Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: Communication and transference of information as forms of linguocultural transference (based on formulae and clichéd phrases of the Anglo- Saxon Chronicle) Authors: A. V. Proskurina Novosibirsk State Technical University
Abstract: The current article deals with the dichotomy communication – transference with respect to the earlier opened dichotomy synchrony-diachrony. «Communication» and «transference» play a significant role in preserving nongenetic data. The transference is considered to be a cognitive process, which is aimed at storing information in generations. The author points out that in the course of analysis formulaic phrases were classified into the following thematic patterns: 1. Authority; 2. Faith; 3.Death; 4. Battle; 5. Natural calamities. It is worth noting that according to the used vocabulary, which changes the structure of formulae and cliched phrases, each group is classified into a subgroup. In the current article formulae and cliched phrases of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (based on the thematic group «Natural calamities») has been shown by the author for the first time ever. Keywords: communication, transference, linguocultural transference, formulae and cliched phrases, natural calamities Bibliography: Anglosaksonskaja hronika [Anglo-Saxon chronicle] / Per. s dr.-angl. Z. Ju. Metlickoj. SPb.: Evrazija, 2010. 282 s. Debre R. Vvedenie v mediologiju [Introduction into medialogy] / Per. s fr. B. M. Skuratova. M.: Praksis, 2010. 368 s. Gimon T. V. Istoriopisanie rannesrednevekovoj Anglii i Drevnej Rusi: sravnitel'noe issledovanie [Historic description of early medieval England and Old Russia: comparative study]. M.: Rus. fond sodejstvija obrazovaniju i nauke, 2011. 696 s. Gimon T. V., Metlickaja Z. Ju. Hronologicheskie ukazanija Anglo-Saksonskoj hroniki: konec IX – pervaja polovina XII v. [Chronological indication of Anglo-Saxon chronicle: the end of IX-the first half of XII century] // Drevnejshie gosudarstva Vostochnoj Evropy. 2006 god: prostranstvo i vremja v sredne-vekovyh tekstah / Otv. red. G. V. Glazyrina [Ancient states of Eastern Europe.2006: space and time in medieval texts / Ed. G. V. Glazyrina]. M. : Rus. fond sodejstvija ob-razovaniju i nauke, 2010. S. 331–335. Metlickaja Z. Ju. Istoricheskoe soznanie anglosaksonskih annalistov IX–XI vekov [Historic consciousness of Anglo-Saxon annalists IX-XI century]: Diss. … kand. ist. nauk. 2005. URL: http://www.dissercat.com/ content/istoricheskoesoznanie- anglosaksonskikh-annalistov-ix-xi-vekov-po-materialamanglosaksonskoi Proskurin S. G. Drevneanglijskaja prostranstvennaja leksika konceptualizirovannyh oblastej [Old English spatial lexis of conceptualized domains]: Diss. … kand. filol. nauk. M., 1990. Proskurina A. V. Kommunikacija i peredacha kak formy lingvokul'turnogo transfera (na materiale drevneanglijskih pamjatnikov VII–XI vv. i tekstov Biblii) [Communication and transfer as forms of linguocultural transfer]: Diss. … kand. filol. nauk. Novosibirsk, 2015. Sossjur F. de. Trudy po jazykoznaniju [Works on linguistics] / Per. s fr. A. A. Holodovicha. M.: Progress, 1977. 696 s. |
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