В английском языке имеется четыре формы инфинитива, которые соответствуют
четырем группам времен: Infinitive Indefinite, Infinitive Continuous,
Infinitive Perfect
и Infinitive Perfect Continuous. Инфинитивы Indefinite и Perfect имеют,
кроме того, форму страдательного залога.
Active |
Passive |
Indefinite |
to read |
to be read |
Continuous |
to be reading |
- |
Perfect |
to have read |
to have been
read |
Perfect Continuous |
to have been
reading |
- |
В научной литературе наиболее употребительны формы Indefinite
и Perfect действительного и страдательного залога.
Перевод каждой формы инфинитива в отдельности затруднителен, а иногда
и просто невозможен, так как полное соответствие в русском языке имеют
формы tо
read --- читать и to be read -- быть прочитанным (читаемым). Однако
и эти формы не всегда могут быть переведены инфинитивом. Точные видовременные
значения сложных
форм инфинитива полностью выявляются лишь в контексте.
Частица to, почти постоянно предшествующая инфинитиву, может служить
удобным признаком для отыскания его в предложении, например, в тех
случаях, когда
инфинитив по форме совпадает с существительным или
прилагательным, например; experiment -- to experiment (эксперимент
-- экспериментировать); fashion--to fashion (вид, форма -- придавать
В ряде случаев, однако, инфинитив употребляется без to:
1) после модальных
и вспомогательных глаголов must, can, could, may, might, shall, should,
will, would, need, dare;
2) в обороте "объектный падеж с инфинитивом" после глаголов
чувства и восприятия
(например: I heard him speak. -- Я слышал как он говорит);
3) после сочетаний had better -- лучше бы, would rather (sooner)
-- предпочел бы
(например: You had better begin now. -- Начните
лучше сейчас);
4) после глаголов to let -- разрешать, позволять, давать и
to make -- заставлять
(например: Let me pass, please. --
Позвольте мне пройти, пожалуйста;
It made him laugh. -- Это заставило его рассмеяться).
Инфинитив в предложении может быть подлежащим, обстоятельством,
определением, дополнением, а также входить как составная часть
в сказуемое --
именное и глагольное. Будучи частью сложного дополнения, инфинитив
оборот "объектный
падеж с инфинитивом", а с предлогом for -- инфинитивный оборот "for-phrase".
Инфинитив может входить в состав сложного сказуемого, образуя оборот "именительный
падеж с инфинитивом", а также употребляться как вводный
член предложения.
Инфинитив в функции подлежащего.
Инфинитив является подлежащим,
если стоит в начале предложения, отвечает на вопрос "что?, что делать?",
а непосредственно за подлежащим или за относящимися к нему словами
следует сказуемое:
То understand this author is not easy.
Понять этого автора
Инфинитив в функции подлежащего переводится инфинитивом или
соответствующим отглагольным существительным:
To accomplish this work requires great skill.
Выполнение этой
работы требует большого уменья.
Примечание. Если подлежащее выражено инфинитивом,
а сказуемое глаголом-связкой to be + инфинитив, то связка переводится "значит, означает":
То help him is to help all of us.
Помочь ему значит помочь всем нам.
Переведите предложения. Обратите внимание на перевод инфинитива-подлежащего.
1. То define the varieties of English prose style is the purpose
of the chapters that follow.
2. To preserve a literary tradition under these circumstances
was doubly difficult, and it was not preserved.
3. Mary Stuart was detained in various castles for almost twenty
years, since to have restored her to her throne by force was
impossible politically
to have handed her over to the Scots for execution unthinkable
4. To say that mind does not exist in abstraction from body is
not, however, to say that mental processes do not exist.
5. To have overburdened the book with so many details would tire
the reader.
6. To render easy the movement of modern prose, to vary its structure
so that it shall not be monotonous, to add to its natural perspicuity
an exactness
which shall be unequivocal, demand great care and skill from
an author.
7. The second, more serious objection still remains: the system
of writing cannot adequately express the whole range of human
and to do
so even partially will require thousands of characters.
в функции обстоятельства цели и следствия.
в функции обстоятельства цели отвечает на вопрос "для чего?,
для какой цели?". Он расположен в начале или в конце предложения
и иногда вводится союзами in order (to) -- чтобы, для того
чтобы; so as (to)
-- с
тем чтобы:
Не has gone to England (in order) to perfect his knowledge
of English.
Он поехал в Англию, для того чтобы совершенствовать свои знания английского языка.
Не stood up so as to see better.
Он встал, чтобы лучше видеть.
Если инфинитив стоит в начале предложения, то непосредственно
за ним или за относящимися к нему словами должно стоять подлежащее
То understand this author better you should read all his
earlier works.
Для того чтобы лучше понять этого писателя, вам следует прочесть
все его более ранние произведения.
1. То supply the needs of the new
civilization a vast increase of vocabulary became necessary.
2. The natives cast about their shoulders a rectangular cape
so as to keep off the cold or merely for the sake of (1) elegance.
3. To think about the world we must first perceive the world.
4. In order to grasp the full meaning of a work of art we
need to know a great deal (2) more about the sources of its
theme and
than can
be learned by
the merely aesthetic approach.
5. To prevent the soil from being seized again by a few landowners
and to allow for the growth of population, a redistribution
of the fields
was to take place
every six years.
6. It would seem a truism that to be a linguist (scientific
or otherwise) one must first learn to speak many languages.
(1) for the sake of -- ради, для.
(2) a great deal -- много; здесь: значительно, намного.
в функции
обстоятельства следствия
обычно стоит в конце предложения.
Характерным признаком его служат наречия (too -- слишком,
enough, sufficiently -- достаточно), расположенные перед
прилагательным или
наречием, за
которыми следует инфинитив с частицей to.
Инфинитив следствия переводится союзом "чтобы" с
последующим инфинитивом. Все предложение нередко приобретает
модальное значение возможности
(или невозможности), которое в русском языке выражается
употреблением слов "можно", "может" и
т. п.:
The finds are too few to be spoken about.
Находок слишком мало, чтобы о них (можно было) говорить.
Инфинитив следствия может также вводиться союзом as с предшествующими наречиями so или such:
The rule has been so formulated as to be easily observed by everybody.
Правило было сформулировано таким образом, чтобы все могли легко его соблюдать.
Примечание. Инфинитив следствия от глаголов to form, tо give,
to yield и to make переводится деепричастием:
All these conditions combine to make the problem very complicated.
Все эти условия сочетаются (объединяются), делая эту проблему
очень сложной.
Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод инфинитива.
Найдите признаки инфинитива функции обстоятельства следствия
1. The resemblance
is almost too close to be accidental.
2. Most of the population of these islands are farmers, but
they do not grow enough to feed themselves.
3. In British Isles all the lakes are of fresh water, and
all bodies of water large enough to be called lakes are connected
with the
sea by means of rivers.
4. Italians, whether soldiers or (3) civilians, were too few
to leave any lasting physical trace on the population of
the country
5. Too little is as yet (4) known of the origin of the Far
Eastern peoples to enable us to determine accurately all
the racial connections
of the
(3) whether . , . or --- независимо от того. . .
ли; будь то. . .,
или ...
(4) as yet -- до сих пор, пока.
Инфинитив в функции вводного члена предложения.
-- вводный член предложения обычно расположен в начале или в середине
предложения и отделяется запятой
или другим знаком. Инфинитив -- вводный член предложения,
как правило, переводится: деепричастием с относящимися к нему словами
и инфинитивным
оборотом, начинающимся
с "если":
То sum up, we can say that . . .
Подводя итог, мы можем сказать,
что. . .
Если подвести итог, то можно сказать, что. . .
Часто такой инфинитив представляет собой уже застывшее выражение:
То put it another way, . . . Иными словами,. . .
