Краткий курс грамматики английского языка по программе кандидатского минимума



     Герундий сочетает в себе свойства глагола и существительного. В русском языке соответствующей формы нет. По форме герундий совпадает с причастием 1.

Формы герундия

being asked
having asked
having been asked

Функции герундия

1. Подлежащее.

     Переводится существительным или инфинитивом.

Smoking is not allowed here.
Курение (курить) здесь запрещено.

Carrying out experiments is necessary.
Проведение экспериментов (проводить эксперименты) необходимо.

2. Прямое дополнение.

     Переводится инфинитивом или с помощью придаточного предложения.

The children like asking questions.
Дети любят задавать вопросы.

The teachers like being asked questions.
Учителя любят, когда им задают вопросы.

I remember having seen this film.
Я помню, что смотрел этот фильм.

I remember having been told about this film.
Я помню, что мне рассказывали об этом фильме.

3. Предложное дополнение.

We insisted on sending him to the conference.
Мы настаивали на том, чтобы его послали на конференцию.

He insisted on being sent to the conference.
Он настаивал на том, чтобы его послали на конференцию.

He succeeded in obtaining reliable results.
Ему удалось получить надежные результаты.

В этой функции герундий употребляется после следующих глаголов с предлогами:

account for
aid in

aim at

depend on

differ in

be engaged in
be fond of
insist on
be interested in
object to
prevent from
rely on
be responsible for
result from
result in

succeed in
 - объяснять
- способствовать
- ставить целью
- зависеть от

- отличаться
- заниматься
- любить, нравиться, увлекаться 
- настаивать

- интересоваться

- возражать
- препятствовать
- полагаться на
- являться причиной
- являться результатом
- давать в результате, приводить к

- удаваться

4. Обстоятельство.

     В этой функции герундий всегда употребляется с предлогом. Переводится деепричастием или отглагольным существительным.

In copying the text he made a few mistakes.
При переписывании текста (переписывая текст) он сделал несколько ошибок.

The substance affects directly without causing side-effects.
Это вещество действует непосредственно, не вызывая побочных эффектов.

5. Определение.

     В этой функции герундий вводится предлогом и определяет отвлеченные существительные. Переводится отглагольным существительным или инфинитивом.

I had the pleasure of knowing him personally.
Я имел удовольствие знать его лично.

He had no possibility of testing the results.
У него не было возможности проверить результаты.

Герундиальный оборот

Перед герундием стоит существительное в притяжательном падеже или притяжательное местоимение. В начале предложения герундий переводится придаточным предложением, начинающимся с то, что или отглагольным существительным.

Dr. Smith’ s appointing to this post was unexpected.
То, что доктора Смита назначили на эту должность, было неожиданным.

В конце предложения герундиальный оборот обычно переводится придаточным предложением с союзом что.

I remember my scientific supervisor’ s telling me about it.
Я помню, что мой научный руководитель говорил мне об этом.

I remember his telling me about it.
Я помню, что он говорил мне об этом.



1. Increasing the width decreases the capacitance.
2. Preparing evaluated cross-section sets has become a discipline in itself and has developed since the early 1960s.
3. Increasing the amplification in a microstrip gas chamber means increasing the operating voltage, but this cannot be continued indefinitely.
4. Adding sophistication to the detection strategy increases the computational burden on the CPU and can provide only a marginal increase in algorithm performance.
5. Disallowing the possibility to boot from floppy drives and being able to set a password to access the BIOS features will improve the security of our system.
6. It is worth briefly discussing here the assumptions that were used in modeling these modes.
7. It is worth noting that in the most cases of interest we deal with structures having particular symmetric shapes: rectangular, elliptic, circular.
8. It is worth noting that these standard definitions contain all nonperturbative effects, including for example the photon vacuum polarization.
9. It is worth mentioning that the oscillating multipole fields should have a negligible effect on the proton beam emittance since their wavelength is orders of magnitude smaller that the betatron wavelength.
10. This is a hint that CP violation from beyond Standard Model sources is worth looking for.
11. The detailed theory of the effects of non-linearities is beyond the scope of this paper, but the following facts are worth mentioning.
12. Before writing a technical specification, it is worthwhile carefully documenting the basic information supplied by other groups of the project, as well as the design decisions and computations.
13. The steady-state theory also succeeds in accounting for the expansion and homogeneity of the universe.
14. Implementation examples aid in developing system-specific hardware and software.
15. We now aim at examining, using the largest possible data set, the consequences of the full mixing pattern within the framework of the HLS model at one-loop order.
16. The spin is defined by averaging over several turns.
17. The spin resonance compensation is achieved by generating opposite harmonics using a pattern of vertical orbit corrections.
18. This can be attained by distributing each coil over the whole length of windings.
19. Many experiments are therefore conducted by pulsing the original electron beam, and sorting out the neutron energies by their time-of-flight from the target following each electron pulse.
20. New efforts made in Japan resulted in further improving the HI-B qualities by affecting orientation and surface condition, by increasing the Si content, by reducing the thickness, and by refining domain wall-spacing.
21. Next we characterize these two parameters without referring to the fundamental symmetry T.
22. In order to polish and aluminize the fibers without damaging them, each group corresponding to a single module was bunched together and held fixed by mechanical clamps.
23. Upon entering any absorbing medium, the charged particle immediately interacts simultaneously with many electrons.
24. After having established close contacts with the academic world as well as industry, a programme of prototype evaluation was launched.
25. A method for reducing this noise is the following.
26. A proper error budget is an excellent tool for judging the overall stability of the equipment.
27. Their chance of being studied in detail by everyone involved in the contract will increase considerably.
28. This layout results in the current being zero during the pulse flat-top.
29. The same button is also used to prevent from the magnet being switched on.
30. A simple calculation of the simple ONEMAX function shows that the probability of the offspring being better than the midparent is equal to the probability of them being worse.


