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Name: «Intermediate genres» in the creative laboratory of a literary artist: on the investigation methodology (based on A.N. Maikov’s diary for 1842-1843)

Authors: Sedelnikova Olga Viktorovna

National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University, Tomsk, Russian Federation

In the section Study of literature

Issue 1, 2014Pages 63-70
UDK: 821.161.1:82-6DOI:

Abstract: In accordance with the current trends in the literary studies, the present work investigates the methodological principles of studying diary texts as valuable intermediate phenomena where the most important aspects of writers’ outlooks and idiosyncrasies of their poetics and aesthetics evolve. Within the selected approach, it is not so much the diary itself that is the object of investigation, but rather the author’s personality that finds there its manifestation.

Keywords: ego-document, diary, outlook, aesthetics, a.n. maikov


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