В функции вводного члена предложения наиболее употребительны
следующие сочетания с инфинитивом:
to anticipate -- забегая вперед
to begin with -- прежде всего; начнем
с того, что; для начала
to enumerate -- если перечислить
to generalize -- обобщая, если обобщить
to judge from -- судя по, если судить по
to make a long story short -- короче говоря to mention --
если упомянуть
not to mention -- не упоминая
to name -- если назвать (упомянуть)
to put it another way -- иначе говоря, иными словами
to put it briefly -- короче говоря
to put it mildly -- мягко выражаясь
to put it more exactly -- точнее говоря to put it simply
-- попросту говоря
to quote -- если привести, приведем
to return -- возвращаясь, если возвратиться
to say nothing of -- не говоря уже о
needless to say -- не имеет смысла говорить,
нет смысла
suffice it to say -- достаточно сказать
so to say -- так сказать
to sum up -- подводя итог, если под-
вести итог to tell the truth -- по правде говоря
to take
an example -- если привести пример,
to use -- если употребить, употребляя
Переведите предложения, подобрав в списке соответствующие
сочетания с инфинитивом.
1. A great household (such as
Shakespeare depicts
in Twelfth Night or Lear) might consist of several hundred
persons -- family, dependants,
expert officials -- to say nothing of the scores
of guests and neighbours.
2. To put the matter in another way, word-symbols possess
the power of absorbing the meaning of the surrounding context,
can then be discarded without
appreciable loss.
3. To return to our play, it is evident that "Phedre" (5) is
the ideal type of a baroque tragedy, not only by its style, but by
its basic
4. To begin with, the concept of related languages was strikingly
confirmed by the existence in far-off India, of a sister
of the familiar languages
of Europe (Sanscrit).
5. To pass now from the outer form of words to their inner
meaning, there is again so much that is common to all mankind,
that we
cannot be surprised
find a number of correspondencies between languages widely
6. The harbours of Nagasaki and Yokohama, to mention only
two, are the most convenient.
(5) "Phedre" -- "Федра", трагедия Расина.
Инфинитив в функции определения.
функции определения следует за определяемым словом (обычно
это существительное), имеет форму
или страдательного залога и отвечает на вопрос "какой?". В
русском языке инфинитиву в функции определения соответствует определительное
придаточное предложение, начинающееся словами "который", "кто".
Инфинитив в функции определения чаще всего имеет
модальный оттенок необходимости, возможности или
значение будущего
времени и переводится с добавлением
слов "необходимо", "следует", "можно (нельзя)" или
глаголом в будущем времени:
This is the main difficulty to be taken into consideration.
Это -- основная трудность, которую нужно учитывать.
This is a rule not to be forgotten.
Это -- правило, которое не следует (нельзя) забывать.
Here is the text to be read by us next time.
Вот текст, который мы будем читать в следующий раз.
в функции определения может стоять после порядкового числительного
(the first, the third и т. п.), после слов
типа the last, the next,
the only или после сочетания подобных слов с существительным.
В таких случаях модальный оттенок необходимости, возможности
или значение будущего времени отсутствует. Время сказуемого
в определительном
в большинстве случаев зависит от времени сказуемого в
главном предложении:
Не was the first to pay attention to this peculiarity.
Он был первым, кто обратил внимание на эту особенность
(Он первый обратил внимание на эту особенность).
It was the first theatre to be opened in England.
Это был первый театр, открытый (который был открыт) в
At that period of time he was the only scientist to support this theory.
В тот период он был единственным ученым, который поддерживал (поддерживавшим) эту теорию.
Переведите. Обратите внимание на наличие или отсутствие
оттенка модальности. Объясните это явление.
1. The
earliest tablets to
be discovered were
of the native wood.
2. These printed lists contain material not to be found
3. The last problem to be considered is that dealing
with the tablets.
4. The first European (Magellan) ever to sail across
the wide Pacific was curious about the hidden worlds
his ship.
5. The choice of the road to be taken was not difficult.
The Army was moving northwards.
6. Kyushu was the first island to be greatly affected
by intercourse with Europe in the sixteenth century.
7. Evidently our power of making this comparison depends
upon our knowledge of the things to be compared.
8. The Globe playhouse was opened in 1599, and
it has been thought probable that "Julius
Caesar" was
the first Shakespeare play to be presented there.
9. It will be seen that while the idealist explanation
tries to relate the phenomenon to be explained
to some spiritual cause, the materialist
relates it to material causes.
10. Did human beings
always possess the power of speech? If not, when
and how did
they acquire it?
Are human
beings the
only ones to have it?
11. Moreover, it was not the classics themselves, as much
as the works of Italy and France above mentioned, which
had so important
an influence
on the poets
to be presently considered, particularly on Chaucer.(6)
12. Turning from the correspondences to be found in the
archaic parts of the vocabulary to the structure and
contents of
Modern English,
we find that a
very great change has taken place.
13. Only a few men in all the history of the world have
had the experience of descending, alive, beyond the range
light (into the
ocean). The
first to do so were William Beeb and Otis Barton (1934).
14. Under a strange sky, where there was none to render
us aid, we tossed about over the sea.
15. I suppose that there is more education to be had from
that remark than from an hour's reading of Ovid.
16. The first foreign language and English word count
to appear based on a scientific foundation was that of
Henrnon in 1924.
(6) Chaucer -- Чосер
(1340--1400), английский поэт. 34
в составном именном сказуемом.
Составное именное сказуемое
образуется глаголом to be, употребляемым во всех
временах Indefinite и Perfect изъявительного и сослагательного
в сочетании
инфинитивом с частицей to.
to b e + t о + Infinitive
Our task was to prove this
Наша задача состояла
в том, чтобы доказать это предположение.
Глагол-связка to be переводится "состоять в том, чтобы (что)", "заключаться
в том, чтобы (что)".
В настоящем времени связка иногда не переводится:
Our task is to prove it.
Наша задача -- доказать это.
Если подлежащее предложения выражено инфинитивом, то
глагол-связка, как правило, переводится "значит, означает":
То reproduce a phenomenon is to prove it.
Воспроизвести явление значит (означает) доказать его.
При переводе обратите внимание на время глагола-связки
to be.
1. Our aim was to include all pertinent information
came to
our attention
up to
October, 31, 1951.
2. The first business of grammar, as of every other
science, is to observe the facts and phenomena with
which it has
to deal; and to
classify and
state them methodically.
3. A first step in stylistic analysis will be to observe
such deviations as the repetitions of sounds, the inversion
of word
order and some
4. Their method of conquest was to make military roads
and to plant along them forts garrisoned by the regular
5. My concern here has been to show that a significant
difference separates these two types of Comedy.
6. The object of this little book is to explain by
examples how the different parts of speech are used
and to show
from their
uses how
they should
be defined.
7. To assign all the words of English to their original
sources is not to determine the mode of their entrance
into English.
8. The method of reading was, according to N., to read
one row from left to right, then come hack reading
the next from
to left.
9. In so far as (7) a foreign
language coincides with the native tongue, to study one is to study another.
10. The function
this staff
is to maintain the service of books to readers, to
assist in finding books and
to give advice in problems of
research or bibliography.
11. Our task in this case would be to find the
original picture.
(7) in
so far as - поскольку, насколько
Инфинитив в составном модальном
Модальное составное
сказуемое образуется
модальным глаголом (must, can, may, need, should,
ought и др.) в сочетании с инфинитивом как
с частицей to,
так и без
must, can, may, should+инфинитив to have, to
be, ought + to + инфинитив.
Употребление модальных и близких им по значению
глаголов с инфинитивом
Модальный глагол
и его заменители |
Форма инфинитива |
значение |
перевод |
Пример |
Примечание |
must |
Infinitive Indefinite |
необходимость |
должен, нужно,
необходимо, следует |
This paper must be typed.
Эта статья должна быть отпечатана на машинке. |
Иногда в значении
Не must be busy now. Он, наверное, занят сейчас. |
Infinitive Perfect |
Вероятность |
должно быть, вероятно
Не must have
missed the train.
