Краткий курс грамматики английского языка по программе кандидатского минимума



Формы инфинитива

to ask
to be asked
to be asking
to have asked
to have been asked

to have been asking

     В русском языке имеется соответствие только для инфинитива в формах Indefinite Active и Passive, остальные перевести изолированно нельзя, употребляются редко.

Функции инфинитива

1. Подлежащее. Переводится неопределенной формой глагола.

To study foreign languages is necessary.
Изучать иностранные языки необходимо.

Иногда в начале предложения имеется формальное подлежащее it, которое на русский язык не переводится.

It is difficult to answer the question.
Трудно ответить на этот вопрос.

2. 2-ая часть сложного сказуемого. Переводится выражением "заключается в том, чтобы" или "состоит в том, чтобы" и глаголом в инфинитиве.

His duty is to do the work in time.
Его обязанность заключается в том, чтобы выполнить работу вовремя.

3. Дополнение. Переводится неопределенной формой глагола или придаточным предложением.

They report to have solved the problem.
Они сообщают, что решили эту задачу.

4. Определение. Переводится инфинитивом, причастием, личной формой глагола, придаточным предложением.

He has no desire to be appointed to this post.
У него нет желания быть назначенным на эту должность.
Он не хочет, чтобы его назначили на эту должность.

The students to take part in the expedition have come.
Студенты, принимающие (которые будут принимать) участие в экспедиции, пришли.

He was always the first to answer at the exam.
Он всегда первым отвечал на экзамене.

This is the article to be referred to.
Вот статья, на которую будем ссылаться (надо ссылаться).

5. Обстоятельство. Переводится придаточным предложением, деепричастием.

a) обстоятельство цели (после союзов so as и in order).

We stopped there so as (in order) to have a rest.
Мы остановились там, чтобы отдохнуть.

б) обстоятельство следствия (после наречий too и enough).

It’s too cold to bathe in the river.
Слишком холодно, чтобы купаться в реке.

I don’t know him well enough to ask him about it.
Я знаю его недостаточно хорошо, чтобы спрашивать об этом.

в) обстоятельство сопутствующих условий (после глаголов to form, to produce, to yield).

Hydrogen and oxygen unite to form water.
Водород и кислород соединяются, образуя воду.

"Объектный падеж с инфинитивом"

     Оборот состоит из существительного или местоимения в объектном падеже и инфинитива и переводится придаточным предложением с союзами что, чтобы, как.


1) после глаголов чувственного восприятия: to see, to hear, to feel, to watch etc. (без частицы to):

I never heard him speak English.
Я никогда не слышал, чтобы он говорил по-английски;

2) после глаголов, выражающих желание, намерение, эмоции:

I want you to help me.
Я хочу, чтобы ты помог мне.

I would like him to speak at the conference.
Я хотел бы, чтобы он выступил на конференции;

3) после глаголов, выражающих умственную активность: to know, to consider, to believe, to suppose, to expect:

We expect him to come tomorrow.
Мы полагаем, что он приедет завтра.

We consider him to be the best student in the group.
Мы считаем, что он самый лучший студент в группе.

I didn’ t know them to have taken part in the expedition.
Я не знал, что они принимали участие в экспедиции.

" Именительный падеж с инфинитивом"

     Этот оборот состоит из существительного или местоимения и сложного сказуемого, второй частью которого является инфинитив.

The delegation is reported to have arrived in Moscow.

     Может переводиться двумя способами.

1-ый способ: Сообщают, что делегация прибыла в Москву.

2-ой способ: Делегация, как сообщают, прибыла в Москву.

1) в основном, после глаголов в страдательном залоге:

The article is expected to be published next month.
Полагают, что эта статья будет опубликована в следующем месяце.

2) после глаголов в действительном залоге:

to seem, to appear         - по-видимому, казаться
to happen, to chance     - случаться, случайно оказываться
to prove, to turn out        - оказываться (в конечном счете)

He seemed to have forgotten about it.
Он, по-видимому, забыл об этом.

