Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: Paratextual Intrigue in the Dramatic Cycle “The Apartment of Colom- bina” of L. S. Petrushevskaya Authors: N. A. Muratova Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University (Novosibirsk, Russian Federation)
Abstract: Abstract The article highlights the paratext specificity in L. S. Petrushevskaya’s drama cycle “The Apartment of Colombina”. It is stated that the paratext in drama is a zone of contact between dramaturgical and stage discourses, moreover, the paratextual frame explicates the space of direct interaction between the author and the addressee. In the analysis, a set of titles and one of the types of remarks is being updated, namely the locatives. It is being proved that from the point of view of a paratext, the cycle is an example of a polycode sense modeling when on the first level, we can highlight an inclusion of the dell’arte elements in the framework design, and on the second level, we should fix their correlation with the discourses of the characters. This structures’ clash is one of the features of the ambivalence poetics which is inherent in Petrushevskaya’s dramaturgy. It also demonstrates a conflict interaction between the nomination and the type of dramatic situation unfolding in the play, in which the intrigue is built autonomously in relation to the title. Special attention is paid to the organization of the chronotope in the plays of this cycle. A withdrawn locality in which the action proceeds simultaneously points out a social and domestic type of drama and the theatrical nature of what is happening in the plays. The author comes to the conclusion that, in addition to the direct function (stage directions), the paratext organizes the theatrical dimension of the plot. The key paratext role of the arts consists, therefore, in an effect of recoding the leading chronotope, which is here the apartment. In this regard, the apartment of Colombina appears as a receptacle for the entire theatrical form, and in this space of action, the characters and situations are variable only within the role, the mask. The principle that demonstrates a stylistic harmony of each individual play and the entire cycle of “The Apartment of Colombina” is the mobility and ambivalence of the paratext, which performs a reverse metamorphosis and transforms the scene of the plays into a stage platform. It is shown that there is a du- plication mechanism in the paratext of the drama cycle “The Apartment of Colombina”, when the formal living space becomes irrelevant due to an introduction of a metatheatrical code and exposes the actual stage. Keywords: paratext, spatial remark, dell’arte, scenic chronotope, dramatic cycle, L. S. Petrushevskaya Bibliography: Bachelis T. I. Evoljutsiya stsenicheskogo prostranstva (Ot Antuana do Krjega). In: Bachelis T. I. Gamlet i Arlekin. Moscow, 2007, p. 7–68. (in Russ.) Borotko L. A. O korrelyatsii terminov “remarka”, “didaskaliya”, “stsenicheskoe ukazanie”. In: Yazyk, kommunikatsiya, rechevaya kul'tura. Materialy Mezhdunar. nauch. konf., posvyashchtnnoy yubileyu L. G. Antonovoy. Yaroslavl, 2015, p. 22–26. (in Russ.) Calas F., Élouri R., Hamzaoui S., Salaaoui T. Le texte didascalique à l’épreuve de la lecture et de la Representation. Sud Édition. Tunis : Presse Universitaire de Bordeaux, 2007, 545 p. Domansky Yu. V. Chekhovskaya remarka: nekotorye nablyudeniya. Moscow, 2014, 119 p. (in Russ.) Eco U. Rol' chitatelya. Issledovaniya po semiotike teksta. Transl. by S. D. Serebryany. St. Petersburg, 2005, 502 p. (in Russ.) Genette G. Figury. In 2 nd vols. Transl. by S. Zenkin. Moscow, 1998, vol. 2, 472 p. (in Russ.) Gromova M. I. Russkaya sovremennaya dramaturgiya. 4 th ed. Moscow, 2013, 160 p. (in Russ.) Kablukova N. V. Poetika dramaturgii Lyudmily Petrushevskoy. Cand. Philol. Sci. Abstract. Tomsk, 2003, 23 p. (in Russ.) Krzhizhanovsky S. D. Teatral'naya remarka. Fragment. In: Krzhizhanovsky S. D. Sobr. soch. In 5 th vols. Comp., comment. by V. Perelmuter. St. Petersburg, 2006, vol. 4, p. 89–110. (in Russ.) Nosov O. S. Paratekst kak sredstvo konstruirovaniya khudozhestvennogo prostranstva v drame. Cand. Philol. Sci. Abstract. Tver, 2010, 19 p. (in Russ.) Pavis P. Slovar' teatra. Ed. by K. Razlogov. Moscow, 1991, 504 p. (in Russ.) Petrushevskaya L. Kvartira Kolombiny. St. Petersburg, 2007, 415 p. (in Russ.) Petrushevskaya L. S. Malen'kaya devochka iz “Metropolya”: Povesti, rasskazy, esse. St. Petersburg, 2006. (in Russ.) Plekhanova I. I. Priroda ritual'nogo v piesakh L. Petrushevskoy. Tsikl “Temnaya komnata”. In: Russkaya literatura v XX veke: imena, problemy, kul'turnyj dialog. Ed. by T. L. Rybalchenko. Tomsk, 2009, iss. 10, p. 272–293. (in Russ.) Thomasseau J.-M. Pour une analyse du para-texte théâtral: quelques éléments du para-texte hugolien. Littérature, 1984, no. 53 Le lieu / La scène, p. 79–103. Tyupa V. I. Analiz khudozhestvennogo teksta. Moscow, 2009, 336 p. (in Russ.) |
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