Он, должно быть, опоздал на поезд. |
to have (to) |
Infinitive Indefinite |
необходимость |
вынужден, пришлось |
Не had to go
there alone.
Ему пришлось ехать туда одному. |
to be to |
предстоит, надлежит, суждено |
Не was to go there alone.
Ему надлежало ехать туда одному. |
Только во временах
Present и Past Indefinite. В сочетании с инфинитивами to be found,
to be seen, to be got, to be had имеет значение возможности:
magazine is to be found at any bookstall.
Этот журнал можно найти
в любом киоске. |
to be obliged
(to) |
обязан |
Не is obliged
to return the book to the library.
Он обязан вернуть книгу в библиотеку. |
to be compelled
(to) |
принужден, вынужден |
Не was compelled
to give up his studies. Он был вынужден бросить занятия. |
to be bound
(to) |
обязан, неминуемо должен |
Their plan is
bound to fail. Их план неминуемо должен провалиться. |
To be forced
to have got (to) |
принужден |
Не was forced
to sign the letter. Он был принужден подписать письмо. |
ought (to) |
Indefinite |
следует |
You ought to
know this rule better. Вам следует лучше знать это правило. |
Perfect |
бы |
You ought to
have done it earlier. Вам следовало бы сделать это раньше. |
should |
Indefinite |
следует |
You should ask
him about it.
Вам следует спросить его об этом. |
Perfect |
бы |
You should have
asked him about it. Вам следовало бы спросить его об этом. |
need |
Indefinite |
следует |
Не need not
come so early. Ему не нужно приходить так рано. |
саn |
Indefinite |
или умственная способность, уменье |
умеет |
She can play
Она умеет играть в теннис.
It can be easily done.
Это легко
можно сделать. |
could |
умел |
She could play tennis when she was 12.
Она умела играть в теннис, когда ей было
12 лет. |
Если вся ситуация
относится к прошедшему времени. |
бы, можно было бы |
I could help
you a little later.
Я мог бы помочь вам немножко позже. |
Если вся ситуация относится к настоящему или будущему времени. |
Perfect |
You could have
told me about it.
Вы могли бы сказать мне об этом. |
could not |
может быть, чтобы. , не мог бы |
Hе could not
have said so.
He может быть, чтоб он сказал это. |
to be
(to) |
Indefinite |
способным, быть в состоянии, мочь, уметь |
I shall be able
to do it tomorrow. Я смогу сделать, это завтра. |
Форма was (were)
able переводится совершенным видом глагола - смог, сумел - в
отличие от формы could - мог, умел:
They could swim and were able
to reach the bank. Они умели плавать и смогли добраться до берега. |
may |
Indefinite |
разрешение |
можно, разрешено |
You may take
my book. Вы можете (можно) взять мою книгу. |
Infinitive Perfect |
вероятность |
может быть + настоящее время глагола |
You may be mistaken.
Вы, возможно, ошибаетесь. |
возможно, может
быть + прошедшее время глагола |
Не may have
noticed my absence. Возможно, он заметил мое отсутствие. |
might |
Infinitive Indefinite |
с сильным оттенком сомнения |
возможно (но
вряд ли), может быть (но едва ли) |
Не might be
Возможно, он ошибается. |
Infinitive Perfect |
Не might have
noticed you.
Может быть, он заметил вас. |
to be
to be
permitted (to) |
Indefinite |
Разрешение |
разрешено |
Не is not allowed
to smoke.
Ему не разрешают курить |
1. При переводе обратите особое внимание на модальные или близкие
им по значению
глаголы, а также на форму инфинитива.
1. The conference was to take place in
2. You will have to overcome many difficulties in your work.
3. They were compelled to agree with us.
4. Your friend may not know that we are here.
5. You ought to know this author.
6. Where are these books to be had?
7. Tell him he need not be in a hurry.
8. You must have heard of him. He is one of the best singers in France.
9. We are obliged to let him know about it.
10. He must have forgotten my address.
11. The faults of this work are hardly to be denied.
12. This must be the book you were telling me about.
13. This unpleasant meeting is not to be avoided.
14. I felt that something is bound to happen very soon.
15. He may have forgotten about it.
16. Nobody was to be seen at the station.
17. He ought to have foreseen it.
18. You should have been born a hundred years ago.
19. He drew the plan of the building more skillfully than any one else could
done it.
2. При переводе обратите внимание на точное значение
модального глагола.
1. If, in the sixty years
after 1789, England was
to have a revolution
on the French model, most Englishmen believed
that it would begin in Manchester.
2. The slave-owners in Puerto-Rico were obliged
to render a monthly report of the number of slaves
fled to
the mountains.
3. The
adventurist policy of these countries was
bound to result in (8) bankruptcy.
4. As the Suez route (9) was yet to be opened, the
ship had to circumnavigate half of the globe
before reaching
the Pacific
These brave people
were compelled to fight for every inch
of soil.
6. It is also to be noted that in the inscriptions
and written documents of this period we
frequently find in
one country
forms and words that were later
to become distinctive of the other sections.
7. Such flower as this is not to be found in
this vicinity.
8. The reader should keep in mind (10) the
marked distinction between the two (11) processes.
9."The world is not to be comprehended as a complex of ready-made
wrote Engels, "but as a complex of processes
in which things apparently stable, go through
an uninterrupted change of coming into being
(12) and passing
10. Rousseau, (13) in his Contrat
Sociale and Emile (1760--1762) had first formulated
ideas which
were to
shake the foundations
of European society.
11. For his lord's sake (14) the retainer was bound
not only to lay down his own life cheerfully,
but to sacrifice
life and
of those
nearest to him.
12. This sonnet and the one quoted above need, in
fact, to be considered together.
13. An unfortunate outgrowth of the general-grammar
idea was the belief that the grammarian or lexicographer
basis of language and prescribe how people ought
to speak.
14. The origin of this art, so far as technique
is concerned, (15) is to be traced back to the
tomb painting
of Graeco-
Roman Egypt.
15. In 1820 Keats was compelled to seek warmer skies,
and died in Rome early in the next year, at the
age of twenty-
16. The new text bears many affinities with treaties
of the second millenium В. С.(16) In this
way it should further
the understanding
of this type
of literature, which is common to the whole of
Ancient Near East.
17. Dickens died on 9 June 1870, and before the
end of the year some half-dozen biographies
had been published, none
of which
need be
consulted now.
18. Near the wall we unearthed building foundations
on 12 sites, discoveries of which led to much
discussion among
our members.
Some of us believe
that the foundations uncovered may be the remains
of those palaces, but this will
have to be further substantiated.
19. Henry VIII (1509--1547) was the first king since
Henry V who did not have to fight a battle to
win or keep his
20. A similar origin should probably be assigned
to the extensive accumulations of sand, clay
and fine
which are to
be found on the coast of
(8) to result in
-- приводить
к ...
(9) The Suez route -- Суэцкий канал.
(10) to keep in mind -- учитывать, иметь в виду.
(11) the two -- оба, обе.
(12) to come into being -- возникать, появляться.
(13) Rousseau [ruso:] -- Руссо, Жан-Жак.
(14) for somebody's sake -- ради (для) кого-то.
(15) so far as ... is concerned
-- постольку, поскольку речь идет о ...
(16) В. С. (Before Christ) -- до нашей эры.
Сопоставление сочетания "to bе + инфинитив" в
различных функциях
1. Переведите предложения, предварительно
определив функцию сочетания "to
be + инфинитив".
1. The opposite view is to deny any philosophic
relevance to literature.
2. A series of events took place which within a
few years was to work a transformation in the island
3. These tales lack the artistic beauty of expression
of imagery which
are to
be found everywhere
in his
greater poems.
4. A second, not contradictory approach, is to
study the sum of individual traits by which this
differs from
5. The change which was to come over English poetry,
and the new style which was to dominate that
poetry for more
than a century,
owes its inception
this great poet.