I happened to see him yesterday.
Я случайно встретил его вчера.

The experiment proved to be a failure.
Эксперимент оказался неудачным.

3) после словосочетаний:

be likely          - вероятно
be unlikely      - маловероятно
be sure           - обязательно, конечно
be certain      - обязательно, конечно

He is sure to come.
Он обязательно придет.

He is likely to know the news.
Он, вероятно, знает об этой новости.

" Инфинитив после причастия II и слов likely, sure, certain"

     Переводится аналогично предыдущему обороту (2-й способ), только со словом который.

The substance known to dissolve in water was tested.
Вещество, которое, как известно, растворяется в воде, было исследовано.

The results likely to be obtained in this experiment will be of great value.
Результаты, которые, вероятно, получат в этом эксперименте, будут иметь большую ценность.

Оборот "for + существительное (местоимение) + инфинитив"

     Этот оборот выполняет различные функции. Предлог for при переводе опускается, а весь оборот переводится придаточным предложением соответственно выполняемой функции.


1. Подлежащее.

It is necessary for him to carry out the experiment.
Ему необходимо провести эксперимент.

2. Дополнение.

We waited for the director to sign the documents.
Мы ждали, когда директор подпишет документы.

3. Определение.

This is the article for you to translate.
Вот статья, которую вам надо перевести.

4. Обстоятельство.

He spoke distinctly for everybody to hear.
Он говорил отчетливо, чтобы все слышали.



1. To solve this problem is to make the bash shell automatically logout after not being used for a period of time.
2. The aim of this paper is to perform spectral analysis of the Lockman Hole sources.
3. The purpose of this paper is not to describe in detail the converters which are used for the necessary conversions, but to demonstrate how it is possible to synthesize different converter structures.
4. Another approach is to measure the betatron frequency as the beam intensity is varied.
5. The goal is to calculate the electric and magnetic fields of the radiation received by an observer.
6. Mixing matter with antimatter may enable materials to be examined in unprecedented detail.
7. This allowed certain of the high-level reconstruction results to be stored after computation.
8. The discovery of the Lyman alpha break in the spectrum of high-redshift objects enables more and more high-redshift galaxies to be recognized.
9. The spin rotator can be considered as a very large defect which causes the spin  - orbit coupling integrals to become large.
10. Alternatively, the excitation energy of the atom may be transferred directly to one of the outer electrons, causing it to be ejected from the atom.
11. The sample of material to be studied is vaporized and ionizes.
12. The transitions to be discussed do not change the quantum number n and we may therefore limit ourselves to functions of the form.
13. Another effect to be taken into account is bremstrahlung, causing heavy energy losses of electrically charged particles of smaller mass.
14. This unit is called for reasons, to be discussed later, radiation length.
15. This was the first accelerator to have the entire magnet evacuated.
16. The operation of any radiation detector basically depends on the manner in which the radiation to be detected interacts with the material of the detector itself.
17. In order to get a large enough kick to cause depolarization the beam must go through many revolutions.
18. To understand it a minimum knowledge of the terminology of graph theory is necessary.
19. We also use the facility in a vacuum vessel to avoid the effects of air turbulence.
20. We have checked that the fit windows are small enough so as not to introduce a systematic bias from this procedure.
21. In the meantime, several textile machinery manufacturers have joined together to form the "CAN Textile Users Group".
22. Now restart your network for the change to take effect.
23. However, for the system to function properly, the power supply must be synchronized to the system clock.
24. An alternative approach to protecting privacy is to make it difficult, if not impossible, for anyone to collect the information.
25. The manufacturer will normally have taken steps to ensure that this is not the case but, if the magnetic field around the tube is distributed in any way, by the field of circulator for example, then it is possible for a destructive discharge to occur.
26. The cluster seller expects AMD chips to be used increasingly often in the future.
27. In general, for typical storage rings, we expect depolarizing effects to be at their smallest when the orbit of the particles in the ring is flat and goes through the centre of all quadruple magnets.
28. Since this effect is the result of a short detector, one would expect these angular effects to be absent in the longer 155-module detector, on which a particle is unlikely to channel for the entire length.
29. This finding was found to be independent of substrate temperature.
30. For calculation of the pseudo masses all tracks are assumed to originate from charged pions.
31. The method was reported to be used to monitor on-line industrial processes.
32. The pulsed mode of gun operation was expected to improve the situation.
33. The quasi-stellar objects are thought to be associated with the growth of big black holes in the inner parts of the first galaxies.
34. Details of the beam pulse shape are not found to be important in predicting the electron density at the end of the ion beam pulse.
35. The assertion of homogeneity seems to be so important that it was called "the cosmological principle".
36. The rest of the grains appeared to be much smaller than 100 nm.
37. In addition, there appears to be some disagreement between the measurement and the calculation.
38. Similar conclusion proves to be correct for all other models discussed above.
39. Kaon decays may still prove to be a valuable source of new information on some of the remaining fundamental questions in particle physics.
40. The Breit-Wigner formulation turns out to approximate locally this real part by a constant which corresponds to the mass given in the Review of Particle Properties.
41. To our knowledge, only those ions which happen to be present in the scattering volume have a certain chance to enter the analyzer.
42. Sources that are physically thicker are subject to "self-absorption", which is likely to affect both the number and the energy spectrum of the radiations that emerge from its surface.
43. This is, at the moment, only a hypothetical particle and is unlikely to be detected experimentally for many years to come.
44. Analytic calculations of the scaling of the free-mode energy in this context do not appear to have been undertaken.
45. In practice however a wiggler is likely to contain multipole field errors that can give rise to further beam dynamics effects.
46. At this year’s International Astronomical Union conference in Manchester, attention was focused on new high-resolution studies of some of the most energetic objects known to exist.
47. The physics of hadrons was a topic of intense study long before the gauge field theory of quantumchromodynamics (QCD) now believed to describe it completely was invented.
48. To summarize, the spin-orbital vector becomes large on resonance, causing a significant reduction of polarization.
49. To be on the safe side, the latter is used as the final systematic error.
50. Many general reference works are available concerning this broad topic, the classic text by Evans, to mention only one, has served as a standard reference over several decades.


