Формы причастия
. |
Active |
Passive |
I Indefinite |
writing |
being written |
IPerfect |
having written |
having been written |
II |
- |
written |
Функции причастия
I. Определение. Употребляются только формы Indefinite
Active и Passive и
Participle II
В функции определения причастие отвечает на вопрос какой? и может стоять до
или после определяемого существительного. Переводится соответствующей формой
русских причастий.
He watched the rising temperature.
Он наблюдал за повышающейся температурой.
The method being used will be analysed in detail.
Метод, применяемый сейчас, будет подробно проанализирован.
The data obtained contained some important information.
Полученные данные содержали важную информацию.
Причастия от глаголов involve,
concern переводятся "данный", "рассматриваемый".
The data involved (concerned) are very important.
Рассматриваемые данные очень важны.
II. Обстоятельство. Употребляются все формы причастия.
В функции обстоятельства причастие отвечает на вопросы когда? как?
почему? при каких обстоятельствах? Переводится на русский язык:
1) деепричастным оборотом;
2) придаточным предложением;
3) существительным с предлогом при.
Carrying out the experiment he observed an interesting phenomenon.
При проведении эксперимента (проводя эксперимент) он наблюдал интересное явление.
Being asked to take part in this work he agreed at once.
Когда его попросили принять участие в этой работе, он немедленно согласился.
Being packed well the goods arrived in good conditions.
Так как товары были хорошо запакованы, они прибыли в хорошем состоянии.
Будучи хорошо запакованными, товары прибыли в хорошем состоянии.
Having finished the experiment he began to analise the data.
Проведя эксперимент, он начал анализировать данные.
Having been developed very well the method was widely used.
Так как метод был хорошо разработан, он широко использовался.
Будучи хорошо разработанным, этот метод широко использовался.
Considered from this point of view the question is of great importance.
Если рассматривать с этой точки зрения, вопрос представляет большую важность.
Независимый причастный оборот
В независимом причастном обороте перед причастием стоит существительное
или местоимение. Перевод независимого причастного оборота зависит от его
места в предложении.
1. Если независимый причастный оборот стоит в начале предложения, то он
переводится придаточным предложением с союзами так как, поскольку, когда,
Her son being
ill, she couldn’t go to the Institute.
Так как ее сын был болен, она не могла пойти в институт.
2. Если независимый причастный оборот стоит в конце предложения, то он
переводится с помощью союзов а, и, причем.
He was given two articles, the latter being more helpful.
Ему дали две статьи, причем последняя была более полезной.
Независимый причастный оборот может вводиться предлогом with.
I carried out the experiment with my friend helping me.
Я проводил эксперимент, а мой друг помогал мне.
Предложение с независимым причастным оборотом может начинаться с конструкции
There being или It being.
There being
little time at our disposal, we couldn’ ’t finish our
Так как в нашем распоряжении было мало времени, мы не смогли закончить наш
It being very dark,
I couldn’ t see anything.
Так как было темно, я не мог ничего видеть.
"Объектный падеж с причастием"
Этот оборот состоит из существительного или местоимения в объектном падеже
и причастия. Часто употребляется после глаголов физического восприятия
to see, to hear, to watch, to notice, to feel, а также после глаголов,
выражающих предположение, мнение, приказание to consider, to order
etc. Переводится придаточным предложением с союзами как или что.
I saw him going to the Institute.
Я видел, как он шел в институт.
We watched her carrying out the experiment.
Мы наблюдали, как она проводила эксперимент.
Иногда перед причастием может стоять союз as.
We consider this compound as consisting of two substances.
Мы считает, что это соединение состоит из двух веществ.
"Именительный падеж с причастием"
Этот оборот употребляется после глаголов to consider, to observe,
to find, to show и др., стоящих в страдательном залоге. Переводится неопределенно-личным
предложением с придаточным, вводимым союзами как или что.
The temperature was observed gradually rising.
Наблюдали, как температура постепенно поднималась.
The work was regarded (having been) completed.
Считали, что работа закончена.
Причастие может вводиться союзом as.
The substance was considered as having admixtures.
Считали, что вещество содержит примеси.
Оборот с причастием, стоящим на первом
месте в предложении и являющимся частью сказуемого
В этом обороте причастие вынесено на первое место в предложении. Перевод
следует начинать с обстоятельства или дополнения, затем переводится сказуемое
(роль которого выполняет причастие) и, наконец, подлежащее.
Included in the first part are the following data.
В первую часть включены следующие данные.
Standing on the field was a small plane.
На поле стоял маленький самолет.
1. Figure 1 shows the results obtained 5 years ago.
2. The rules mentioned above apply to passive structures.
3. The horizontal arrows shown in the diagram illustrate the results
of such catastrophic interactions.
4. The polarization in a ring equipped with a snake is similar to the
spin echo phenomenon used in NMR techniques.
