Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: Doiche Bukh: some observations on multilingual poetry Authors: A. Morse HARVARD UNIVERSITY, CAMBRIDGE, MA, USA
Abstract: This article examines the macaronic Russian-German poems published in Vsevolod Nekrasov’s Doiche Bukh (1998). In addition to exploring the professional and aesthetic motivations for Nekrasov’s use of German at this point in his writing career, the article strives to read these poems in the context of Nekrasov’s work as a whole. The use of a foreign language, moreover one that the poet did not know well, would seem to go against a poetics so rooted in the minimal nuances of Nekrasov’s native tongue. And yet, when read in the context of both Nekrasov’s other poetry and his polemical articles, the multilingual experimentation of Doiche Bukh turns out to be working toward the same aesthetic and polemical ends as Nekrasov’s purely Russian-language work. Keywords: Vsevolod Nekrasov, Doiche Bukh, multilingual, macaronic poetry, zaum Bibliography: Hirt, G., S. Wonders. Kulturpalast. Neue Moskauer Poesie und Aktionskunst. Wupperthal: S-Press, 1984. Janecek, G. ZAUM: The transrational poetry of Russian Futurism. San Diego: San Diego State University Press, 1996. Kharms, D. Zapisnye knizhki (v 2-kh tomakh). Ed. V. Sazhin. Sankt- Peterburg: Akademicheskii proekt, 2002. Makhoninova, A. «Osvoenie real'nosti rech'iu.» Polilog № 3 (2010), 28–32. Nekrasov, V. Doiche Bukh. Moskva: Vek XX i mir, 1998. Nekrasov, V. Zhivu-vizhu. Moskva: Krokin Gallereia, 2002. Nekrasov, V. Stikhi 1956-1983. Vologda: Poligraf-kniga, 2012. Nekrasov, V., A. I. Zhuravleva. Paket. Moskva, 1996. Shklovsky, V. «O poezii i zaumnom iazyke.» Poetika. Sankt-Peterburg: XXX, 1919. Sukhotin, M. «Konkrete-Poesie and the poetry of Vsevolod Nekrasov.» Published at http://www.levin.rinet.ru/FRIENDS/SUHOTIN/Statji/konkr-poesia. html. |
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