1. It is possible to solve the crystal structures of the co-crystallized complexes of trypsin.
2. Our goal is to achieve binding to 12 base pairs at subnanomolar concentrations.
3. The main aim of this work is to investigate the effect of the micellar environment upon the structure of three related enzymes.
4. Such specific deletions and insertions are not always easy to obtain.
5. Protein-DNA binding is terribly important, but chemically extremely complicated to predict.
6. The decrease in dehydrogenation selectivity as the conversation increases is to be expected due to secondary reactions.
7. Such a detailed view of the active site in the ternary complex allows us to propose a two-metal ion mechanism for the nucleotiolyl transfer reaction.
8. The affinity cleaving method allows the effect of reaction conditions, probe length, and single base mismatches on triple helix formation to be analyzed on high-resolution gel electrophoresis.
9. In addition, the chemical reactions allow one to assign interactions to specific atoms and to distinguish secondary interactions from tertiary ones.
10. The techniques of cloning enable single recombinant molecules of DNA to be selected and amplified and hence relatively rare events can be identified almost as easily as more common events.
11. The high mischarging capacity of the tRNAVal preparation enabled us to carry out the first initial rate kinetic studies in a misacylation reaction.
12. Removal of a nylon adherent T cell population from the poly-treated cell population will permit an immune response to take place.
13. To probe how long a stretch of DNA the polyamides can recognize, the chemists constructed a series of dimers of varying length.
14. A similar approach was used to control synthesis of various proteins.
15. She and her collaborators are using nickel and cobalt complexes to probe the conformation of guanine residues in DNA and RNA structures.
16. In order to test the importance of sequence similarity for triple helix formation and cleavage, we synthesized two probes.
17. To determine the partitioning of enzyme between these two template-primers, activity on the homopolymeric substrates was followed.
18. DNA fingerprints can also be used to study chromosome and DNA changes in cancer.
19. It has been maintained that, in general, these hydrolysis rates are too low to account for the observed specificities, and that the hydrolysis is nonspecific.
20. It was determined that the reaction of both axially and nonaxially liganded porphyrines was too rapid to be measured by either method.
21. Neither fragment contains enough of the anticodon helix to form internal hydrogen bonds.
22. The kinetic and structural data may be combined to give the following qualitative description of the mechanism.
23. Sulfur dioxide reacted slowly upon a water suspension of p-benzoquinone-dibenzenesulfonimide to reduce it gradually to the diamide.
24. 2,3-Diphenylmercapto-p-benzoquinonedibenzimide added hydrogen chloride to give the 2,3-diphenylmercapto-5-chloro diamide.
25. More significant for the work to follow, however, were Miescher’s subsequent investigations.
26. Ura-DNA glycosylase was the first of many DNA glycosylases to be discovered in extracts of E coli.
27. In this catalytic pathway ATP is the first substrate to be added to the enzyme, isoleucine the second and tRNAIle the third one, pyrophosphate is the first product to be released, isoleucyl-tRNA the second and AMP the last one.
28. Gordon et al. were the first to systematically examine the behaviour of nucleosomes in a very dilute salt solution.
29. Here the olygonucleotide is designed to pair with sequences on both sides of the sequence to be deleted and again acts as a primer for synthesis of the second DNA strand.
30. It now seems clear that base-pair sequence not only codes for the proteins to be expressed but also contains vital control information.
31. Some side reactions are known to occur under these coupling conditions.
32. The HMG proteins are generally considered to be minor but not insignificant components of chromatin.
33. Two different excision-repair mechanisms are known to exist for the removal of nonconventional residues from DNA.
34. RNA 1 was found to influence symptoms and to control systematic invasion.
35. The porhyrin was found to crystallize in the space group and to have a precise center of symmetry.