5. In addition to the beam steering mechanism described above it was also
discovered that Pockels cell itself can cause angular steering.
6. This may account for the solidification morphology observed following
electron beam surface melting.
7. Each process will be passed command line arguments consisting of the
program name followed by the arguments specified in the arg parameter.
8. "Reset" must be driven following power up for at least 200
9. This is followed by the second stage track search and track fit.
10. Using this value, we rescale the energy scale and give revised values
for the higher states.
11. Taking all this into account one arrives at a 4th -order equation for
the shifted synchrotron frequency and the growth rate for which a more
general stability criterion can be derived.
12. A process may or may not specify a source rank when receiving a message.
13. Making use of the z subsample in optical diagnostics, we could characterize
different populations of active galactic nuclei.
14. Being transparent quartz can be optically selected to near-perfection.
15. Being strongly correlated to this variable, other shape variables were
not used.
16. When placed in a ring residual errors in either plane will give rise
to a distortion of the closed orbit.
17. Depending on photon energy, the interaction can follow different
18. Unless explicitly stated the following general discussion applies to
both B systems.
19. Given the design gradient of all quads, one can calculate the expected
response matrix.
20. Given a structural description, either generated from a high level
language or specified by the user, each complex structure is replaced with
a network
of the basic gates that perform that function.
21. Given such a model for the accelerator, one launches a single particle
at a starting point in phase space.
22. Given these quantities, the simulation returns the number of Cherenkov
photons selected by the photomultipliers and the error of this measurement.
23. Ten measurements were made on each of the samples with the average
value being reported.
24. A conventional three-electrode cell was used, the counter-electrode
being a platinum sheet.
25. There may be different mechanisms for saturation, each having a different
power dependence.
26. Such converters are made up of several stages of conversion, the most
important being the mechanism-frequency inverter.
27. A number of measurements were made with Hall probes, the most important
being the measurements of the radial component of the magnetic field in
the muon storage ring.
28. The fission fragments are medium weight positive ions with a mass distribution
illustrated in Fig. l- 4.
29. Auger electrons therefore produce a discrete energy spectrum, with
different groups corresponding to different initial and final stages.
30. Another novel aspect of the voltage multiplier is that each "layer"
of the device contains four secondary electrodes with each electrode having
an angular extent of nearly 90°.
31. The particle motion being constrained to remain in the horizontal plane,
the quantum excitation only causes stochastic spin precessions about the
vertical axis.
32. The oscillation amplitudes being generally small, the resultant spin
precession may be considered as a perturbation of the spin motion on the
closed orbit.
33. With 300KV pulse applied to four electrodes in sequence, electrons
were accelerated to 1,3MeV.
34. Closely related to the training sample is the covariance matrix.
35. Associated with this new bunch analysis possibility is variety of practical
36. Also shown in Table 3 is an experimental multicast facility that exploits
the broadcast medium of networks such as Ethernet.
37. Not shown in this principle representation is the outer clamping
38. Surrounding the inner tracking system is the core of the ALICE detector
- its time projection chamber.
39. Inherent in this design are aspects that assume risk in order to maximize
scientific return within the limited resources allocated to the camera.
40. In the nonlinear phases of each rotation case we can clearly see a
transport barriers forming and growing as the rotation is increased.
41. The method applied was very helpful having as it did a lot of advantages.
42. Strictly speaking, the collisionless electron skin depth should therefore
be zero.
43. In what follows, however, the term in question will be dropped; the
system is therefore, strictly speaking, non-Hamiltonian.
44. Strictly speaking, you do not need the APLAC Editor at all to make
sensible APLAC Simulator run if you are willing to enter you simulations
in the APLAC language with a text editor.
45. Generally speaking, it may be stated that the most cross sections of
neutron reactions increase as the energy decreases down to very low energies.
1. The authors concluded from their studies that intercalation occurs
only at GC base pair sites while complexes formed at AT sites are an
external type.
2. However, the experimental results presented in this paper show that
this is not the case.
3. The evidence suggests that for antibiotics including mitomycin,
free radicals are the result of the reaction of peroxide with cellular
complexed with protein.
4. There are two classes of light chains found in human, mouse, and
rat, called R and l.
5. From the 5’-end a short duplex is formed, followed by an extensive
6. These results are again consistent with an ordered addition of ATP
and isoleucine followed by addition of tRNA.
7. Following overnight dialysis against buffer A, the enzyme was concentrated
15-fold by rechromatography on a DNA-agarose column.
8. Using various substrates that contain dIMP residues, we show that
this activity is associated with DNA glycosilase II coded for by Alka
9. Using synthetic peptides corresponding to the active site of enzyme,
the epitope recognized by a subgroup of these autoantibodies on Dnase
I was mapped.
