Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: Emotional landscapes of A. Platonov’s prose Authors: E. N. Proskurina Institute of Philology, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract: The article attempts to describe the emotional palette of the artistic world by Platonov, to reveal the dynamics of the characters’ inward state. As demonstrated by the analysis, Platonov’s characters never remain in a calm state of consciousness. While the ecstatic drive of re-creation of the world was the leading emotion accompanying the characters’ actions in the early period of Platonov’s work, in the second half of 1920s – 1930s the groundlessness of a utopian idea is more and more actively declared. In the characters’ state of mind this change reverberates by the replacement of enthusiastic ecstasies with melancholy, and in the world’s state by the entropic strategy, the tendency to excarnation. The article also reveals the influence of a psychological factor on Platonov’s work where the leading role was played by the author’s “unendurable”, a good deal unexercised love to his wife Maria Kashintseva. Keywords: works of A. Platonov, ecstasy in literature, entropy, plot, motif, discourse Bibliography: Аndreev L. G. Poryvy i poiski dvadtsatogo veka // «Nazyvat' veshhi svoimi imenami»: Programmnye vystupleniya masterov zapadnoevropejskoj literatury ХХ veka. M.: Progress, 1986. S. 3–18. Аrkhiv А. P. Platonova. M.: IMLI RАN, 2009. Kn. 1. 688 s. Bataille G. Literatura i Zlo. M.: Izd-vo MGU, 1994. 166 s. Bibliya. Knigi Svyashhennogo Pisaniya Vetkhogo i Novogo Zaveta. Kanonicheskie. V russkom perevode s parallel'nymi mestami. United Bible Societies, 1992. Gastev А. O tendentsiyakh proletarskoj kul'tury // Proletarskaya kul'tura. 1919. № 9–10. S. 33–45. Platonov А. Schastlivaya Moskva // «Strana filosofov» Аndreya Platonova: Problemy tvorchestva. M.: IMLI, Nasledie, 1999. Vyp. 3. Po materialam tret'ej mezhdunarodnoj nauchnoj konferentsii, posvyashhennoj tvorchestvu А. P. Platonova. S. 9–105. Platonov A. Kotlovan // Platonov A. Kotlovan. Text. Materialy tvorcheskoj istorii. SPb.: Nauka, 2000. S. 21–116. Platonov А. Soch. M.: IMLI RАN, 2004. T. 1. Kn. 1, 2. Ehliade M. Аspekty mifa. M.: Аkadem-proekt, 2010. 256 s. |
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