Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: Critique of Potebnia in Boris Engelhardt’s works Authors: S.N. Zenkin Russian State University for the Humanities
Abstract: Boris Mikhailovich Engelhardt (ou Engelgardt, 1887–1942) wrote two long articles which were aimed at methodological revision of Alexander Potebnia’s theory in 1920s; they were published only after the author’s demise in 2005. With respect to Potebnia, Engelhardt developed four moves: 1) he localized him on the methodological map of philology (as a representative of the «gnoseological psychologism»; 2) he substituted the Potebnia’s psychological no-tion of «image» by «symbol», which has explicit expression and serves to the com-municative and cognitive aims; 3) in the theory of poetical work, he distinguished the notions of thinking and cognition, which were confounded by Potebnia, and characterized poetry as a self-sufficient and non-cognitive form of thinking; 4) he revised Potebnia’s historical typology of verbal culture and pointed out an increase (and not weakening) of poeticism of language while the latter provides a fund of non-poetic, terminological words. Keywords: Potebnia, Engelhardt (Engelgardt), methodology, theory of lan-guage, aesthetic Bibliography: Boldyrev A. N. Osadnaja zapis': Blokadnyj dnevnik. SPb.: Evropejskij dom, 1998. Vinogradov V. V. O teorii hudozhestvennoj rechi. M.: Vyssh. shk., 1971. Voloshinov V. N. Marksizm i filosofija jazyka. L.: Priboj, 1929. Lévi-StraussK. Strukturnaja antropologija. M.: Nauka, Gl. red. vost. lit., 1983. Lotman Ju. M. Ob iskusstve. SPb.: Iskusstvo-SPb, 1998. Potebnia A. A. Estetika i poetika. M.: Iskusstvo, 1976. Engelhardt B. M. Aleksandr Nikolaevich Veselovskij. Pg.: Kolos, 1924. Engelhardt B. M. Formal'nyj metod v istorii literatury. L.: Academia, 1927 // Engelhardt B. M. Izbrsnnye trudy / Pod red. A. B. Muratova. SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGU, 1995. Engelhardt B. M. Fenomenologija i teorija slovesnosti / Sost., predisl., poslesl., nauch. komment. A. B. Muratova. M.: Novoe lit. obozrenie, 2005. |
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