36. The rate of transcription is thought to be about 60 nucleotides per second.
37. This period of time before all division is believed to ensure complete repair of DNA.
38. Pyroglutamate is known to be formed from both glutamate and glumatine by enzymatic as well as nonenzymatic cyclization of these amino acids.
39. FSBI is expected to bind only to the catalytic site of F1, as ITP does, which brings additional evidence that Tyr 345 is at catalytic site.
40. Since benzoate is not expected to quench the tryplet of benzophenon, this result indicates that the triplet state is not directly involved in cleavage.
41. Thus, the complex seems to be reversible.
42. In this regard, clusters of charged residues seem to be a frequent feature of the epitopes bound by autoantibodies.
43. However, the exact structures attached to the antibody seem to vary with both the particular cell line and the growth condition.
44. The high molecular RNAse seems to be distinct from the low molecular mass RNAse present in milk plasma.
45. At first glance it seems to be unusual that a structural analogue of ATP and an analogue of isoleucine cause the same affects.
46. The second possibility seems to be unlikely since preincubation of the enzyme at 37°C in the reaction buffer prior to the assay did not eliminate the lag.
47. For isoleucyl-tRNA-synthetase, a proofreading process seems to be necessary because tRNAVal and tRNAIle are perhaps very similar in their recognition sites.
48. The model differs from most of the former models by the fact, that the binding site does not exactly seem to be adjusted to the length of the threonine side chain.
49. On the other hand, there seem to be cases where IFTA assumption works well, even if cycles appear.
50. Core-containing minisatellites appear to be recombination hotspots.
51. In the absence of a resistance gene, however, compatibility appears to be basic.
52. More recently, Nielsen et al. have reported on a highly modified oligonucleotide structure that appears to bind to DNA with very high affinity.
53. Demeclocicline appears to be the most phototoxic according to clinical studies.
54. There appeared to be present very small amounts of isomers which were not isolated or identified.
55. T cells do not appear to be required for the nitrogenic effect.
56. Of these eukaryotic cellular polymerases, DNA polymerase?, which has been suggested to be involved in DNA repair, appears to be the most useful in elucidating the structure-function relationships.
57. For Zn2+ a more even distribution between the N-1 and N-7 sites of adenosine appears to occur, while Mn2+ possibly prefers the N-1 site.
58. 58. For a more detailed investigation of the DNA folding process, electro-optical techniques proved to be useful.
59. The use of modified tRNAs which have proved to be a valuable tool in other areas was the basis for these investigations.
60. Sometimes a chloroform solution of hydrozoic acid proved to be advantageous.
61. One evening in February 1973, we happened to look closely at some negatively stained nuclei.
62. The core sequence is most unlikely to be the sole mediator of recombination.
63. Mutation is more likely to impair the expression of genetic information than to restore it.
64. Weber and Salemme observed only right-handed cylinders in the study of proteins known to form fourfold L-helical bundles.
65. By contrast, the holoenzyme was discovered as a biochemical manifestation of factors known to play important roles in the regulation of transcription in vivo.
66. It seems hardly coincidental that viral reverse transcriptase is the only DNA polymerase of mammalian origin known to possess an associated exonuclease activity.
67. Lindberg’s results, together with the present data, show the protein to be a single chain of about 270 residues with leucine at the NH2-terminal position and two disulfide bonds.
68. For such investigations to be informative, the experimental dependence of the fraction of nucleosomes packed in the higher-order structure on the amount of bound H1 must be determined.
69. For reaction to occur the carbonyl oxygen must swing into the hydrogen bonding site between Ser-195 and Gly-193 and the bound water molecule must attack the carbonyl carbon.
70. For nucleophilic catalysis to be efficient, the nucleophil must be more nucleophilic than the one it replaces, and the intermediate must be more reactive than the parent compound.


