Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: Cognitive strategies of discourse. Twenty years after Authors: T. E. Yanko Institute of Linguistics of the RAS
Abstract: This paper is aimed at the analysis of the communicative (in the terms of “theme vs. rheme”) and information (in the terms of “given vs. new”) structures of a sentence. The communicative and information structures are, in their turn, the main means of cognitive structuring information by the speaker in the process of text generation. The material of the analysis are the Russian sentences with the new information placed sentence-initially (Rus. Красный автомобиль вылетел из-за поворота, lit. ‘A red car flew out from the corner’). The new information placed sentence-initially reflects a specific literary technique widely employed by Pushkin, L. Tolstoy, Turgenev, and Babel. The basic Russian word order, however, mirrors the train of thought not from the new to the given, but from the given to the new. The basic word order in such sentences is, thus, like the following: Из-за поворота вылетел красный автомобиль (‘From the corner there flew out a red car’). A question then arises as to whether the “sentence-initial new” is being voiced over – when being read by the reader – with the prosody of the theme or with the prosody of the rheme? The instrumental analysis of the data taken from the minor working corpus of sounding texts of the Russian Classics voiced over by the best actors allows reconstructing the prosodic and, therefore, the communicative structures of a sentence with the new information placed sentence-initially. The software programs Praat and Speech Analyzer have been used in the process of analyzing the sounding data. The results presented here are exemplified by the tracings of the communicatively relevant movements of the reader’s voice frequency. The result of the analysis is a full paradigm of the communicative structures which are realized in the sentences with the new information placed sentence-initially, together with the description of the consistent cognitive strategies of information structuring within the process of reading. Keywords: prosody, theme, rheme, given, new, word order, reading, communicative structure, frequency, cognitive strategies of information structuring, computer software of spoken speech analyzing, Praat, Speech Analyzer Bibliography: Arutjunova N. D. Kommunikativnye formy bytijnyh predlozhenij // Arutjunova N. D., Shirjaev E. N. Russkoe predlozhenie. Bytijnyj tip. M.: Russkij jazyk, 1983. Dem'jankov V. Z. Kognitivnyj podhod k metajazyku sovremennoj lingvistiki // Mezhdunarodnyj kongress po kognitivnoj lingvistike: Sb. materialov. Tambov: Izd. dom TGU im. G. R. Derzhavina, 2008. Kovtunova I. I. Struktura hudozhestvennogo teksta i novaja informa-cija // Sintaksis teksta. M., 1979. Kubrjakova E. S. Jazyk i znanie. M.: Jazyki slavjanskoj kul'tury, 2004. Janko T. E. Kognitivnye strategii v rechi: kommunikativnaja struktura russkih introduktivnyh predlozhenij // Voprosy jazykoznanija. 1994. № 6. Chafe W. Givenness, Contrastiveness, Definiteness, Subjects, Topics, and Point of View // Subject and Topic. New York: Academic Press, 1976. Firbas J. On «Existance / appearance on the scene» in functional sentence perspective // Prague Studies in English. Praha, 1975. № 5 (16). |
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