Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: Meaning and Linguistic Sign in System Theory of Niklas Luhmann Authors: S. T. Zolyan Immanuel Kant Baltic Federal University (Kaliningrad, Russian Federation); Institute of Philosophy, Sociology and Law, National Academy of Sciences (Yerevan, Armenia)
Abstract: The concept of meaning and communication is the core of the sociological conception of Niklas Luhmann. As he claims, “Meaning is co-present as a reference to the world in everything that is actualized... Society is a meaning constituting system” (Luhmann Niklas. Theory of Society. Stanford University Press, 2012, vol. 1). He considers the issue of a correlation of meaning with other concepts of his theory of social in almost all of his works. Obviously, on this occasion the linguistic issues also became matters of consideration. Language, however, is associated by Luhmann not so much with the production of meaning as with communication. The concept of a linguistic sign as some fixed connection between the signified and the signifier is transformed by Luhmann into a dynamic operation of juxtaposing communicative and cognitive characteristics, as a medium between cognition and communication. Keywords: Luhmann, meaning, linguistic sign, system theory Bibliography: Antonovskiy A. Y. Vmesto zaklyucheniya: smysl kak konnektivnyy mekhanizm v yazyke, soznanii i kommunikatsii [ Instead of a conclusion: meaning as a connective mechanism in language, consciousness and communication]. In: Antonovsky A. Yu. Niklas Luhmann: epistemologicheskoye vvedeniye v teoriyu sotsial'nykh sistem [Niklas Luman: epistemological introduction to the theory of social systems]. Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy. Moscow, 2007, p. 95–122. (in Russ.) Calise S. G. Language and Systems Theory: Critical Remarks on the Luhmannian Conception. Sociology, 2020, vol. 3, no. 52, p. 207–221. Deutschman P. «Kommunikatsiya», «kul'tura» i «obshchestvo» v teorii sistem Niklasa Lumana [“Communication”, “Culture” and “Society” in the Theory of Niklas Luman Systems]. 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