10. All 12 possible base-mispairs can be detected, thus providing a
detailed description of base substitution fidelity.
11. Based on in vitro recombination tests, he characterized several
12. Based on arguments similar to those followed above, GnE1 was attributed
to glutamine formed as a result of spontaneous deaminoacylation of
glutaminyl-tRNA, approximately 26% of the total radioactivity being
liberated in this
13. During this process a water molecule, which occupies the area on
the enzyme where the methyl group of isoleucine is usually located,
is enzymically activated via the 3’ -OH of the terminal adenosine
of tRNA
followed by nucleophilic attack on the biologically incorrect ester
14. Thus, given a cloned DNA segment, the discovery of associated RFLP
can be tedious.
15. Given the high affinity of the DNA polymerase III holoenzyme for
template, the replacement of DNA polymerase III by DNA polymerase II
may require the active participation of other replication proteins.
16. Even given a good antibody response there are still some complicating
factors with regard to their selection and perhaps of relevance to
their proposed practical and commercial use.
17. The efficiency of editing base substitution errors can vary over
a wide range, depending on the enzyme, the mispair and the template-primer
18. Unless otherwise indicated, the substrate was poly(dt).
19. Unless otherwise stated, all subsequent operations were carried
out at 4°C.
20. As already mentioned, functions x in the applications that motivated
our study are sample parts of a stochastic process.
21. The dye is prepared as a stock solution in either phosphoric or
perchloric acid, the latter reagent being more stable.
22. Lipases are enzymes that typically act at lipid/ water interfaces,
the lipase being water-soluble.
23. The heavy chains have more domains, with the exact number depending
upon the class of immunoglobulin.
24. The oligonucleotide has two different domains, one allowing double
helix formation and the other one forming a triple helix.
25. These values are divided into three groups, the first one consisting
only of two values, the second one of four, and the third one of six.
26. Also shown in Figure I is a proposed secondary structure.
27. Closely connected to this problem is the question of where and
how indivivual proteins are folded to gain their functional shape and
28. Relevant to the work described here was a report on conjugation
of nuclear signal peptide to an antisense oligodeoxinucleotide.
29. Complicating the picture is the fact that H1 and H1' are apparently
nonrandomly distributed.
30. Associated with BCG-induced regression is an increased immune response
against tumor-specific antigens.
1. The best known numerical methods used to generate approximate solutions
are based on the linear multistep
operator L.
2. Here we have a mixed differential equation containing two unknown functions.
3. The subject being defended in this passage is in fact the calculus,
which had been invented about a century and a half earlier.
4. Such a construction referred to as G supermanifold is described in this
5. Looking at the development of computational complexity theory, one can
observe very definite turning points.
6. Several methods are available but we shall describe the original methods
using analytic approximation.
7. Having located the cusp points, we can analyse the behaviour of the
machine when P is near them.
8. Having used the summation convention, we obtain four different products.
9. Given these conditions, what catastrophe theory tells us is the following.
10. Given these considerations about limit-cases, we can now say that stochastic
independence presupposes logical independence.
11. When applied to scientific problems catastrophe theory deals with the
properties of discontinuities directly.
12. The resulting family of state-variable diffeomorphisms must be smooth
when considered as a function of the control variables.
13. The same conditions imply property 2, as already stated, and this in
turn implies a weak form of property 3.
14. Unless otherwise stated the symbol f (x) will be used to denote a function,
which is single-valued and bounded in this interval and defined outside
this interval by the following equation.
15. We present here briefly the main statements for the Bolza problems
for easy reference, those for Lagrange problems being the same.
16. In computability theory, without additional modification, both of these
methods can be applied to relativized classes with the results being consistent
with the case for the unrelativized classes.
17. It will be carried out for program specification formalism and hence
also for program semantics √ the latter being a special case of the former.
18. In this solution, the gas swirls around in the nonuniform gravitational
field, experiencing accelerations and decelerations, with the latter events
causing shock waves.
19. Fig. 64 becomes a drawing of the control space for the system , with
the control trajectory indicated.
20. Equation 2 is simply a rearrangement of equation 1 with summation substituted
for integration.
21. The subject is very complicated belonging as it does to pure mathematics.
22. Strictly speaking this is not the case.
23. Roughly speaking all humans have similar proportions.
24. Put another way, one intentional difference between the expression
on the left of the equation and the expression on the right is that the
latter lies within the scope of the variable-binding operator and is being
computed in a different context than the former.
25. Associated with this series is the sequence of its partial sums.
26. Included in Sections 1.2 and 1.5 of this chapter are brief discussions
in a general setting of the key problem of topological embeddings.
27. Related to this is the matter of probability.
28. Also related to the above is the following apparent paradox.
29. Closely related to the ? -statements proved in this section are the
so-called ? -statements.
30. These experiments have not been reported as carried out elsewhere.