zhizneopisaniye svyatykh Gruzinskoy tserkvi. In 3 vols. St. Petersburg, 1871–1872. (in Russ.) Sabinin M. I. Iverskiy Paterik: izdaniye etoy knigi posvyashchayetsya Novomuchenikam Rossiyskim i Iverskim. Moscow, 2006. (in Russ.) Svyashchennik Pavel Florenskiy. Sochinenia. In 4 vols. Comp. and ed. by Andronik (A. S. Trubachev), P. V. Florensky, M. S. Trubacheva. Moscow, Mysl’ Publ., 1994, vol. 1, 797, [2] p., il. (in Russ.) Uspenskiy B. A. Semiotika iskusstva. Moscow, 1995, p. 221–303. (in Russ.) Vasilik V. V. Bogosloviye muchenichestva v ranney gruzinskoy gimnografii: sluzhba sv. Abo Tbilisskomu. In: Filosofiya, religiya i kul'tura stran Vostoka. Materialy nauchnoy konferentsii “Pyatyye Torchinovskiye chteniya”. St. Petersburg, SPbSU Press, 2009, p. 103–113. (in Russ.) |
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