1. Extrapolating the mapping coordinates obtained from chromosomes length measurements suggested a localization in 16q22.
2. Substituting ?-alanine for one of the pyrroles improves the binding affinity for nine base pairs by almost an order of magnitude.
3. At this point it is worth mentioning that only a few acidity constants (of protonated ligands) and stability constants (of the corresponding complexes) will be summarized.
4. It is worth citing their conclusion that the observed loss of RNAse activity in malignant tumour cells, and RNAse activation associated with tumour regression, may well be indicative of some role of the enzyme in neoplastic transformation.
5. In this respect, it is worth mentioning that the different substitutions or insertions did not modify the secondary structure or the post-transcriptional modifications which both might be peremptory for a functional RNA.
6. It is worth while mentioning here the importance of the order of adding lipase and substrate.
7. In 1973, Catlin and Cramer employed a similar strategy and succeeded in achieving the synthesis of a tetranucleotide.
8. Mg+ aids in removing this proton and thus in activating the G nucleophile.
9. We have succeeded in growing crystals of rat polymerase ? complexed with two pseudo substrates.
10. In trying to use antisense RNA to modify expression of sense RNA, a basic assumption is that the two complementary strands will form a duplexed RNA.
11. These antibodies have been very useful in identifying Z-DNA in many systems.
12. Cells should be evenly spotted on the filter by gently turning the applicator sticks on the filter.
13. By comparing the DNA fingerprints of a mother and her child, it is possible to identify DNA fragments in the child.
14. The thiol proteases are endopeptidases that differ from the serine proteases by having reactive cysteine residues.
15. A sharp depression of the interaction of netropsin with DNA by increasing ionic strength suggested markedly lower stability of this complex, whereas the duplex polymers are highly stable at extreme salt concentration.
16. On replacing the C6H5CH2- and CH3CONH-groups of acetylphenylalanine by hydrogen atoms to give the simple acetyl group, the deacylation rate drops by a factor of 104.
17. In the presence of a peracid, the N:(II) species induce oxidation of such unhindered guanines without altering the structure of the rest of molecule.
18. The efficiency of editing base substitution errors can vary over a wide range, depending on the enzyme, the mispair and the template prime position.
19. The formation of the acylenzyme is the slow step in the reaction of saturating concentrations of amide substrates but the acylenzyme often accumulates in the hydrolysis of esters.
20. The objective was to see if a synthetically accessible oligonucleotide could be a tool for identifying and isolating a specific messenger RNA based on Watson-Crick hydrogen bonding.
21. This response prevents axons from regenerating.
22. There are several complicating factors that have prevented zinc from being selected as the reagent of choice.
23. The low pKa of the histidine is presumably due to its being partly buried in a hydrophobic region.
24. Despite catalysing the same reaction, the different classes utilize different mechanisms.
25. The difference is due to a greatly increased affinity of the ? subunit for the 3'-OH primer terminus, resulting from DNA binding by the polymerase subunit.


1. Finding universal unfoldings is seldom so straightforward.
2. Drawing a picture according to a derivation in a linear grammar can be done using two cursors.
3. The major concern in this paper is showing the relationship between matrix multiplication and some other problems in this class.
4. The purpose of this paper is analysing the convergence properties to steady state both for the continuous problem and the corresponding discrete approximation.
5. There are two things worth noting here.
6. Indeed, it must somehow be true that the accuracy with which it is worthwhile solving the Riemann problem will be limited by the way we intend using the solution.
7. A recent review of this subject has developed criteria to judge whether a Monte Carlo integration is appropriate. Several points are worth emphasizing.
8. This fact cannot help influencing the nature of this phenomenon.
9. Among the very rich harvest of these new methods, lack of space prevents me from mentioning more than a few results taken from the most startling ones.
10. Feit and Thompson succeeded in proving the old conjecture of Burnside that all noncommutative simple groups have even order.
11. For instance, P.Novikov and his school have finally succeeded, by long combinatorial arguments, in constructing infinity groups G which satisfy the Burnside conditions.
12. We operate the machine by moving P slowly in the plane of the machine.
13. The examples we present are obtained by applying the Lowenheim-Skolem Theorem for week second-order languages.
14. In proving this we will have an occasion to use the lower closure theorem.
15. We can deal with the two remaining regions without performing any calculations.
16. The idea of considering differential operators on differential manifold goes back to Riemann and Beltrami.
17. One has now an explicit procedure for computing the solution of a boundary value problem (when it is unique).
18. Instead of dealing with numbers alone set theory deals with sets √ well defined collection of things.
19. This conclusion does not depend on B being true.
20. The probability of this result being due to chance is 1 to 10000.


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