6. Dickens was for a time editor of the London
and Westminster Review, and his purely literary
in the essay
are not to be ignored.
7. With the longer poems (of Shelley) went a brilliant
cascade of shorter lyrical pieces. To name them
is to mention some
of the sweetest
8. The aim of the dialectical method is to enable
us logically and consistently to express the
real interconnection
motion of things.
9. The mural paintings are by no means to be found
in all the caves inhabited during the Glacial
The great
in the
field was the creation of a department of archaeology,
whose function it was to
preserve the monuments
of Indian art and by excavations, to discover
more of them.
11. This serious problem is not to be disposed of
so lightly.
2. При переводе обратите внимание
на сочетания модального
с инфинитивом.
1. The process of creating a language must
been a very slow and painful one, stretching
out over thousands,
of years.
2. Actually tools of this kind may have served
a number of purposes, like the sailor's
3. Now the cave differs little from how it
must have looked in 1947 when it was first
4. It is easy to understand that the geologic
events of the Glacial Epoch should have
had far-reaching effects upon the earth's surface.
5. A few additional factors of geographical
character which may also have exercised
and influence on
artistic developments of
one sort
or another may
also be noted.
6. The dictionary shows that the number of words
which may have originated in this way is very
7. Britain in the fifth and sixth centuries must
have been a fearsome chaos of warring tribes
and kingdoms.
8. Some finds suggest that the first edition of
London bridge may have been erected in
timber before the Roman
(17) The Roman Conquest -- Римское завоевание;
завоевание о. Британии римскими легионами
в 43 г. до н. э.
в составном сказуемом
с глаголами, характеризующими действие.
Из глаголов,
характеризующих действие, наиболее употребительны
to be going + to + инфинитив -- намереваться,
собираться сделать что-л.
I am going to speak to him.
Я собираюсь поговорить с ним.
This time-table is going to be changed soon.
Это расписание скоро переменят.
to be about+to + инфинитив -- собраться что-л.
делать, начал было.
The train was about to start. . .
Поезд уже трогался. . .
He was about to answer, but at that moment.
. .
Он, было, начал отвечать, но в этот момент.
. .
Он готов был ответить, но. . .
Он собрался ответить, но. ...
Примечание. Предлог about в сочетании с инфинитивом
может употребляться в качестве определения:
were about to
consider this problem.
Мы собирались рассмотреть
этот вопрос.
The problem about to be considered
Вопрос, который собираются рассматривать,
Вопрос, который будет рассмотрен здесь, . . .
to go, to tend + to + инфинитив -- стремиться,
иметь тенденцию к осуществлению какого-л. действия:
The author tends to show that. . .
Автор склонен
считать, что. . .
Примечание. Эти глаголы чаще всего употребляются
для избежания категоричности стиля изложения и
в переводе
могут быть опущены:
All this goes to show that. . .
Все это показывает, что. . .
to come + to + инфинитив -- начать (стать) что-л.
делать, а также переводится глаголом с приставками "по-", "за-".
I have come to understand it only now.
Я стал (начал)
понимать это только теперь.
We came to love him.
Мы полюбили его.
to manage+to+инфинитив -- суметь, смочь, ухитриться,
удаваться что-л. сделать.
Не managed to overcome this difficulty.
Ему удалось
(он сумел) преодолеть эту трудность,
to fail
+ to + инфинитив -- не
смочь, не суметь, не
удаваться, не
быть в состоянии что-л. сделать.
The author failed to show this difference.
Автору не удалось показать это различие.
Примечание 1. Если существительное или местоимение,
стоящее перед глаголом to fail, обозначает
не лицо, то инфинитив
глагола переводится
с отрицательным значением:
These facts, however, fail to explain the
cause of the process.
Однако эти факты не объясняют причину процесса.
Примечание 2. Существительное failure в сочетании
с инфинитивом переводится: неспособность
что-л. сделать, либо существительным
с отрицательной
Failure to realize this fact . . .
Неспособность понять этот факт. . .
Непонимание этого факта. . . .
Примечание 3. Сочетание "cannot fail + инфинитив" переводится: не
может не . . .; сочетание "could not fail + инфинитив" -- не мог
не ... Также переводятся сочетания "cannot but, could not but + инфинитив":
He could not fail to be influenced by this
great painter.
Он не мог не оказаться под влиянием этого
великого художника.
used+to+инфинитив -- иметь обыкновение (обычно)
при прошедшем времени:
I used to write with this pen last year.
Я (обычно) писал этой ручкой в прошлом году.
would + инфинитив -- иметь обыкновение (бывало)
при описаниях в прошедшем времени.
She would sit at the window for hours.
Она, бывало, часами сидела у окна. Она имела
обыкновение. . . Она просиживала. . . .
Для характеристики действия употребляются
также и некоторые другие глаголы, например:
set out+to+Infinitive -- намереваться;
to be wont+to+Infinitive -- иметь обыкновение;
to cease+to+Infinitive -- перестать;
to go on + to
+ Infinitive -- продолжать.
1. Дайте точный перевод составного сказуемого.
1. As the Cave Four material flowed in,
it became clear that its bulk was going
to surpass
by far
anything found in the
first Gave.
2. Goethe
had come
to know a bookseller, Fromann by name,
with whose family and friends he found
it pleasant
art and literature.
3. Much to our surprise the seats for
the first concert were sold out in advance.
as I was
about to appear
the stage, the
lights suddenly went out, leaving
the audience in complete darkness.
4. Being a typical denizen of Russia,
where the slow agricultural tempo prevailed,
but be struck by the
pace of life he found
in England.
5. Great respect was paid (in Old English
times) to the art of alliterative verse,
and it was a
matter at least
for private
shame to have to
leave the feast (as Cadmon at first was
wont to do) before the
harp was reaching
because you were unable to sing.
6. Sinan (the ancient Arabian doctor)
organized a staff of physicians who would
go from place
to place
and administering
relief to ailing people.
7. However, with all his deep sympathy
with suffering in any shape or form,
the author
has somehow failed
to reproduce
in his
work . .
8. The statues which came from the
quarry -- to be described later -- used
to stand
on a platform
a yard and a half
across at
the top of the parapet.
9. Athens,(18) though still a centre of
philosophical study and thought, had
ceased to be of any
direct importance at that
10. The
art of picture
writing later was developed to a high
degree by some American Indian tribes,
who would
on the
bark of trees
complete pictorial histories of
their expeditions.
11. The force of this conclusion will
be apparent in the following chapter
when we come to
discuss the problem
12. Then, when that cave was explored,
the party would have to move on
to another, perhaps
of feet
above or
below, and start afresh.
13. This kind of attitude goes to
show that certain quarters in the
West are
not interested
in an
early settlement of
the issue.
14. As time passed, most of the
land that was reclaimed on the
came to
be held by a
few lords. As the nation
grew, these
reclaimed lands eventually
formed the larger part of its area. Then
as a reward for service or because
of some special influence
at court,
individuals would
be given estates
to hand down to their descendants.
15. Then it became clear that ten thousands
of pounds were going to be required to
save this fabulous
16. A year later (1887), Andre Antoine,
an amateur actor, founded Le Theatre
Libre in
Paris for the
of new plays which
failed to attract
the Commercial Theatre managers.
17. The
business of which he was a director was
about tо crash.
18. I never managed to get there, although
I spent some time in one or two of neighbouring
19. The wooded hills, the infinite variety
of mountain valley, of lake and harbour
and sea, could not
have failed tо develop
in some
of those
a sense of
the artistic.
(18) Athens
-- Афины.
20. This chapter sets out to describe
characteristics of English which are
not included in the
previous nine chapters.
21. By the middle of the nineteenth century
the nation was ripe for change. Rumours
of dissatisfaction
unrest were
to be heard. Some revolution was seemingly
about to take place.
