Institute of Philology of
the Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences |
DOI: 10.25205/2307-1737 Roskomnadzor certificate number Эл № ФС 77-84784 | |
Kritika i Semiotika (Critique and Semiotics) | |
ArticleName: Discourse and stereotype Authors: I.V. Silantev, Yu.V. Shatin Institute of Philology, Siberian Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences
Abstract: The problem of the interaction of discourse and stereotype is dis-cussed in the paper. Discourse is understood as an event statement that violates the usual course of things thus creating a new meaning. A stereotype is understood as an idea which is aimed at simplifying the complex social processes and thereby protects ordinary thinking, its attitudes, opinions and the right to «the truth». Thus the order of discourse is pointing out to the unknown and newly discovered side of the world, while the stereotype applies to the known and therefore predictable designs. Inter-preting discourse as a communicatively significant event, the authors conclude that stereotype destroys an event potential of discourse, but preserves its form and in some cases decorates it with different rhetorical means. The authors identify six main features of a stereotype: a) commitment doxa; b) collages; c) verbal redundan-cy; g) discourse softness; d) lack of critical reflection; e) high pragmatism, suggest-ing the possibility of performative. Keywords: discourse, stereotype, communicative event, performative Bibliography: Barthes R. Vojna jazykov // Bart R. Izbrannye raboty. Semiotika. Pojetika. M., 1989. Bourdieu P. O televidenii i zhurnalistike. M., 2002. Dijk T. van. Jazyk. Poznanie. Kommunikacija. M,, 1989. Moles A. Sociodinamika kul'tury. M., 2008. Popper K. Logika i rost nauchnogo znanija. M., 1983. Silantev I.V. Gazeta i roman. M., 2006. Flood Ch. Politicheskij mif. M., 2004. Foucault M. Volja k istine: po tu storonu znanija, vlasti i seksual'nosti. Raboty raznyh let. M.,1996. Billing M. Ideology and Opinions: Studies in Rhetorical Psychology L., 1991. P.41. |
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