1. To acquire an income necessitates certain activities resulting in certain costs.
2. One possibility is to use operators at the boundaries, another to perform some sort of extrapolation.
3. The same thing holds in the example we are about to consider now, where X, Y, Z are the sides of a random prism.
4. Our second strategy employed the notion of a stencil to decompose the addressing scheme of the data graph, so as to obtain a natural partition of the cell set into finite pages.
5. To have a finite-variance Monte Carlo calculation, we must change the method of sampling.
6. We know the question to be settled in the following sections is the extent of this dependence.
7. If the matrices to be multiplied are Boolean rather than numerical matrices, same results hold for the lower bounds if bit operations rather then four basic arithmetics are counted.
8. To begin, we put ƒ   (false) on the stop list.
9. To be precise, C is the set of partial functions from Z1 to Z2.
10. This example offers the opportunity to address a problem that is known to arise in the equational logic.
11. The eigenvalues are found to be the roots of the equation.
12. Such a system is said to have two different time scales.
13. Here A is the Jacobian matrix, which is assumed to have only real eigenvalues and a complete set of linearly independent eigenvectors.
14. A numerical scheme that can be proved to accept only stable discontinuities is said to be an "entropy scheme".
15. Outgoing waves are found simply to disappear without reflection.
16. In such cases the result is very rewarding; we obtain a simple expansion which is likely to be very helpful.
17. On the other hand, as we will see very soon, for time-bounded computations the question of nondeterminism versus determinism leads to the key open problems of complexity theory, which also turn out to be profound questions about the quantitative nature of mathematics.
18. The exact definition of R does not seem to be critical.
19. The collapse of the polynomial hierarchy has been used as an indicator of what is not likely to be true.
20. Yet, a unifying approach, where all of these phenomena can be dealt with, does not seem to have emerged.
21. It is therefore not surprising that they turn out to be a powerful tool in the study of analytic functions.
22. Resources already known to exist will be supplemented to an unknown extent by new discoveries in the future, as they were in the past.
23. We define our computing scheme to be conservative, if the mass increment, having been subdivided in any arbitrary way, is distributed over the various nodes of the grid without any residue remaining unaccounted for.
24. For a dense linear ordering to be suitable, it must have a sufficiently large group of automorphisms.
25. Every subgoal in a query must be solved for the query to be solved or proven.


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