22. This region does not consist of large,
smoky industrial towns such as one finds
in the West
of England, but
of widely scattered
towns in which
the wooden industry has managed to survive.
23. In my own country -- Sweden -- the
house snake was extremely common, and
only a few
years ago
there died
a farmer of whom
I know that
he was wont to
offer milk to the house snakes.
24. Sergey Gorodetsky writes that Khlebnikov
would give his manuscripts to anyone
who wanted them.
25. The author traces briefly the history
of Japanese poetry in the Nara period,
and then goes on to
speak of the more
26. Hugh (19) sent an embassy of twenty
four knights to inform the governor that
he was
about to arrive
repeat his demand
a suitable
(19) Hugh
['hju:] --
Гуг, имя рыцаря-крестоносца.
2. При переводе обратите
внимание на значение глагола to fail
и существительного failure + инфинитив.
1. The knight now attempted to
unsheath the sword
in his belt,
his arm failed to obey his will,
and he fell to the ground.
2. Wilde's (20) theory of life was not
a deep one, and his plays are consequently
a little
and, as before
fail especially in character-drawing.
3. The stone artifacts (21) fail
to show any consistency pattern
of fracturing
and could
easily have been
produced by one or
more natural forces.
4. He (Dickens) sometimes failed
as an artist, but the greater part
his work is sound
in this respect.
5. Failure to realize this fact
has led to many extravagant claims
by some enthusiasts.
6. These studies could not fail
to throw light upon many an aspect
history and
but their im
mediate interest lay in what they told
about human speech.
7. After his failure
to relieve
Nicae (22) the sultan had
withdrawn eastward
to gather
his own force
and to conclude peace and alliance with
the Emir.
8. No one, examining the evidence of
Greek failure, cultural and social-political,
fail to perceive
how closely
the two aspects
are interwoven.
(20) Wilde -- Оскар Уайлд.
(21) artifacts -- предметы, изделия.
(22) Nicae -- Никея, город.
При переводе обратите внимание на значения
глагола to use+инфинитив в зависимости
от выполняемой им функции.
1. The
men used to wear nothing but a wide belt
of beaten
2. The pictures which the Egyptians used
to record events and to express ideas
are called hyeroglyphics.
3. The children used to like sliding
down the sides of volcanoes on tobbogans.
4. Once all ships used to come up the
river to the ancient city, but now no
ship whatever
comes, and the
have gone away,
and their
wooden dwellings
have been pulled down.
5. The same tendency to use the novel
as a means of instruction or admonition
been used of late
by many authors.
6. When capitalism was still a progressive
force, bourgeois thinkers used to believe
that people
could know more
and more about the
real world, and so control
natural forces.
7. The signs used to indicate the tones
are the very simple ones.
Инфинитив в
функции второго дополнения.
После некоторых
в английском
следуют два прямых дополнения; одно из
существительным или местоимением, второе
-- инфинитивом. Чаще всего
такие конструкции переводятся придаточным
дополнительным предложением
с союзами "что", "чтобы".
Два прямых дополнения обычно принимают
следующие глаголы:
to order |
приказывать |
to make |
заставлять, способствовать (тому, чтобы. . .),
побуждать, делать так, чтобы.
. . |
to cause |
to force |
to induce |
to bring |
to compel |
to get |
to have |
to lead |
to let |
to allow |
позволять |
to enable |
давать возможность |
Примечание 1.
Инфинитив после глаголов
to make и to have употребляется без частицы
We made Mm return.
Мы заставили его вернуться.
Если глагол to make употребляется
в страдательном залоге, то после
инфинитив употребляется
с частицей to:
Не was made to return.
Его заставили вернуться.
Примечание 2.
Глагол to cause +
дополнение (не лицо) + инфинитив
залога переводится "служить (быть) причиной того, что . . .":
The earthquake caused these layers to be
Землетрясение послужило причиной
того, что эти слои сдвинулись (сместились).
Примечание 3.
Глагол to allow
+ дополнение + инфинитив страдательного
переводится "позволить (разрешить)" +
русский инфинитив действительного залога+дополнение:
The chief of the expedition allowed the
tents to be set up on the slope.
Начальник экспедиции разрешил поставить
палатки на склоне.
Глагол to enable + дополнение + инфинитив
страдательного залога переводится таким
же образом:
This enabled all the corrections to be
made in time.
Это дало возможность сделать все поправки
При переводе обратите внимание на
глаголы, стоящие перед инфинитивом.
1. Esarhaddon, in accordance with Assyrian
custom made the suppliants pay dearly
for the help given
for tribute
and takes were
imposed on their cities.
2. The American Indians, particularly
the Plain Tribes, had a system of gestures
that enabled
of different
tribes, speaking totally different
languages, to communicate with
one another,
and also with the white man,
3. His acts of violence had caused
him to be bitterly hated by the
natives who surrounded
4. Between the Coral islands in
the Tuamotu Archipelago, Magellan
his sounding
line to be lowered.
5. The use of the Chinese written
characters, which required a
different sign for
each word, was made
easier by introducing
signs for syllables.
This helped
to make the written language conform
more nearly to everyday speech.
6. The alteration of the position
of the accent had caused another
in pronounciation
to take place,
namely, the change of
the vowel into
[э] in the
second syllable.
7. In this part of the tool there is
an irregularly made hole of a size
large enough to allow
a strong cord to
pass through
for the
purpose of
8. Some opponents of that school would
have us believe that the historical
studies were
9. The warm climate and the mild temperature
of this part of the country caused
man in Early Palaeolithic
time, to
in the open,
and so he encamped
on the lower slopes of hills, or on
the sandy shores of rivers.
10. This author
the Basque in
group with the African
the Semitic
making the Caucasian languages to form
a second branch.
11. This porosity, added to the unbroken
violence of the winds, makes
all the trees planted on
the island
lead so
hard a life;
the only chance for them is
huddling together.
12. In as far as (23) this text
will help to an increased understanding of the
between king and
people and of the political
thought of the Assyrians,
it will enable the
debt owed them by succeeding civilization
to be more clearly appreciated.
The greatest contribution
of Coleridge's
Shakespearian criticism
is his continual insistence that every
work of art
must be judged by
its own organic laws. If this
sometimes led him to explain away Shakespeare's
faults or to
ascribe them to another
it also led
him to recognize
qualities which earlier critics
had missed.
14. In this part of the land it is the
universal practice to allow the
land to lie fallow
for at least two years
after a
single crop
has been raised, while
crops are raised from other lands.
15. Like many other hypersensitive children,
this boy could not, or would not, bring
himself to ask
for those
and his conscience
him from
reading them on the sly.(24)
16. At the same time maritime importance
of the Dutch caused a great many Dutch
and other
Dutch words to
be borrowed
17. Madness of jealousy in Othello causes
its possessor to destroy the woman
who represents everything
in the world
for him.
18. He loved to perform such experiments
as the one in which liquids of various
are made
to form
in a single
19. Most specimens were either carved
or impressed with characters giving
the name of a place
or person, leading
us to believe
they were produced
in professional
20. When the king heard that the awful
dragon was outside his very gates,
demanding food,
he had
his servants
give the beast
two sheep
a day (a
21. It is said that in 1219 Bishop Richard
Poore ordered an arrow to be shot from
the heights of
Old Sarum
and where
it fell ho
built Salisbury
as we see it now.
(23) in as far as --
поскольку, настолько
(24) on the sly -- исподтишка, тайком
Инфинитивный оборот, вводимый предлогом
for (for-phrase).
В этом
обороте предлог for
+ существительное в
общем падеже или местоимение
в объектном
и инфинитив с to образуют единое смысловое
целое, где инфинитив выражает действие,
субъектом которого
или местоимение.
for + smth/smb +
to + инфинитив
For the man to enter
For everybody to see
Такие обороты переводятся на русский
язык придаточным предложением, подлежащим
субъект действия, а сказуемым
-- инфинитив. Тип придаточного
предложения зависит от функции, выполняемой
оборотом в предложении. Чаще всего оборот употребляется
в функции обстоятельства.
В таком случае придаточное
вводится союзом "чтобы (для того, чтобы)":
For this material to be published this
year you must have it typed as soon as
Для того чтобы этот материал
был опубликован в этом году, вам нужно как можно скорее
перепечатать его
на машинке.
Оборот с for выступает также в функции
других членов предложения:
There isn't enough time for the material
to be published this year.
Недостаточно времени для того, чтобы
материал был опубликован в этом году
It is quite possible for this material
to be published very soon.
Вполне возможно, что этот материал будет
скоро опубликован (часть составного сказуемого).
The main problem is for this material
to be published as soon as possible.
Основная задача состоит в том, чтобы
этот материал был как можно
скорее опубликован (именная часть
Не asked for the documents to be sent
to him by post.
Он просил, чтобы ему переслали документы
почтой (прямое дополнение).
The only conclusion for him to draw was
the following.
Единственный вывод, который он мог сделать, был следующий (определение).
For his thesis to be published this year
is out of the question.
He может быть и речи о том, чтобы его
диссертация была опубликована в этом
году (подлежащее).
Если оборот выступает как часть составного
модального сказуемого, то в русском
переводе добавляются
слова "должен", "следует":
This is for the reader to judge. Об этом
должен судить читатель.
Обратите внимание на перевод оборота "for+существительное + инфинитив".
1. It is possible for a word to consist
of only one sound, as when you say "a" in "a house".
2. Arrangements were also made for large
numbers of books to be made available
in that reading-room.
3. He examined the problem and decided
that the only solution was for him
to return to
the order
of his
old life.
4. When the Heathen king of Kent Ethelbert,
heard of Augustin's landing with
some forty companions
he sent
orders for them
not to move off
5. Suddenly the painter appeared at the
door of the studio, and made signs
for the visitors
come in.
6. It is less easy for a common language
to make its way in a country like
Germany which for centuries
and which
had no capital.
7. Here, it seems to me, is another very
obvious and vital point (25) for
a specialist to explain.
8. It is well known, for example, that
with people who have often discussed
some subject
a few words
are enough
for them
mutually to understand
some very complex point, which it
would take many words for them to explain to
an outsider.
9. It must be almost unheard of for a
play to be performed at separate
places under
completely different
10. For tattooing to be perfect when the
subject(26) reached adulthood, it
had to be started early,
generally at
the age of eight.
11. The really important conclusion for
us to reach is that chance has played
an extraordinary
part in the survival
of the written
and graphic evidence of
the period under investigation(27).
12. The normal way in which culture continues
is for one generation of a society
to transmit its
to the
next generation.
13. I also believe that the general system
and terminology indicated briefly
in chapter I has enabled to state
many grammatical facts
more clearly
than has hitherto been possible.
But of this is for others to judge.
14. Though in natural circumstances each
race retains its own language, it
is possible
for a people to
abandon its
own tongue
and to take
another, and it
is also possible for foreigners to
be absorbed in large numbers without any
effect upon
the speech.
15. But the exceptions here are too numerous
for any rule to be stated.
16. Even in the second century trade was
not sufficiently organized for the
rural hamlets
to be supplied
with raw iron from centralized
17. It is impossible for an author, and
it would be impossible for the whole
body of
writers, to
at will the prevalent
type of
18. However, for any empirical data
to contribute much to an understanding
a complex phenomenon
like the
a second language,
they need to be
related to a fairly comprehensive
formulation of theory.
(25) point - здесь - вопрос
(26) subject -- человек, член племени.
(27) under investigation -- исследуемый.
Оборот "объектный
падеж с инфинитивом" (инфинитив
в сложном дополнении - Complex Object).
Оборот "объектный падеж с инфинитивом" употребляется
после определенных глаголов
и представляет собой сложное
из существительного в общем
падеже или местоимения
в объектном падеже и инфинитива.
действие, а существительное
или местоимение -- субъект
этого действия:
I wish my sister to help me.
Я хочу, чтобы моя сестра помогла мне.
I saw him get off the bus.
Я видел, как он вышел из автобуса.
Оборот "объектный падеж с инфинитивом" переводится дополнительным
придаточным предложением с союзами "что", "чтобы", "как".
При переводе существительное или
местоимение становится подлежащим,
а инфинитив
-- сказуемым русского придаточного
При переводе следует обращать внимание
на форму предшествующего глагола и на
самого инфинитива.
Infinitive Indefinite переводится глаголом
в настоящем или прошедшем времени, Infinitive
Perfect -- прошедшем
После глаголов to expect, to hope инфинитив
в большинстве случаев переводится будущим
We expect this book to appear on sale
very soon.
Мы ожидаем, что эта книга очень скоро
появится в продаже.
С оборотом "объектный падеж с инфинитивом" употребляются
следующие глаголы:
to desire
--- желать, хотеть
to expect
-- ожидать, предполагать
to hate
-- очень не хотеть
to hold
-- считать
to intend
-- предполагать
to imagine
-- воображать, представлять себе
to like
-- нравиться, любить
to judge
-- считать
to mean
-- полагать
to know
-- знать
should (would) like
-- хотел бы
to prove
-- доказывать, показывать
to want
-- хотеть
to reckon
-- считать
to wish
-- желать, хотеть
to suppose
-- предполагать
to assume
-- считать, полагать
to show
-- показывать
to believe
-- полагать
to think
-- думать, полагать
to consider
-- считать
to estimate
-- считать
После следующих глаголов инфинитив в
обороте употребляется без частицы tо:
to feel ----- чувствовать
to hear -- слышать
to notice -- замечать
to observe -- наблюдать
to perceive -- ощущать
to see --
to watch -- наблюдать
Обратите внимание на перевод оборота
объектный падеж с инфинитивом".
1. Historians suppose the name "London" to
come from two Celtic words.
2. We
sincerely wish good relations
to be established
between our
two countries, -- said one of the
3. In Middle Ages people believed the
earth to be the centre of the Universe.
4. We know Australia to be the only continent
situated in the southern hemisphere.
5. First we thought
the small island
be uninhabited.
6. Presently we saw
him emerge from the station, cross
the street and disappear into the building.
7. At the Central Station, from behind
a convenient pile of luggage the
men watched
the train come
8. The whole problem is so important
that I would like you to go over
the facts once
9. It was explained that, although several
authorities had included the Melanesian
languages in the Malay-Polynesian
family, Leenhardt
them to be
a separate family.
10. All other indications
showed death to have taken place
slightly later than the approximate time
put in the
11. It is a carefully prepared essay which
proves its author to be a man of
cultivation, taste,
imagination, education
and refinement.
12. We often hear people complain
that the materialists seek
to reduce everything
the world, including
life and mind,
to a system of soulless
This refers to mechanistic materialism.
13. Ever since I was a child I
have watched and helped the
men of my clan make their
That language
in Goethe
his contemporaries
achieved the highest excellence
of precision of flexibility,
we have seen in
our time under
the nazis
reach the very depths
to which
a language
can possibly descend.
15. Supposing this conjecture to
be well-founded, these objects
a peculiar interest
as representing in a certain
degree the actual work of the inhabitants.
16. In short, an examination
of the sources of the Modern
beyond the
contradiction the
once prevalent notion
that all modern European words were
derived from roots equally
old, and could
be traced back to a single ancestral
tongue, to be a mistake induced
by a superficial
uniformity presented by languages
to their speakers.
Оборот "именительный
падеж с инфинитивом"
в составном глагольном сказуемом
- Complex Subject).
Оборот "именительный
падеж с инфинитивом" образуется
из подлежащего (существительного
местоимения) и
сложного сказуемого, состоящего
из глагола в личной
форме и инфинитива.
Подлежащее Сказуемое
a) You seem
to know German.
б) The book is
said to be very interesting.
Особенность оборота состоит в том,
что действие, выражаемое инфинитивом,
относится к подлежащему,
а стоящий перед
ним глагол указывает на
отношение к этому действию
со стороны говорящего или вообще неуказанного
При переводе на русский язык английское
подлежащее переводится подлежащим,
инфинитив -- сказуемым,
а глагол в личной
форме -- неопределенно-личным
а) Вы, кажется, знаете немецкий язык.
б) Говорят, что книга очень интересная
(Книга, как говорят, очень интересная).
Как и
в предыдущем случае, этот
оборот употребляется
лишь после определенных
глаголов. Число глаголов, после
которых употребляется оборот, ограничено,
и их можно
разделить на три
1. Глаголы, употребляемые в действительном
to seem |
по-видимому |
to appear |
to prove |
оказываться |
to turn out |
to come out |
to happen |
оказаться, доводиться |
to chance |
2. Глаголы, употребляемые в страдательном залоге
to believe - полагать, считать
to say - говорить
to suppose - предполагать, полагать
to show - показывать
to think - считать, полагать
to report - сообщать
to consider - считать
to hold - считать
to take -
to announce - объявлять
to assume - допускать, предполагать
to state - утверждать, констатировать
to know - знать (известно)
to claim - утверждать, считать
to intend - иметь в виду, предполагать
to hold - считать
to mean - полагать, считать
to suffer - терпеть, допускать (чтобы)
to expect - ожидать, полагать, предполагать
to pronounce - объявлять, провозглашать
to estimate - подсчитывать
to find - обнаруживать, оказываться
to prove (28) -
to see - видеть
to observe - наблюдать
to feel - чувствовать, ощущать
(28) Значение глагола to prove в обороте
зависит от употребления его в действительном или страдательном залоге;
Не proved to be right. -- Оказалось, что он прав.
Не was proved to be right. -- Доказали (было доказано), что on прав.
3. Сочетания с глаголом to be:
be likely -
вероятно, может быть
to be not likely - маловероятно,
не может быть
to be unlikely - вряд ли, едва ли
to be sure -
конечно, несомненно
to be certain - наверное, обязательно
При переводе необходимо учитывать время глагола,
стоящего перед инфинитивом,
Не is considered to be . . . Считают, что он. .
Не was considered to be. . . Считали, что он.
. .,
А также необходимо учитывать форму инфинитива. Infinitive Indefinite
и Continuous переводится сказуемым в настоящем
времени, a Infinitive Perfect
и Perfect Continuous
-- сказуемым
в прошедшем времени; ср.:
Не is said to go to Moscow. Говорят, что он едет в Москву.
Не is said to have gone to Moscow. Говорят, что он уехал в Москву.
Примечание. После глагола to expect (to be likely) инфинитив
обычно переводится будущим временем:
Не is expected to
come tomorrow. Ожидают,
что он приедет
Переведите, обращая внимание на время глагола и форму
1. Engle, Saxon and Jute are considered to
belong to the same
Low German branch of
the Teutonic family.
2. Historians appear to know but little of his life.
3. In Tacitus chronicles the Germans are reported to
be people ploughing their fields.
4."The Jumping Frog" by Mark Twain is said to
have pleased its author best of all he wrote in that style.
5. Such places were held to be frequented by evil spirits
6. The religion of the English is stated to be the same
as that of the whole German family.
7. The bulk of the
people is said
have dwelt
the middle Elbe and on the Weser.
8. The name of Jutes happens to be still preserved in
their district of Jutland.
9. A number of German tribes appears to have drawn together
into the people of Saxons. These are known to have made
the land between
the Elba
and the
Ems their homeland.
10. The Island of Britain is known,
to have been revealed to the Roman
world by Julius Caesar in the year 55 В. С.
11. The peoples of all ancient civilizations are
known to have made maps.
12. Tiw, the dark God, to meet whom was death,
is supposed to have lent his name to Tuesday.
13. Great changes are expected to take place in
the economies of these small countries in the near
14. Coal has been known to exist in India since
1772, and is said to have been worked as far back
as 1775.
15. In 1611 Shakespeare appears to have retired
to Stratford for good.(29)
16. Latin was supposed to be the only language
worthy of study, and it was studied for a practical
Оборот "именительный падеж с инфинитивом" с
модальным глаголом. Модальный глагол в этой
конструкции обычно переводится неопределенно-личным
Our story may be said to begin here.
Можно сказать, что наш рассказ начинается здесь.
Can be said -- Можно сказать, что. . .
Cannot be said -- Нельзя сказать, что.
. .
(29) for good
-- навсегда,
(30) for. . . end -- c. . . целью.
Переведите, обращая внимание на модальные глаголы
и отрицания.
1. As regards (31) the
sound of words, we may
almost be said
to speak one language and to
write another.
2. There is one important class of words to which our
analysis does not seem to be applicable: proper nouns.
3. These plays cannot be said to represent an unqualified
4. Neither of the parties (32) can
be said to have inified or planned their actions.
5. Four departments
of the British
might justly be considered
to constitute the British National Library.
6. The
individuality which characterises any tongue may be said
to consist of
those general features,
which distinguish it from other tongues.
7. In this broad sense of the term all the literature
of the early nineteenth century may be said to be a product
of Romanticism.
8. If this can be shown to be true, it would greatly
improve our understanding of the original code.
(31) as regards --- что касается (в начале
(32) parties -- здесь: (враждующие) стороны.
Оборот "именительный с инфинитивом" в определительном придаточном
Если оборот стоит в определительном придаточном
(которые начинаются
словами which, that, who,
а также бывают бессоюзными), то инфинитив переводится
как сказуемое соответствующего русского определительного придаточного,
а глагол в личной форме, стоящий
перед инфинитивом, -- как вводное безличное предложение
типа: "как
известно", "как полагают" и т. тт.:
Then conies a group of ballads which are known to date from
the 14th century.
Затем идет ряд баллад, которые, как известно, восходят к
XIV столетию.
Оборот "причастие II от глаголов типа to think + инфинитив" и оборот "прилагательное
likely+инфинитив". Иногда определительное
придаточное предложение отсутствует и инфинитив стоит
после причастия II от глаголов указанного типа или слова
likely, выполняющих функцию определения. Перевод в этом
случае не отличается
от перевода определительного придаточного, причем слово
likely переводится как вводное "вероятно", а инфинитив после него
-- чаще всего сказуемым в будущем времени:
Now let us turn to the words likely to have taken their
origin in Latin.
Теперь обратимся к словам, которые, вероятно, произошли из
латинского (языка).
Now we shall describe some objects thought to belong to
this class.
Теперь опишем некоторые предметы, которые, как полагают,
относятся к этому классу.
1. The place of discovery was a hall which appears to
have been the king's throne-room.
2. In the fifth century A. D.
the one
that is known
to have borne the name Angeln or England lay in the district
now called Sleswick.
3. By far (33) the
greatest of this school of dramatists is Marlow who may
well (34) be said
to have prepared the way
for Shakespeare.
4. All the mental functions and activities which are said
to be products of mind as distinct from (35) matter,
are products of matter.
5. If details remain in which we disagree, they hardly
can affect the general picture of this art that our different
works will
be found to
6. Such ideas are, however, unscientific. Why? Because
they assert that the processes they are supposed to be
place without
any cause.
7. This is one of the oldest roads in England, believed
indeed to be prehistoric.
8. Cult-objects may also be identified
by the peculiar
known from other
sources to belong exclusively to some group of cultic
9. Japan had the drama, said in its very beginning to
have been associated with its religion.
10. The Classical Scholar will appreciate that the civilization,
reputed to have furnished Greece with many myths, was
very ancient and very real.
(33) by far -- несомненно.
(34) well после may, might -- вполне.
(35) as distinct from -- в отличие от.
Повторение оборота "именительный с инфинитивом"
Переведите предложения с учетом всех особенностей оборота.
1. Human beings seem to have had the power of speech
as far back
as history
can trace
them; and animals, while they can make certain limited
sounds and at times give them certain limited meanings,
cannot be said to possess speech in the same sense that
humans possess it.
2. When a book is greatly admired and often read, the language
in which it is written is likely to be imitated
to some extent by those who read it.
3. Practically, all of this material turns out under
careful scrutiny to have not only value in itself, but
relevance to the subject in
4. This reference to Greece must not however, be taken
to mean the Greek civilization of historic times, which
to a
much later
5. Very often, even many English-born speakers may be
heard to say that they pronounce letters, not sounds.
6. Later, Armenian and Albanese, and a few ancient languages
known to us only from scant written records, proved also
to belong to the
7. The date of the original composition of the play cannot
be determined. But it is proved to have been acted at
Dresden in
1626, and is commonly
to date back much further.
8. No modern writer would be likely to write the following.
9. The relative conciseness of Latin has been thought
to be shown by the fact that there are fewer words in
a Latin
sentence than
in a normal
of it.
10. In order to explain, or rather better to understand
the sudden and glorious rise of Elisabethan (37) literature,
it is necessary to take a glance at the historical
it, and which may be said to have done much to
make it possible.
11. The Chinese word for "mother", for instance, is "ma",
even though Chinese is not supposed to have any connection
with the languages of the West.
Further investigations
along the same
lines (38) are
likely to produce not only interesting information
the development
of Byzantine painting,
but also about the history of the whole European
13. Edward refused to admit baronial claims which were
not attested in writing or could not be shown to
have operated
since the
coronation of Richard I in
14. The Guildhall at Exeter, said to be the oldest municipal
building in the country, is well worth a visit.
15. These fragments proved to be parts of a few large
16. Articles of this description appear to occur in Germany,
and a number of specimens derived from the Island of
Ru:gen, and
to belong
to this
class, were presented for inspection by Mr. R.
17. Books of more lasting interest demand fuller treatment, (39) and
the presence of bibliographies, tables and illustrations
should be
on cards likely
to be consulted by research workers.
18. The lake-dwellers of the stone age possessed a species
of domestic dog of middle size, which they seem to have
much valued,
if the fact
that it was not
used as food, unless in cases of extreme need, warrants
such a conclusion.
19. From 1580--1596 appeared the plays which may be said to
represent the second stage of the Drama.
20. It is very probable that other deposits of the same
nature will be found in the neighbouring territory close
to the
same ancient
lake. This
seems to
be indicated by the remains of fossil animals recently
discovered near Ambrona.
21. The French Revolution, which may be said to have begun
with the Fall of the Bastille in 1789, was the outcome
of centuries
of oppression
and the ideas of reform were in the air long before its
actual outbreak.
(36) in hand (at,
on hand) - рассматриваемой (амер.).
(37) Elisabethan
-- периода правления Елизаветы Тюдор (1533 -- 1603).
(38) along . . . the lines -- в направлении, в области
(39) treatment -- обработка в библиотеке.
Повторение инфинитива
Переведите. Определите функции инфинитива в
1. These conditions are sufficiently homogenious to be grouped
2. Sanscrit, the earliest of the Indo-European tongues to
make its appearance in written form, definitely displays
the pitch-accent
(40) pattern.
3. There is a distinction to be made between these classes
of words.
4. He was the first English painter to portray his native
countryside so sincerely.
5. The second book, to be published shortly, will deal
with the history of the national-liberation movement,
6. These writers were no pedants. They were practical men
who were accustomed to use their pens for practical
purposes, and
who wrote
to make themselves
understood, not to display their cleverness or learning.
7. To begin with, dialectal varieties are as numerous in
Tuscany as anywhere else in the peninsula.
8. But the exceptions are too numerous here for any rule
to be stated.
9. A name, to be a complete word, must, as the logicians
put it, possess both denotation and connotation.
10. It
is significant,
over most of England and the Lowlands
of Scotland the language which came to predominate
was English.
11. This ornament is to be found later in the group of Shibe
in the Altai.
12. To consider in turn each of the predecessors of
Byzantine culture, which did or could affect its
development, and
to give a general
outline of the character
of the contribution of each is the aim of this chapter.
13. In 1542, nearly fifty years after Vasco da Gama rounded
the Cape of Good Hope, the Portuguese reached Japan,
the first Europeans
its shores.
14. A few additional factors of a geographical character
which may have exercised an influence on artistic developments
of one sort
or another
may also be
noted. ,
15. More
curious is the mixture of "literary" and "colloquial" styles,
of "high" and "low", to use
the eighteenth- century terms.
16. This work was compiled by a learned monk named Dionysios
of Fourna, who appears to have lived at the end
of the fourteenth century.
17. The vital problem is to examine the premises on
which he based his conclusions.
18. Even at the beginning of the seventeenth century
the Confucian scholars used to shave their heads
like Buddhist
19. It remains, however, for much of this material to
be published in an easily accessible form.
20. To his sovereign or lord a man was bound to be faithful,
to his parents dutiful, and to his elder brother respectful.
21. The tomb of Shakespeare is in the chancel. A flat stone
marks the spot where the bard is buried. There are four
lines inscribed
on it,
said to have been
written by himself.
22. The population was divided into a number of different
classes: serfs were to be found, and slavery existed.
23. To prepare civil officials, schools were established in
the capital and provinces.
24. The only remaining traces of these tribes are pit dwellings
and shell mounds, and they must have been in the most
primitive stages
of culture.
25. The people of this period are supposed to have lived in
huts of skins, leaving no traces behind them.
26. In olden days the swordsmen (41) used
to travel all over Japan in order to perfect themselves in this art.
27. The essential fault of this work is to be found in the
very plan.
28. The captain managed to secure his sextant, but when he
went back for his chronometers, the chart-room was too
deep in water
for him
to be
able to reach
29. A distinction which one might be tempted to make from
our material is that between literary and everyday language.
30. The country was torn to pieces, as it were, politically
and socially. All over Japan the feudal lords were at
war with one
another, The
masses must have
suffered very much.
31. Turning now from prose to poetry, we have to inquire,
what are the characteristics of Modern English verse which
the nature
of the
has permitted or compelled
to acquire?
32. The occasions when a Japanese samurai was bound to commit
suicide were innumerable.
33. In addition to the local and
unimportant peculiarities
be found in the British Isles, many different dialects
must be springing up in
other parts of the world.
34. My chief object in writing this chapter has been
to make the reader realize that language is not
exactly what
a one-sided
with dictionaries
and the usual grammars might lead us to think, but a
set of habits, of actions, and that each word and each
sentence spoken
is a complex
action on the part
of the speaker.
35. Much of the material a biographer ought to consult, moreover,
is widely dispersed or difficult of access.
36. As a rule, the poet is believed to be governed by language
more than he governs it.
37. To assign all the words of English to their original sources
is not to determine the mode of their entrance into English.
38. The dictionary shows that the number of words which may
have originated in this way is very large.
39. The attempt is sometimes made to fix laws or rules for
correct English in disregard (42) of
the fact that the language changes,
and that the standard
correct expression cannot be made to depend entirely
on the use of an earlier time.
40. All the principal species of animal now raised for food
seem to have been domesticated already in the Near East
and Europe
by societies
in the
neolithic stage.
41. The polished stone celt (43) used
to be regarded by archaeologists systernatists as the type fossil of
the neolithic
And it was of course used
by most but all(44),
neolithic societies, for carpentry, as in mesolithic
42. The student may well (45) feel
a little disappointed that, after listing as a topic "a survey of
the languages of the world",
linguistic science turns out to be able to give so
little information about so
many of them.
(40) pitch-accent -- музыкальное ударение
(41) swordsman -- фехтовальщик.
(42) in disregard -- несмотря на, не принимая
во внимание.
(43) celt -- каменное или бронзовое долото
(44) most but all -- здесь: едва ли не все.
(45) may well --
вполне может.
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